Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Mr. Shakal, this question was already answered in this same thread

Please, go back and read the entire thread , this way you will have all informations you will need, including that one you have asked.

Finishing the reading, will be a very good idea to watch the tube amplifier threads about Push Pull transformers and connected things.

Maybe another search into Rodd Elliot will provide you more informs, as the question you made was answered and explained into Rodd Elliot home pages.

No!.... the thread is not big.... i have read all forum twice and going to the third this is not hard work, is the needed research to enter any forum thread without the danger to repeat questions already answered.


Hi Shakal,

You are asking some basic questions which in our day we could read up on in books, periodicals and technical college notes.

Books are not as economically available these days.

I cannot think off-hand of any 'amplifier' instruction websites to direct you to, but I do think you need to do some studying before you think of home project construction.

Time to start web-searching and reading.

Hi Carlos,

That last photo is of a very neat construction !

Cheers ........ Graham.
Yes dear Rabbitz and dear Graham..... glad to met you once more in our thread

Correct.... the picture was sent by Greg Erskine.... nice image, and very neat construction.



I agree hundred percent....if we start to teach the very basic we gonna be in troubles, as this will need full time dedication.

I have learned, the good things i have now inside my head, was obtained reading this forum, as i have perceived that people could not be stand still to me, helping me all time long...reason why i made effort to read and learn....i had to face many hard discussions, and theorist group of figthers....... i had to read many rude discussions to obtain some informations they let us know only when upset to prove their point of views....only during vain moments some
of them open some informs to us.

Of course, many others give us, for free, precious informs too.

All i know, and it is not too much, were obtained in this the past i was just assembling other folks designs...and repeating things alike a pirate's i have some substance, now a days some "weigth"...and this because of this forum.

But people use to be lazy to read, in special many folks did not have learned not to enter a thread without knowing what is going on there.... some recognize movement is needed to enter a thread, as philosophic ideas will results in some kind of technical direction, and this is explained since the thread start or during the thread's evolution.

People that push the button without any advanced reflection... and comes flying supported by a parachute, landing inside some thread, not knowing what happened here..the first answer will be:

- "where's the emitter resistances?"

And this will show, clearly, that the one have not readed nothing...landed as a parachuter...ahahahahhaha!

Well, they will learn.... sooner or latter, they will learn those things being here, inside the forum and with us.


It's way easier to ask someone who already know than try to find it by yourself googleing or reading books... It seems disgusting, but it's the truth, don't u think?

Well Push-Pull isn't just for Tube amps, as I know...

When u have a Class B Power Amplifier u just amplify 180° of the entire 360° of input signal. Then u need 2 circuits to amplify the entire senoidal wave. It is called on books as Push-Pull... Because one of the circuits Push the signal up and the other Pull the signal down, or vice-versa...

My past amplifier project was a Class B using one power supply (I think) and this one is Class B using two power supplies (I think). Is that right?

Well... I think I just found the answer. You do have the Class B push-pull circuit, actually 2 of them, one for each input. Right or wrong? I saw the entire website but I didn't realize that u would have to make 2 schematics.

I won't read this entire thread yet. You really talk too much! :eek:

heheh :D

Greg, please, having more pictures..... post them here to us.

Your pictures are excelent in quality, also your construction is very clean..very nice.

If you do not like to post images....send them to me and i will be happy to post them.





Thank you.... very good to have Romania included into the list.... Dx amplifier is turning very International.

I will be waiting images....very good...if you prefer, send me the full resolution images, when already produced, and them i will post to you.... full resolution images will be welcome at:

A local friend is using one Dx channel into his car... he is using a switching power supply that produces 45 Volts and he made small modifications (more output transistors and some transistors substitutions..also included emitter resistances) he is in the main avenue pumping 200 watts of clean sound...

I feel very happy when i listen the sound very distant from my place...nice bass.... very good low earthquake sound..... the deep throat of the dragon voice that is having some flu (as he use to overdrive a little and enter the clipping)

I will produce to him, a customized board to limit the current and an AGC to finish with the possibility to enter the clipping...if he tried to push the amplifier even more than the limits, the sound will start to be compressed...aahahah...only the treble and mids will be louder.

I am very happy that Romania is doing regards to Bucaresti




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    hiper laugh avatar.jpg
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Hi, Carlos!
I am also from Romania, Bucharest.
For the last 2 weeks I've been working on the Dx...

Well, let's see:
First of all, I spent days trying to figure why it ain't working....
- 600mV bias (to keep radiator cooler)
- Everything ok when input shorted!
- Bias going crazy - from 600mv to 3-4V and more when connected to
source (cd player, deck etc) ... of course, lot of heat in radiator and
in TIPs


Voltage at 2SC5200: 540mV...

...Checked and rechecked the schematic
...Replace all transistors...
...Nothing! - the same crazy behaviour!

Replaced also R10 with 4,7k...

What can be wrong????

hehe...another one oscilating...for sure.

Find a 100 picofarads capacitor and solder a wire into one of the extremes...this wire must be soldered into the ground.

