Funniest snake oil theories

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aaah yes that old chestnut, 'i've been around a while, so your reality need not apply to me'. good one!

What fallacy is that? That some BJT, MOSFET or JFET sound better than other to some people or that some drivers sound better to others? Why do some people "roll" tubes constanly for better sound? Why do they go back to using an old tube that they've already heard? It's what they like!

that would be THE pathetic fallacy, its a literary device and has wide application in science as well. the 'nano-carbon' resistor that recognises what electrons are destined to sound good and only lets those ones pass; is but one example. It can also apply here, as broadly as the constant use of emotional language to describe technology.

nothing to do with price, its plain vanilla nonsense. but you are right to ask the question, I wasnt very specific with which particular pathetic fallacy I was referring to, now more than ever (since the merge) the thread is full of them.

'better' constructed parts just cost more, better conceived designs with fairly ordinary parts, win out over bling any day.

I truly have no idea where you pulled the rest of your paragraph from to reply to me...
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Joined 2004
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Pano, I'm the first member to join
That's cool - I wondered who that might be. Nice to meet ya!
One thing is for sure with in reason, better parts make for better sound.
Agreed, within reason. The trouble comes when reason goes out the window, and who knows were that window is? Some folks think that super-duper high $$ cables are reasonable, others think anything more than zip cord is a waste of money. Some think fancy gold fuses are a reasonable cost, other think it a big waste of money.

In the Hi-Fi industry sorting the wheat from the chaff isn't easy. It may be easy for one particular person, but hard to get a group of people to agree on what's what. Thus we see the so-called Snake-Oil merchants trying to sell overpriced, useless gadgets to folks who don't know better.

What's reasonable? John Curl thinks all sorts of esoteric devices are reasonable (or he pretends to). Jan Didden, SY and a lot of other rationalist don't. The old cry of "Your system and your ears are rubbish" is certainly reasonable for some folks - but it can't apply to everyone.
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You guy take things out of context. I said that I was the first memeber to make a point that I have been here for a long time and to point out that I have seen a few systems while on, not that "things" don't apply to me or I'm special. I'll be the first to admit that I"m very far from special.

Some folks think that super-duper high $$ cables are reasonable, others think anything more than zip cord is a waste of money.

I made a $6 interconnect (IC) and a/b it's with my friend's $2500 Shunyata interconnects (he was there during A/B test). The $6 came close. The $6 IC was more than just a wire through a jacket connected to RCAs. There was some theory behind it. It did take me about 6 hours to make the cables. What's that worth? Problem with my cable is that it's fragile and there is no other way to make it, but as designed. Start adding this or that and it's not the same cable. The Shunyata bested my cable and is very sturdy and probably took some reseach to accomplish. There's value in that result. $2500 worth, I don't know. Who am I to say?

We also tested a basic MIT and another IC that I can't remember. We agreed there was a definite heirarchy in sound quality. The Shunyata owner couldn't believe the difference in cable quality. Everyone was honest about what they brought and heard.
No one jumped out a window. :D

I don't know how else to put it. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. All I ever said in the beginning was "try it".

Look guys, I'm going to drop out of this thread. I'm not adding anything of value and am not telling you something that you don't already know.

See you somewhere else!




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Actually, there was a time when cables had both an outside screen ground connection between two ends, as well as a separate inner screen that was connected only at one side, to avoid screen hum and noise current.

This cable was supposed to be connected with the screen connection to the source, and therefor had an arrow to indicate which side should be at the source and which end at the destination.

A perfectly sensible technical measure that has degenerated into a perfect example of Cargo Cult...

.............What fallacy is that? That some BJT, MOSFET or JFET sound better than other to some people or that some drivers sound better to others? Why do some people "roll" tubes constanly for better sound? Why do they go back to using an old tube that they've already heard? It's what they like!...........
Seeing as valve amplifiers are either low or zero negative feedback, valve rolling is almost certain to change the sound, with different gm, output resistance, working current and microphonics. No objectivist engineer would be surprised at all
Joined 2004
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Look guys, I'm going to drop out of this thread. I'm not adding anything of value and am not telling you something that you don't already know.
Good grief, Vince. When has either of those two things stopped someone from posting in a thread? :p

As for interconnects, they can be surprising. It can be hard, if not impossible, to tell copper from brass from mud from wine from water. I have a thread about that.
Joined 2000
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It can be hard, if not impossible, to tell copper from brass from mud from wine from water. I have a thread about that

There is a video on YouTube of a few ICs tested. One IC is a wire hanger.

Audiophile Death Match (Repost) - YouTube

When has either of those two things stopped someone from posting in a thread?

I don't like to be burden or wear out my welcome.
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I think we can all agree that some "audiophile" things on the market are just ridiculous. Ridiculously priced 100x what it should cost just because it's marketed to the elite of audio lovers, the audiophiles.

So I'll kick off this "Audiophile Ridiculousness or Not" discussion with...

A $54 3.15a fuse! Audiophile grade 6 x 32mm fuse.

Thats just absurd right? Who buys this racket?

The fuse is equipped with rhodium-plated OFC copper caps and a special low-inductance copper alloy conductor, ceramic body with special damping filler.
you have to wonder how these crooks are in profit
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