Dx Blame ST - Builder's thread - post pictures, reviews and comments here please.

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Hi all

Please disregard that I said the symasym seems a bit harsher than the Blame ST. It seems as though I had wired the volume pot wrong. Unfortunately I only found out this when buying another pot for my newly produced Blame ES. When wired wrong it had a lower volume than expected(used the symasym chassis). Also at the upper end of the pot range it seemed to suddenly quiet down. I thought it was a bad pot but it was only my bad wiring. Therefore I will disregard the symasym v Blame ST due to my mistake.
So if anyone ever finds that their volume pot seems to have a lower than expected volume and decrease in vol at the end of the scale, they may have wired it incorrectly.

P.S. The Blame ST was wired correctly.


Hi all

I have finally got around to making a comparison video on u tube which is a direct side by side comparison of the differences in sound between te symasym and the blame st. The symasym uses separate 160w transformers to each channel. The blame st uses a single 300w. This was recorded using a digital camera so the quality isn't as good as I wanted, but you can still hear an audible difference between the two. Four people have listened to this side by side comparison and all four were unanimous in which amp sounded the best. Hope this helps in peoples decision in which amp they wish to make next.

Heres the link
YouTube - Symasym V Blame St Amplifiers


Blame ST + TMC

Hi Carlos,
I finished Blame-ST but with the touch. After reading about TMC by Edmond Stuart I could not but try it. "http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/solid-state/94676-bob-cordell-interview-negative-feedback-304.html"
Good start was Blame ST and here it is, Blame-ST-TMC.
Voltage is +-40V a bit more and the feedback resistance a 22k/820 same ratio but higher input resistance. PCB hand made.
The loudspeakers are hand made Seas woofer and mid/high ribon by Newform Research.
I like the sound of the combination very much.
Here is schematic and LTSpice simulation.


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What Dadod meant was this (below1). All you do is press "print screen" , open any graphics program on PC - "paste as new image" , save as gif,jpg, etc.

Blame ST with TMC is indeed "blameless". TMC feeds X-over distortion back to miller loop , error correction takes place , almost "class A" performance. (.000045% @ 1k/50W)

Amp retains the sound quality of the bootstrapped original.The amp "sees" the same miller response with the 2 caps/1 resistor. Also , adding a cascode will in NO way affect the sound , it is not a gain stage ... just a level shifter.
Quality of 100uF bootstrap cap is VERY important for best sound , Panasonic EE .. Type A Series EE | Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor | Passive & Electromechanical | Panasonic Industrial Solutions Global is what I use.

I run this (ST like design @ 200w /75-0-75) , flawless. This design sounds so good , I even decided to give it MPSA18 low noise inputs/cascode (below2) , the prototype of this version runs flawless as well. ALL the versions (ES, ST ,my 2 clones) have the best sound and a BIG FAT seal of approval. :)

As far as beating a symasym .. YES it does. Both in the numbers and in the sound (bass is smoother , no long term fatigue in extended listening).

Uncle Charlie is indeed very gracious for releasing such good sound/value upon the forum, thanks.


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