Funniest snake oil theories

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Does anyone measure how much a record gets magnetized?

Do you seriously believe that something delicate and esoteric such as LP magnetization could possibly be measured? ;-)

I've compared needle drops made before and after demagnetization and there are measurable differences - probably due to the fact that a LP is mechanically changed a little every time it is played.
I thought neutralizing static was tedious enough...MC was never considered in my systems. But having studied interconnects more now, I can see some benefits. However, I think I am getting the vinyl system sound benefits into the digital system now, I may not turn back as I originally thought.
I Have One Of These
Submitted by AnalogJ on Sun, 2015-12-27 15:06

I have used this on records, compact discs, and video discs. I have perceived some effect, but have found it lasts about 15-20 minutes. Fine for one side of an LP, but not long enough for a CD. I have to take the CD out about half-way through and do it again.

I was able to buy a demo for $100. I'm not sure I, personally, would have spent $275.

I have no idea if the Furutech does a better job.

Read more at You Can?t Demagnetize Vinyl But You Can Demagnetize a Record: The Furutech (alpha) and the Stein Music DE3 Record Demagnetizers | Analog Planet

Its even harder for this guy.... He only gets to listen to half a CD, maybe he should invest in a music server or a physiatrist.....
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