Jfet BOZ

Mr Mod,

You are a devilishly nice guy:)

-something like this - right??


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Zen Mod said:

don't make mistake as few others....... that 25K on input is volume pot,not trimpot
In order to appeal to Strauss-Meister I ve build a little balcony to support a ZM-approved Pot at the input. I'am very satisfied with the result, very satisfied with me, very proud,...:) :D
And it works.

This afternoon I observed something strange. After several connecting, deconnecting, reconnecting, etc. inputs and outputs, It appears that one channel became suddenly sort of nice White-noise generator (with little music playing in the background).
I replaced then all the Jfets of the said channel : and no white noise anymore.
Is that a typical case of blown Jfet?

Would it be a good idea to put some (zener) protection at the input?


Its very hot here in Vienna; we have at least 25° above ambient I guess.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Manu said:


Would it be a good idea to put some (zener) protection at the input?


Its very hot here in Vienna; we have at least 25° above ambient I guess.

who cares for ya........at least when I think that we aren't so far away...

it's hot to me ,too ;)

edit :
there is no input protection which will be effective as little brain usage....... :devilr:

make a habit: always power off all gadgets you want to mess with ;
always make contact with hot tip on case of device where you want to connect that silly connector