Dx Blame ST - Builder's thread - post pictures, reviews and comments here please.

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Yes guys...use the bleeder resistance and be happy

Also...you have not to follow my instructions as orders...be free to do whatever you want and to change the input volume controls at will.

Do not be bothered to much with these kind of details.

Do some..build some...be happy instead to be analising other guys work...do some work too..cooperate with forum friends working and do not waste your time analising other guy's work...in special the ones have not asked you that.

In other words..take care of your business....if you have no business..then produce a DIY amplifiers and offer to forum guys..do something productive..you are just pointing details about "other guy's work"...buzzing around in my point of view.


To the ones intend to know a little about how Dx Amplifier operates

a description of how it works, not so detailed and not so high level..just the basic things about...then you type "destroyersoueu" in the YouTube search bar..you gonna find more than 220 small videos having some that are technicall, some of them in English...and the last ones in portuguese.... this one is the first of a series of 24, already uploaded, that explains the Dx Blame ST for brazilians...it is in a very basic level..to beginners..not to high level guys:

YouTube - Amplificador Dx Blame, como funciona 1

Also you have in English and also in Portuguese, something about how to adjust and to check your amplifier using the scope...power measurements and other details...one example is here:

YouTube - How to adjust an audio amplifier

And you have much more in your language...international language (not very good my speech, but you may understand):

YouTube - Blame amplifier tunning made
YouTube - Amp. adjust, details & detalhes
YouTube - Final check of stand by current
YouTube - Part A, do not mind too much about off set.
YouTube - Part one, amp heat sensitivity
YouTube - Part two, amp heat sensitivity

You have this and much more...soon i will be assembling the Brazilian Dx Blame ST board and will be showing step by step the contructions ...in portuguese will be made..sorry for that...the board is for Brazilians only.

This is what i use to make..to work for people, to produce things, to produce results...i do not use to be buzzing around threads...i use to visit some of them, i use to post one or two questions but i do not go trying to evaluate other guy's business because this is not my business...do the same folks..do something good instead to be commenting other guys work...move!


Your dual gang potentiometer is no good.... the variable portion is going to the power amplifier input..observe the power amplifier has a variable resistance depending the potentiometer position.

Transfer that variable resistance to the audio source...left the power amplifier with the potentiometer extremes..the way i have shown you in my diagram.

The power amplifier, depending your volume adjustment (zero) will have it's input short circuited to ground..... it is prefered to short circuit to ground (for signal) the audio source equipment.
You intend to use a power amplifier output to generate audio to the Dx Blame...and Ipod as audio source!

Poor Dx Blame.... may kill itself because of sadness receiving such kind of audio source... these units are prepared to earphones or headphones....low impedance and equalized to match these transducers.
Installing a series resistance to the potentiometer wiper, then you will offer the best load for your Ipod, exactly with the wiper shorted to ground...the input series resistance will be optimal load for it.
Both ways work...the priority to the audio source or audio amplifier input is what changes the way you will connect...hundreds connect my way...i use to give priority to the power amplifier...and no builder have ever complained.... and you may be the second to plug an Ipod to it... i think i made it first but i really have not appreciated the sonics.

there were some other claimed advantages to wiring the wiper back to the source.

I just pull apart one more of those lies.

Connecting the receiver across the pot, instead of to the wiper, keeps the source impedance constant and thus stops volume adjustment affecting (killing your Dx) the receiver.

Set the badly wired pot to minimum volume.
The source sees it's own output impedance in series with the wiper resistance and the residual resistance of the bottom located wiper.
Let's fit in some numbers. Pot = 50k, Min resistance = 1r5, wiper resistor 1k, Rs = 200r. The source sees a total loading of 200+1000+1.5=1201.5 resistive ohms.
This might not damage the source but it sure will interfere with the output signal sent to the receiver.

Now to the lie.
What does the receiver see looking back at the source.
The receiver sees the 50k pot. But that pot is actually 49998r5 + 1r5 due to the residual resistance at minimum setting.
That 1r5 is series with whatever is attached to the wiper. This is 1k & Rs.
We have 1r5//[1000+200] = 1r498
The amp sees 49998r5 = 1r498 ~ 49,999r99813 I'll concede and call that 50k.
Now adjust the volume control above Zero Volume.
I'll go straight to maximum volume for this example but you can look at intermediate values if you are really interested in what wiring the wiper to source does to your receiver.

The receiver sees 50k pot parallel with what is before the wiper.
Before the wiper is 1k + Rs = 1200r.
The receiver sees 50k//1200r = 1171r875
There is no way I can convince anyone but the blind that 49999r99813 is the same source load as 1171r875

To claim that wiring the wiper to the sources avoids resistance changes seen by the receiver is a complete falsehood. If this is claimed due to ignorance of the theory then that is as far as it goes. If it is claimed knowing that it is untrue then that is deliberating misleading anyone who cannot do the arithmetic or too lazy to check the accuracy of the poster's statement.

