Current candidate LXmaxi: 4" Faital-inside Admark LDA 401 array element closed box, placed over old 12" Aura on top of 25L steel can (notch7.7khz 0.28mH|1.5uF|10R; LPF140hz 9mH2.6ohmAircore). Somewhat high efficiency. Frequency response and detail resolution are both good, but I haven't yet warmed to the "Pro sound". Maybe micro-dynamic contrast/articulation a bit off, or the slightly "dry" taste, not sure.
I recently completed a build of tiny "Onkens" with Mark Audio Pluvia 7.2HD 100mm drivers (like DLugos Jan16 mMar-Ken7p ov8) for a friend. They are awesome and a spectacular value. I got just a small bump in bass ~90Hz when using the NAD, but the rest of the full range is excellent. My Black Ice amp drove them better with more grunt in the low end using EL84s (at the price of a bit of distortion). Dispersion is good enough, even as mains @ 3m listening distance; they throw a really nice soundfield. I didn't sense or measure any BDS issues... solid in free space. I did break them in driving continuouisly for 4 days before measuring. I think a sub for a 2.1 system will be needed to compliment these, at least with many amps. I'm pretty pleased, as is my friend.
The peak is at least partly room. If it persists with change of venue, some open cel foam in the vent slots may help.
These are the smallest miniOnken for this driver, bass will be sacrificed.
The same size miniOnken with A6.2PeN embarassed a pair of LS3/5A i had restored. In this case the nlargest box for the driver.
What did you use to get that finish?
These are the smallest miniOnken for this driver, bass will be sacrificed.
The same size miniOnken with A6.2PeN embarassed a pair of LS3/5A i had restored. In this case the nlargest box for the driver.
What did you use to get that finish?
Yeah, I'd like to measure again in their final location ~ a bigger room, but don't really have the chance. There is some damping back in the port already. Size is flexibility and part of the choice here for me. They are so good really. Finish is my favored look ~ Minwax true black stain finished with clear satin poly coats.
LX 15" EchoTech widerange driver (flat to 4.5khz) with Lxcopy (yes that's the brand) ceramic dome tweeter (or Al2O3, how to tell?). This pairing used to have plast-tape whizzer to boost tweeter a couple dB while controlling dispersion; cone straight-through, dome 1st-order capacitor, so aligned phase at XO but not acoustic centers. Over in multi-way discussing unaligned "coax" I had the idea of bouncing the tweeter in order to time-align acoustic center with the cone's:
So next holiday I may have to attempt a three-way comp!
So next holiday I may have to attempt a three-way comp!
Well it's past midnight here and I haven't stopped listening to music except for dinner. The Bouncer is insanely palpably holographically realistic. LX is quite good for relaxed listening. All without tweaking XO.
I need to unearth the 45L cabs and enlarge the holes.
I need to unearth the 45L cabs and enlarge the holes.
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