Now goes touching bases, colectors into the signal line.... the feedback one is the suspect number one!.... touch with the capacitor this feedback transistor base.

If not fix the problem:

Try to disconect one of the extremes of the feedback capacitor (C8)

Check if your zobel ground is connected... if C17 has a connection to the ground...a wire you must use there.

Check if yours rail condensers, if they are grounded... in the board this connection is shown as E-link (plus and minus).

If you are using long wires to the speakers, try a small coil in series with the output.... 22 turns over a resistance... 2,2 ohms, 4,7 ohms, 5,6 ohms, 10 ohms or 15 ohms.

If the problem still exist, try to increase your input capacitor.... try something big, as 1N2 or a little bit bigger, maybe you are producing amplification from the CD internal oscilators....the sample signal not well filtered can produce those things.

The last try is to increase your test capacitor to 103... 10N...or 0.01uF...this way go touching the bases, colector and emitter of the transistors...and observe the bias...or.... keep an AC voltimeter connected into the output to watch strange signals going there.

I had no problems related that, also Nordic had not, also Klaas and Greg...i have made many give a triple check once more, clean your board to observe things better.... measure your resistances to see if all values are correct.... also check capacitors, as error there may produce an oscilator, triggered by input signal happens too.

Good luck.....i will be here...just post your problems or go to my mail

Inex had problems too....he told that fixed with this capacitor...but we found wrong resistances in his board..he told nothing about that...maybe we were wrong related those resistances....Graham and me.

Discovering the point were oscilation finishes...solder the 100 pf capacitor in place... keeping the other side into the ground of course.

Try to produce a short into your 10 ohms resistance too...the lifted input ground.

Finding solution with the big 103 capacitor.... go reducing it till you will have the oscilation back....and them, increase the value 2 points up (following the standard capacitor values progression...22pf, 27pf, 33pf and so on)




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PSU related question

I have a question related to the construction of the 2 inductances use in the PSU. I quote:

"40 turns of 1.0 mm enamelled copper wire wound in 2 layers around R7 and R8"

How do you wind 2 layers of continuous wire without ending in same spot you began (same end of the resistance)? Or is it 2x20 turns on each resistor?

Damn I feel stupid asking this ...
One lawyer goes after the above the other.

Start from left to rigth...and them go from rigth to left and when finishing the wire length. goes to the rigth side once again.

Than fix this rigth end producing one turn over the resistance lead, and solder there..have to remove the paint off the wire (insulating varnish)

To be more clear...coil those turns and make it you got it.

No question is strange to me..... strange is when people has not doubts.

Have you fixed your electronic problem into the audio amplifier?

Please, keep me informed.


Thank you.

No electronics problems yet for me since I haven't fired yet the amp. My Romanian coleague who posted earlier about oscilation problems has some new serious (read hot and burning) problems from what I understand, but I will let him post if he wants to.

I'll report as soon as I have my try ...
You are welcome Hartono.... lovely cooperation you use to give to Jeffry's thread

You two (U2) together are unbeatable related to maintain a thread interesting.

I love this "spirit".... we can write informs, receive informs, we can talk about audio and have fun too...why keep that formality as no one is beeing buried in this forum?

Very can see in the hits Jeffry and you had, that people fully apreciate some social things, some human things inside our forum, mixed with academic technical subjects.

My strong apreciation and congratulations related you and Jeffry... a great moment when you and him landed in this forum.

Related language, i think that someone able to talk and write in Chinese language do deserve not to know deeply other languages, as already made strong efforces....your language is the most difficult in earth.

Please, select one chair and be confortable in our are extremelly welcome here.

We are having some plaft!...puffff, pow!...some smoke around...some problems are producing some action once more.... one board already sent smoke signals to us (ancient American Native communication)

My Dx amplifier units did not have presented problems, and i have made many...also Klaas units are working, Nordic units working too and also Greg units working fine...bad luck or mistakes may be producing problems....well...soon we will know the reasons.

If the need of that capacitor was needed twice...from feedback to ground, it will be included into the schematic.... as we are open to fix things, not to modify.....needed things to work stable will be added when perceived as needed for safety reasons, as other transistors use to be assembled into the Dx amplifier board.

Image of that board in Rumania is attached.





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Yep, it is more important that people feel this is a home where people live in... just ask were the bathroom is and we will show you... even if it is 1000 pages long, it is more important that we are here to offer help and encouragement......

P.S. Carlos, here is a new word for you, you always get wrong...

The word informs you use, is actualy information... (also the plural is the same)

"I gain much information on the web..."

The only right use for informs is... "the man informs his wife about his business dealings..."
"Related language, i think that someone able to talk and write in Chinese language do deserve not to know deeply other languages, as already made strong efforces....your language is the most difficult in earth."

Actually my Chinese is horrible :xeye: , I'm Chinese but born in Indonesia, if you happen to recognize the flag, that's Indonesia flag, my nationality. :D I just happen to move and "live" in China recently.

I have some problems to read English.

I use to read twice, and sometimes i perceive that each one of those reading means different..ahahahaha








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