Dx Blame MKIII-Hx - Builder's thread

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I am now ready I have listen to the Charcroft Z-Foil Resistors 2K2 0.4 w, for replacement of the 2.2 K TAKMAN Audio Metal Film Resistors.
I tell you all last week, wonder what the differences will be?

Now I can tell you the Charcroft Z-Foil Resistors 2K2 0.4 w are much better.
Especially with classical music let these resistors hear well the differences, it all sounds much more detail, the soundstage is wider and deeper.
Please do not tell me anymore, there are NO difference in resistors ... ;)

I am not going to debate it, everyone should know himself what resistors to use he wants.



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Hahahaha!!! 100 times more expensive than standard metal film, D'UH. I see that sky's no limit for some!

I always find it a pity that there are people who judge without having heard it, they laugh at what is paid for the parts.
Also I read a lot on the Internet before ordering parts and Yes these resistances are very expensive.

It is a pity that I than ridiculous is created, the only thing I want to tell is what I do.
Some people do nothing but tell only how it should be in their eyes.
If I buy a ready-made amplifier is much more expensive than a Dx Blame MKIII-Hx, the difference between that, I use for better components.
You have people who pay $ 1000 for a speaker and you have people who pay $ 10000.
Some people buy a BMW and are satisfied and you have people who buy the same BMW and going this chip tuning.

I make an inexpensive amplifier and pay some more for the components and create for example a $ 1500 amplifier, that sound if this is ready as a $ 20000 amplifier ;)
And if I had bought a $ 1500 or $ 20000 amplifier I hear nobody.

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Mr. Rudy Sir, I have some transistors power for exsample 2n3055 which are good in its day. And I Also have a few miltary transistors that cost me quite a few thousands of dollars a piece. Now if I used they 2 different transistors in a series shunt power suppy would I hear a difference? the answer is no. Why not? Answer is simple, if the element is not in the direct signal path I,m not going to hear it. So your very expensive resistor which is going to ground in your fb network is not in the direct signal path explain to me how can you hear such a big difference? I would really like to learn.
Mr. Rudy Sir, The reason I enjoy this forum so much is so that I can learn new methods of implcating my work and my hobby. I enjoy so much reading of other people exp,opions
and what they have dersigned aqnd how they have made it work. And when I see that someone has really done their best I feel a great joy in my heart. So please continue doing what you like to do. Even if it,s only trying out new and different parts. This teaches us all. I,m feel humbled. Regards Evette
I've changed 390R resistance to a 2.2 K resistor.
Now regulates my Fettle Preamp better, it was 4 steps on listening quality with the 41-step series attenuator of Acoustic Dimension.
Now it take 10 steps, much nicer listening with the with the 41-step series attenuator.

Have now ordered 2 pieces Charcroft Z-Foil Resistors 2K2 0.4 W.
For replacement of the 2.2 K TAKMAN Audio Metal Film Resistors.
Wonder what the differences will be.

You will be thinking how these Dx Blame MKIII-Hx sounds?
I do first some modifications to this amplifier, changed with some salt and pepper but I can say this amplifier sound good ... ;)


I am not good in electronics, i said it earlier. I just finished the amp circuit. I used dotted Board to make this pcb (not line dotted). all are hand made, soon i will assemble it.

I played two days using 60V and no problem at all. sound great to "My Ear". high freq not distorted and no hum. I didn't use 10000uf caps, it is too costly here also too big in size so I used 3300uf 80V caps. I also used only 4 pair of transistors due to pcb board and my Tranformer amp. should it be ok?

Here is the final Board.

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I am not good in electronics, i said it earlier. I just finished the amp circuit. I used dotted Board to make this pcb (not line dotted). all are hand made, soon i will assemble it.

I played two days using 60V and no problem at all. sound great to "My Ear". high freq not distorted and no hum. I didn't use 10000uf caps, it is too costly here also too big in size so I used 3300uf 80V caps. I also used only 4 pair of transistors due to pcb board and my Tranformer amp. should it be ok?

Here is the final Board.

it looks nice, I would use some kind of support in the middle of the board, that way it will not bend badly.
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