Funniest snake oil theories

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You need 450 Watts to make your 93 dB speakers sound better.

Hmmmmm! Ah well such is life, this is what you find, etc etc


Of course, for "dynamic headroom", for extra fast "cymbal attacks" and other transients. Understanding how capacitors work and what their function is in a modern amp or power supply would probably blow their minds as powerfully as a 450 W signal into 93 dB speakers
Our unique RADIOLITHIC ACTIVATION process, applied to the finest Corinthian copper, results in the relocation of deathnium centers into the energy traps created by itenerate neutrons in the subatomic lattice of the element (and all metallic conductors).

Through this process of 'filling' the energy traps, we reduce the tendency of phonons (which may be thought of as randomly moving, elastic, thermal masses directly affecting electron transmission), to suffer nonlinear energy distribution, therefore distorting the quantum energy levels of electrons across the potential gradient.

Nonlinear energy distribution, which we have now overcome as a product of extensive research, is the first cause of unimpressive and eventually fatiguing sound from a high quality audio system. Failure to address this recently discovered cause is the reason why other cables don't work well, or at all.

The end effect of our RaLi activation process is simply to restore what was once, near the beginning of time, elemental copper's original subatomic behaviour, thereby amplifying phonon coherence and reducing the associated quantum bunching phenomenon in the electron stream.

The difference, if it were visible, would be as though the listener was looking through a piece of glass from the 17th Century, but suddenly now experiences a vision as through an optically flawless, clear sapphire window.

With use, and it does take some time depending on the characteristics and power level of your signals, these conductors become increasingly admittive of the most finely-divided nuances in your media so that they are transmitted faithfully from one unit to the next instead of being converted to noise as in all other cabling.

Completed cables are available with appropriate connectors, or in bulk, for all signal levels from the microvolt source through kilowatt output range.

Should one desire an immediate result with no working-in at home, we can flash-calibrate your cables precisely according to your intended use -please inquire as to lead time as CERN beamlines must be scheduled well in advance. Our Flash Calibrated products are certified 100% CERN-Demon free.

Contact us for pricing.
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Anyway, after reading many crazy stories, i ended building crazy cables as Grand Master Evolution from Speaker Cables :
i was given 4 kilometers of used wire and worked 3 weeks long building 2x3 meters long lines (weight = 17 kilogramms / aka 34 lbs) :radar:
really stunning ;)
Lots of details, lots of softness, silence, energy are NOW in the room ...
Try it !
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Our insanity with "miracle" electronic devices is moving inexorably into other industries...witness, the "Onboard Diagnostics Oxidation Interface"...simply plug this small device into your OBD2 socket & enjoy your electronic oxidation protection!
the ...ho boy!

1) One particular snake oil theory is the belief if somehing emits a radiation, it MUST be carcenogenic! For instance, many people strongly object to having their food reheated using a microwave oven. They insist it is full of carcenogenic radiation!

Needless to state, they are proud of their stance, and would not budge whatever scientific information is presented to them.

2) Another snake oil theory widely held by many, is the belief natural foods do not contain chemicals! It is useless arguing with such people that everything is a chemical, and that, natural foods can too have naturally produced harmful ingredients.

3) Yet another one, is the belief that one may die naturally in perfect health. I still remember someone claiming a person suddenly died of a heart attack and insisting they had no health issues. These people refuse to understand, the heart stops for very serious health issues.

4) Another one that was in the news just before the LHC started nuclear research is colliding high energy particles may become microscopic black holes and devour the Earth! The counter argument by scientists was that we are already bombarded by extremely high energy particles with nothing of the sort happening.

5) The infamous eye-exercises for shortsightedness and longsightedness! Some websites claim eye exercises can normalise vision. They often propose exercises for the eye muscles which rotate the eyeball! Focusing issues are due to the internal eye lens not being able to get thinner or thicker to focus incoming light to points on the retina.
There are more, the internet is full of quack theories, medicines, cures, magic potions, including many that claim to cure cancer. Then there are the numerous shampoos and other beauty aids, the marketing on some is hilarious.
And there is a BIG part of the problem:
My view on marketing is best described by the following...
Bill Hicks on Marketing - YouTube

But then we are surrounded by myths and beliefs that are often wrong, such as:
Bees can only sting then die once whereas wasps can sting many times.
marce, honey bees have a barbed stinger and most often leave their intestines behind after stinging.....this results in death not to mention the inability to sting twice.
only honey bees though, so that is a partial myth....other bees such as bumble and carpenter can lay it to ya repeatedly!
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yes I know its only honey bees, but most people I know believe its all bees, that is the point I am trying to make, there are many beliefs we hold and learn that are not what they seem. I learned it was a myth many years ago from a bee keeper.
We had an infestation of white tailed bumble bees, last year in the loft above our bedroom, somehow the little buggers were getting into the bedroom, but only the ones that were rather quiet and died quite soon... Mrs wasn't amused, after a couple of months they disappeared and we had the wall re-rendered to avoid the problem this year. The constant buzzing was somewhat scary, was glad when they buzzed off:D
Another myth in the UK is photographing the actual wedding certificate signing, many venues say it is illegal, again a load of tosh, but a hard held belief despite not being true.
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