This happens repeatedly in this Forum. We must sift the wheat from the chaff.
Claiming ignorance of the theory is no defence to repeating lies.
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Dx Blame ST, a top performance amplifier..do not believe me

... do not trust me...go to check.... i want you to check...build one and return here with complains.

I want you with envy and anger.... crazy to smash my amplifier....i want you to build to check. i am sure you can do that (it is not that good) only saying lies here.

I want you to have doubts... may i be not telling the truth?.... is that a simple sound amplifier alike it looks in the schematic?.... check that!

Wanna to show whole world i am a lier?.... then build it!

I will see you here, returning, to say thanks!

The answer to your thanks i can give you in advance:

- "You are welcome!"

Boys!... uncle Charlie is a fanatic for audio amplifiers.... i have 59 years old...since 9 years old building amplifiers... average was 2 amplifier in 3 days..... calculate 50 years with this statistics.... but i think was around 500 only...i lost the account about.... all them dismounted to use parts to assemble others...also i have bougth hundreds to listen, to inspect, to study schematic.


What are you waiting for?




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This is what bother some guys..they know i am rigth

if this is envy or not i cannot say..but search for their pictures and look if they are green (envy) or not!:D


And they cannot stand for that:trapper:... the terrible reality..i am not an engineer and maybe i could made it better.:confused:

ME, Destroyer x, Carlos Eugênio Bezerra Mergulhão, Brazilian, born at Rio de Janeiro City in 17 of July of 1951, identification number 27238239 IFP/RJ, guarantee to you:

I assure the Dx Blame ST is:

The best
The most wonderful
The more accurate, higher fidelity sound
The one distorts less
The most tested
The most reliable
The best sound possible
The excellence in clarity and focus
The best sound stage
The ones works less hot
One of the most efficient class AB

The amplifier is powerful, awesome, sensational,
stupendous, magnificent and precious ....

It is free man !.... Can you believe .. the best and is




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Also, to drive them more and more green

i have also the most beautifull daugthers!

This one, sweet honey Larissa, has only 13 years old...watch here so beautifull and so young..imagine more 3 years man!

She walks as model...alike a professional, with class and elegance...she does not walk..she floats man!..the swing is wonderfull..voice has lovely sound... 175 centimeters tall with only 13..she will be above 180 centimeters tall without having big feet or big bones.....she looks great!

Sadly she will get married very soon....oh! pain...gonna loose my baby for a terrible adventurer (the husband)

She dance, knows how to ride Motorcicles very fast (Cross), knows hot to shot...to use weapons... will graduate soon in Tae Kwon Do and will study in Sorbonne, France, very soon..she has double Nationality, she is from Spain too... daugther of Spanish people and has documents to imigrate the say she wants.

This is not off topic..she helped me and use to help me..she is Dx Blame ST co-designer...some decisions was taking by her..she is the first student, 4 years continuously, in her school.. candidate to Mathematic Olimpic Challenge in Brasil.... she is not average..she speaks english better than me..she is fluent, as she is 5 years studying with a teacher that comes to our home twice a week...she talks spanish too...three languages man!.....alike the Dx Blame amplifiers...she is great!

I am proud of her and proud of my amplifiers.... despite i am a fat damned whale or hipopótamus (will operate soon)... i could have beautifull things, deep love and sweet beautifull persons in my life.

I do not want the green ones to love me..i want Dx Builders to love me...people that is inside the Dx Corporation, non lazy folks that moves and do something instead to be talking, and talking, and talking and doing absolutelly nothing as usefull to our communitty..i want they green...they have born green, these ones that never build..and will die green....buzzing around alike fly over a cake.




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Carlos, I did not say that your amp is bad etc... even if others may have said so. In fact I think it is good, I did not build it, but I can tell from the schematic that it is well thought out and will work well.

Instead of just saying "this is wrong, that is bad" about the way you show the volume potentiometer connected, because no-one ever learned WHY from that, I decided to simulate it and show results.

So first we have "normal" connection of volume potentiometer. On the left is a typical "output" circuit used in a sound card, iPOD etc... single supply voltage opamp with a large (hopefully) capacitor on the output:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

In the middle, the volume pot, connected the "normal" way. And on the right, the input stage of the DX amp, similar to many amps of course.

At full volume, we see this:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Green is our source's output voltage, Blue is what the DX amp sees, and Red is the impedance seen by the source. As you can see, out = in and the source impedance is around 10Kohm, which is set by R2 of the DX amp.

Now 50% volume (this is a linear pot, simulating logarithmic i didnt do):
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

As you see, blue signal is now attenuated, and the impedance rises to 25K - half of the volume pot's total resistance.

And at 0:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Naturally, no output voltage, silence, and the impedance is 33K.

Now, we try it the other way around:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

For 100%, same thing, because the volume pot is bypassed.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

For 50%:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Hm, not quite as much attenuation.. and the impedance seen by the source has not risen much.. but now what about 0:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Ouch! The source is now trying to drive an extremely low impedance and the input waveform voltage shows distortion.

