Frugel-Horn Mk3

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Unless I'm completely OTL, the Fostex box appears to be a cruel joke for the FE126e

The inspiration for the 4 litre design was Fostex's cruel joke.

Using the FE126 as a mid-tweeter with helper woofers opens up a huge range of possibilities, even more so if you bi-amp. I would put them in a suitable midrange TL (ie suck the back wave into oblivion) and XO to woofers suitable to budget/space/aesthetics at or even a bit higher than the natural roll-off of the FE126 in said line... i'd guess, 150-250 Hz. See Tysen & the MTM.

Frugel Horn Mk3 in Bangladesh!

Finished building my FH Mk3s today. Veneer and final finish still not done - giving them a good listen first.

The drivers I am using are MA CHP-70 gen 1. The tonal characteristics of this driver are quite similar to the CSS EL-70. Well now some listening impressions...

First thing that struck me was the bass - plentiful bass; in fact at times feels a bit too bass heavy on certain music. I have the bottom rear part of the cabinet roughly a foot from the back wall - guess I'll need to experiment with bringing the cabs out into the room more, or adjust the stuffing. The mids with this driver are very natural, top is less sparkling than CHR or Alps, but not inadequate. The FH MK3s do give an impressive sound stage - wide and tall, standing up I am getting as good (or even better - more open?) sound. Speakers work well with my tube gear and also the Class D amp I have. Tried a variety of music with these - tracks on Guitarisma sounded natural and tuneful as expected. Sultans of Swing from Dire Straits was exquisite. Vocals are very natural with his driver cab combo. Sound has a 3D feel to it. Next threw some heavier stuff at it - Joe Satriani's Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards - and again the FH Mk3 does nicely. I cranked up to 75+ db with 80+ dB peaks without problems. Listening to a lot of Progressive House music nowadays (where my other recent build, the Lotus^2 does really well), and the FH Mk3 can hold its own in most of the tracks at 70-75 dB levels. Bass on most these tracks was deep enough, but perhaps a just a bit dry with the Tripath amp.

All in all initial impressions are very positive - a very good sounding speaker, and the CHP-70 works very nicely in this design. I've made my one with removable baffles which does hurt the elegance a bit, but does give me the option to try out Alp 7.3s in these.

My thanks to Dave, Scottmoose, ChrisB and all others who have contributed towards this project.

Thanks Jimbro.

BTW, the FH Mk3s with CHP-70 are playing Slayer now... maybe that was not what the designers had in mind when they put this together, but very surprisingly they are coping at 72-75 dB quite nicely! Driving them with my Miniwatt which gives them a bit of softness/bounce to the bass. Pushed back towards the wall (10" inches gap), I am getting a nice full sound. Playing South of Heaven and while guitars might sound a tad less raspy, Mr. Lombardo's pounding drums are coming through. The pace is furious, speaker do not sound overwhelmed at this volume level. Already through 5 tracks in a jiffy...! And I am not getting listening fatigue.
OK, I said two pairs, one done, will start listening tonight.



here's another mk3, with removable supra baffle and removable top. so i can experiment with the damping and supra baffles (size, shape, color, and probably without screws, but magnets instead :) once i think the damping is ok, i will glue the tops.


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Last pair and I love them

I started listening to these a few days ago and I love them. They look similar to the other pair i made, but this has the 126 en driver from P10 in it. I have used it with the Virtue 2.2 and 1.2 as well as the Decware Taboo amp. Tom Petty never sound so good in his live concerts. I did throw on a nice speaker binding plate that I had laying around as well as some Electra tube connectors (over kill I know) and just let them rock. Supplement with a fast sub on the very low end and I am hook due to the smooth miss and voices coming from these. Its great and enjoyable.
Hi. I'm planning to build a Frugel Horn Mk3 here in Brazil using CHP 70 gen 2 drivers because by reading some reviews, the tone of these drivers will suit my taste better (not mentioning that they are cheaper than Fostex). The question is, that they being less sensitive, will an amplifier based on Tripath TA 2020 have enough power to drive them ? Otherwise I will have to use the Fostex ..... They will be in a small room 10x10ft. Thank you.
Hi. I'm planning to build a Frugel Horn Mk3 here in Brazil using CHP 70 gen 2 drivers because by reading some reviews, the tone of these drivers will suit my taste better (not mentioning that they are cheaper than Fostex). The question is, that they being less sensitive, will an amplifier based on Tripath TA 2020 have enough power to drive them ? Otherwise I will have to use the Fostex ..... They will be in a small room 10x10ft. Thank you.

With a room that size you should be fine with 10w or less.
Chris, if it's the above photo then those r virtue 2.1 and 1.2 amps. The taboo is being used around the house in all systems. It has been remodified to pentode mode only and no pre amp or other knobs on path. It was toast when I got it. Remanufactured by tube de force in the great white north to put out a few watts, new RCA, inside parts. Room in photo two up is a L shape and from tv back to wall is 24 ft. Side at narrow point is 14 at greatest is 22 ft.
Chris, if it's the above photo then those r virtue 2.1 and 1.2 amps. The taboo is being used around the house in all systems. It has been remodified to pentode mode only and no pre amp or other knobs on path. It was toast when I got it. Remanufactured by tube de force in the great white north to put out a few watts, new RCA, inside parts. Room in photo two up is a L shape and from tv back to wall is 24 ft. Side at narrow point is 14 at greatest is 22 ft.

So would you say then that the Decware no longer follows Steve's "unusual" (Lucid) output configuration? I had an occasion to hear one of these quite a few years ago, and notwithstanding a lower S/N ratio of the latter I frankly preferred a bridged pair of Zen Cs. It's hard to say if it was the 12AX7 input / driver* or the feedback & Lucid circuit that didn't quite float my boat.

*actually, AFAIC, a triode connected EF86 outshines the 6N1P, etc, but it's not a dual element tube, and rather complicates a tidy modification to the stock Zen chassis