Funniest snake oil theories

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Keef would eat the twinkie and smoke the roach.

Let's do an analysis :

-Keith is a concentrated coke bar, but way past the expiration date
-As Woody Harrelson would say : believe it or not, but Twinkies have an expiration date (© Tallahassee, Zombieland, '09)
-A cockroach is a concentrated protein bar, also has an expiration date

Ergo, the zombie will devour the other two, but by the time the sun hits, Keith loses his make-up and turns out Johnny Depp in disguise.
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Something occured to me the other day. Professional speaker cables sold on reels (or already made up with Speakon connectors attached) have surprisingly thin conductors. There are no arrows on the cables to show which end the speakers should be. The Speakon connectors have quite small contacts. Yet these cables are routinely used in installations with amplifiers delivering hundreds or even thousands of watts.

On the other hand, a 5W SET valve amp needs conductors and connectors that would not look out of place in a power station. I suppose asking for an explanation is pointless.
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Joined 2004
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You've got it! When you have 1000s of watts, you can afford to lose a few. But with 5W? Every one counts. Especially the first one. ;) Therefore bigger, better cables are needed for lower powers.

Were do you think they are more sensitive to water loss - Seattle or the Desert?
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I'm from ft worth, and I miss the good music coming out of austin,huston beoumont... Etc.

Sorry for the off topic

Off topic -

Yep, with all the people moving down here, half this country will soon claim their Texas citizenship. ;) The music never stops down here. :) After a hot day, nice to sit outside and sip a cold one. The city park is just over the tree line from my house. On Juneteenth, I sat outside on the back porch and heard this great jazz band playing at the celebration in the park. It was free and had a great time.
half this country will soon claim

Did someone say Texas ?
Y'all have a stumpin good time, ya hear.

(but as Brian Donaldson may fully agree on, if you don't, someone outside may unplug every single tooth from your mandibula & maxilla, rip the longhorn off the hood of your truck, and plug it firmly in your rear female receptacle)


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First, get yourself a GOOD PAIR of loudspeakers, several thousand dollars worth. Then get at least, a $2500 power amp, and some sort of GOOD source, like an OPPO 105.
IF you have not even attempted to approach that level of hi fi, then you DON'T and won't get much out of Bybees, or any other relatively expensive tweak or mod. So get over it!
my system costs ~$10000. I don't hear differences in cables or other voodoo tweaks. what do I do now?

My 'good intentions' have made me a 'hero' to thousands of audiophiles. They are like what some people feel, who have lived with a cheap beer, finally having an alternative (although slightly more expensive) brew to drink. Of course, a number of others will stick to 'Tree Frog' or whatever local beer is cheapest (MP-3) and still be happy.
I do try different beer brands on a constant basis. except for the imported ones (which are more expensive for obvious reasons), there's not much correlation between price and taste. actually, I find myself returning to cheaper alternatives. and I do notice people constantly buying the more expensive ones, although anyone who can tell different beer brands apart would notice they're inferior.
Joined 2007
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Did someone say Texas ?
Y'all have a stumpin good time, ya hear.

(but as Brian Donaldson may fully agree on, if you don't, someone outside may unplug every single tooth from your mandibula & maxilla, rip the longhorn off the hood of your truck, and plug it firmly in your rear female receptacle)

Nice mug, skipper! Who's dingy??

Rumor has it that SY has "Come and take it" tattooed on his left cheek from his stint here in Austin. Just rumor, of course. :D
Something occured to me the other day. Professional speaker cables sold on reels (or already made up with Speakon connectors attached) have surprisingly thin conductors. There are no arrows on the cables to show which end the speakers should be. The Speakon connectors have quite small contacts. Yet these cables are routinely used in installations with amplifiers delivering hundreds or even thousands of watts.

On the other hand, a 5W SET valve amp needs conductors and connectors that would not look out of place in a power station. I suppose asking for an explanation is pointless.

Not quite sure where you buy your professional speaker cables but mine are 4mm^2 (11 gauge) and speakons are rated at 50A so the contacts can't be that small. According to wiki they are electrically much more robust than TS jacks aka 1/4" mono jacks.
Joined 2007
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Back on no answer on why the dearth of solid, scientific data on tweaks? Why so elusive??? Sorry, but over the years I just became too skeptical after I used what really works to get better sound from my equipment.

Case in point...those Kimber cables with the tarnished copper. I started hearing a mellowing of the sound and then I wondered what happened to the sound of triangles..cymbals...etc.

Replace the Kimber cables with new cables (Canare)...bang! Major improvement.
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over the years I just became too skeptical after I used what really works to get better sound from my equipment
guy on a forum keeps telling people about the major improvements he gets from specialty power plugs on his already close to perfection system. one day he disappears from the forum and upon return confesses that he bought... new speakers.
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