F4 Beast Builders

btw, nothing wrong with servo-less FE (as is shown to us Greedy Boyz more than once)....... I did it just because I wanted

No harm in that :)

My interest in a servo FE is to eliminate the degeneration resistor altogether and more importantly, the associated capacitor bypass so that we get no low frequency roll off. Your variation looks interesting and I suspect has a nice, slow startup characteristic as the opto output transistor bypass caps charge up.

One question though, given that you have eliminated the pots, how do you adjust the DC offset?
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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.....I suspect has a nice, slow startup characteristic as the opto output transistor bypass caps charge up.......

yup , startup , regarding voltages and currents in FE , is slow and nice , but not because of optos ...... charge of caps in drains (parallel to optos) is limited with JFets Idss and opto bjt isn't even conducting until caps are charged(enough)

credit ...... not certainly mine

solution is result of utter and shameless thievery :clown:
ZD25 power-up power-down waveforms

Today I made some measurements of my ZD25, which is similar to the XA25. The measurements were:

  • CH1 (yellow): VF+
  • CH4 Violet: Drive+
  • CH2 Cyan: Drive-
  • CH3 Pink: Vout
  • CH4-CH2 Blue: Drive+ - Drive-
The Rigol scope screen dumps are as follows, left to right:

  • Complete power-up and power-down sequence at 5 secs/div
  • Power-up pulse at 0.5 secs/div
  • Power-down pulse at 1 secs/div.
I have not yet attempted to look at this behavior in LTSpice.


  • ZD25-LTch-8Rload-startupdown-3.jpg
    137.2 KB · Views: 358
  • ZD25-LTch-8Rload-startup-pulse-3.jpg
    128.7 KB · Views: 354
  • ZD25-LTch-8Rload-shutdown-pulse-3.jpg
    134.7 KB · Views: 352
I've not considered power off behaviour either, how serious an issue in practice do you think this is likely to be? If you have an amplifier already built then isn't it worth trying with a cheap loudspeaker?

Has there been any discussion of the shutdown circuit? I don't recall reading anything mentioning SCRs but I may have missed it.
I'm confused.

What do we actually know about this shutdown mechanism? For example, does it limit the current to 10A, shutdown but reset automatically, shutdown requiring a manual restart or something else? Useful to understand the function before trying to analyse the mechanism. Again, not saying we need this in our own amplifiers, more a matter of interest.