Fostex FE103EN transmission line

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Krakatoa, that is a lot to think about. I will first build it and will post some pictures. I may take me a month or two but it will be done.

Again, Thanks to everyone. Here is the result. It is by far the best sounding pair of speaker I own. I am not, in any means, knows anything about music or sound technology but been seeking listening satisfaction for a long time. I don't think how these speaker sound have too much to do with the cabinet, it sounded great with out being in any box. In a big room most if not all the low frequency is lost but in a small room it sounds spectacular, bass and all. Luckly I have a small room I use as a office and now listening room. I have the pair hooked up to my Topping TP20 MK2, is sounds crisper than on my Rotel RSX-1057. Next project will be the "Cyburgs Engelstrompete" horn for the FE126En.


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Hi all i would like to create some transmission for the fostex FE103EN i would like to achieve something similar to these fostex in this you tube video
My Other Listening Room - YouTube

Cheers James

I am surprised no-one mentioned a metronome to you - it is superior to the TL and plans are readily available. WAF is high too (always a bonus).
Again, Thanks to everyone. Here is the result. It is by far the best sounding pair of speaker I own. I am not, in any means, knows anything about music or sound technology but been seeking listening satisfaction for a long time. I don't think how these speaker sound have too much to do with the cabinet, it sounded great with out being in any box. In a big room most if not all the low frequency is lost but in a small room it sounds spectacular, bass and all. Luckly I have a small room I use as a office and now listening room. I have the pair hooked up to my Topping TP20 MK2, is sounds crisper than on my Rotel RSX-1057. Next project will be the "Cyburgs Engelstrompete" horn for the FE126En.

they look great bit better then my fabrication although i was doing on a triton workbench so not the best accurate machine out there, what do they sound like down in the lows like do they have heaps of bass or very little? my next build i am going to put some css el70's in a TL roughly about the same size trying to save up some money for my cnc router to allow for some better woodwork


The picture you see is right after I had the speaker wires soldered to the speaker and had it back together. The space I was in is about 1000sq ft, there was almost no bass. I took it home and fired it up in my 11x11 office and it sound like a concert hall, the bass is amazing. Not the same kind of bass from a sub but more natural. There is not too much kick to the bass but is loud enough to not drowning the other frequencies. The low is just enough to compliment the music. I am very satisfy with this build. Very interested in your CNC, are you going to build one? I will look into the el70 in a TL maybe we can share notes.

Depends on the tuning frequency and flare profile, along with the compromises / tradeoffs you are willing to make. You don't state which model, but assuming the current FE103En, Flc is 15.645Hz, so you can calculate the appropriate dimensions from that. Of couse, that assumes an uncompromised horn, and takes no account for driver displacement etc., while the size would be prohibative for most situations -assuming a back horn, some form of digital delay for everything above Fh would also be required for obvious reasons.
107E or 103E? The 107E was a bit of a forgotten driver, in the West at any rate. Never took off for whatever reason, most probably because you could get the larger 127E for only about $5 - $10 more.

Dodgy performance in general AFAIK; Dave & Chris will be able to confirm, but as I understand it, they were never able to get it dialled in right, whatever they did with damping the accessible areas. Possibly damping more of the horn path would have helped, but it's tricky to do that when the damn thing's built up. Some people like them, so as ever, horses for courses.
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