In reality, some current limiting in the opamp would start to work and a lower voltage would be coming out, but it would be distorted too. If this were a portable device, batteries would be drained quick.
Jaycee..if battery gonna be drained...or if distorts..this is all i want

as i will not be happy watching people coupling Ipods with my amplifier.:)

to protect their Ipod then can install load resistances or to use other style of connection...also they can plug it directly without volume control, as Ipod may have volume control (have?)

My best dream is to produce an Ipod sensor, to shut down the amplifier when someone tried to use such kind of audio sources with it. (Ipod repeller)



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Disabled Account
Joined 2006
No need to worry Im not analising your work, I dont need to, It didnt take me 50 years to learn basic electronics but you are maybe unknowingly or knowingly going against basic design principles and common sense which may cause others equipment to get damaged or destroyed and this should be prohibited of even being shown on this forum or any other.

You were suggesting people use a scheme whereby the outputs of their audio equipment
could be shortcircuited, audio equipment is not designed to be used this way and its against manufacturers warranty instructions. Maybe I should get some engineers from some of the manufactureres to come comment here as I know a few and they could explain to you and others exactly what they design for and in what circumstances their equipment is likely to fail or get damaged. Not all equipment is equally idiot proof designed and like I stated before you could cause others to damage their equipment.

Going offtopic about how good your amp is or about your daughters does not obliviate the fact that youre are suggesting people ignore basic sound engineering principles and manufacturers instructions on proper use of their equipment. Rather clearly state what the dangers are of using your schemes and that you wont assume any responsibiltiy for damages that might occur through their use but that they havent been problematic in your case.
Daniel from Croatia made lovely Dx boards...also Luka from Polland did

I hope Brazilians, as they are more than hundred building, will be able to do such good looking amplifiers too.

I am there, in the Brazilian forum helping my people too.

I am not having spare time anymore.... thank you Daniel from Croatia and Luka from Polland.





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"Find something productive to do Homemodder"

1. Actually he is beeing productive - explaining what is really going on, informing people, instead of spreading uninformed beliefs and myths and acting like the catholic church in the dark ages to preserve their power and keeping brilliant minds like Galilei down and frustrated.

2. Who does "destroyer X" think he is, telling other people how they should spend their time?
"Find something productive to do Homemodder"

1. Actually he is beeing productive - explaining what is really going on, informing people, instead of spreading uninformed beliefs and myths and acting like the catholic church in the dark ages to preserve their power and keeping brilliant minds like Galilei down and frustrated.

2. Who does "destroyer X" think he is, telling other people how they should spend their time?

Dear Krachkistie,

I fully agree with your words and I have to say it´s a problem on public forums like this, in my opinion.

People with not enough skills have access to a lot of people in process to learn and put this kind of opinions and behaviours out, like truths, with no scientific base. Many times they have success on this approach.

I think there is no way on avoid this kind of people, except trying to do exactly hommemoder and others are doing.

And, by the way, DX does not have any kind of authority or is commissioned to talk in the name of brazilian people or whatsoever. Here many of skilled people have the same opinion like yours and from others.

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Blmn....do you have something productive to do?

No?.... build a Dx Amplifier to be more happy my dear.... you're so old in this forum...as this is a diy forum you should have build hundreds!...build one more.

This thread is for builders.... read the tittle man...have you read?... i could not see invitation alike the one below:

- "Post your opinions about the amplifier or about Dx?"

I am very interested in builders...their evaluation matters....about others...well.... i am praying they find some objective, some target in their life to be happy and busy helping others...instead of.....


You have received your answer....i use to make one only to non builders..because i have not time to go chating..i have a lot to do, several foruns and threads to take care...i hope you understand that....you answer was posted.

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No?.... build a Dx Amplifier to be more happy my dear.... you're so old in this forum...as this is a diy forum you should have build hundreds!...build one more.

This thread is for builders.... read the tittle man...have you read?... i could not see invitation alike the one below:

Yes, I´m very old here. And I built many of this kind of amps during many years (some of them with no necessity of copying the schemas and the names of other designers in order to have attention from mates here or to sell kits or boards). But it does not matter for nobody, including you, he, he, he.

A productive thing to do is telling you that your BIG ego is something that you have to take care. Someone here have to say this to you and I´m saying.

See your own posts in any thread. Most of them are self promotion. Many mixes ridiculous opinions about Brazil, and almost all of them have tons of misinformation and myths about audio science.

Be productive you and try to write at least 90% less in your posts. I think many people here will appreciate that.

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Disabled Account
Joined 2006
waste.... i have other things to do.

Be happy!




Im more productive than you think, besides running 3 businesses, building my own designs and also building ultra high performance car racing motors, I still have time to help others not to climb on the idiot train.

In your case well what can I say, you in serious need of help ......:crazy: :clown:
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