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Quick and dirty of the just finished pensil's. Driven by a near 30 year old CD player and then a TPA3116 and valve pre amp combo. First CD was Diana Krall - very nice vocals... no.... exceptional vocals, then some Pink Floyd Shine On Live - couldn't get through the whole Cd as the crowd in the background became annoying. Now onto some Steely Dan, Then and Now... very nice.

I think these will excel for acoustic/vocal etc ,maybe a bit bright for heavy rock with a lot of elec guitars etc.

Overall very happy with them though.

Pensil 7.3 by Steven, on Flickr
Quote: chris but a skilled craftsman could probably build something like this with hand powered tools - like in the old days

Oh ya the old days, I respect the guy who by-passes the table saw and picks up a hand saw to rip his 2"hardwood to length. Then there is the jointer, ah it will only take another hour or so to straighten and square 8 2" leg blanks with a plane I got time :headbash:Or wait maybe i will tablesaw/joint/plane have a smoke and a wobble pop i mean coffee. They say after 1000 dovetails you can do them in your sleep, can,t wait.
Jokes aside there are some things that can,t be done with power tools and there are some things that can be done better with sharp hand tools. I prefer to let the power tools do the heavy lifting, fine tune and refine finish work with hand tools.
Know i just need that SAND-IT-ALL power tool :)
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My Speaker

:smash:My Speaker:smash:


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Almost done Pensil and Maeshowe

I am currently finishing a pair of Pensil cabinets for a pair of Alpair 10.3. I veneered them in Sycamore and hopefully will have them finished in another day or two. I am also about halfway done with building a pair of Maeshowe towers that I am building for a pair of Alpair 7.3. On the Maeshowe I plan on doing an automotive type spray finish. I did this on another pair of speakers a couple of years ago using a HVLP spray gun and it worked out pretty good.

Here is a couple of photos of the progress so far.


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Yes, I must confess, it is. I used BB for the Pensil build, but used MDF on the Maeshowe. I have always been able to finish MDF better than plywood and it was about a quarter of the cost. My best/closest supplier of BB is about 40 miles away and I don't get there often. Thanks for the reply and sorry about the duplicate emails.
Hey Brookhart, seems we have similar interests.... Mine are Valiants with fe126en's. And the pencils are Alpair 7.3's. Not quite finished yet by the my new best friend... Chris B.. Ahem, credit where it's due.... Note the curved sides on the pencils.... I have Daves Magic dots on the Fostex.... And I think I need it on the Alpairs too. Get ready Dave...


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