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GB for Hiraga Le Monstre 2024

@lohk - I've seen packages take 2 weeks within the EU, and at other times it might only take 3 days. So I think if I hold it until you let me know I can send it then? Is that OK with you?

For everyone else I aim to get them out same day/next day. 3 packs were sent out earlier today.

Just a couple of set of cosmos pots left.

@lohk thats no problem. I have the post label for you pack, but will hold it until next Friday.

Another 3 packs are gone out this morning.

I wanted to let everyone know I sent paypal invoices in the first instance to those who wanted the Tokyo Cosmos pots - to give people a chance to say they wanted a set and save on shipping. I will send the remaining paypal invoices in the coming days.

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Hopefully Fran will find some time after the GB to measure this :

241026 Le Monstre Family.JPG

And then we can also publish.
Hopefully before X'mas.
