Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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I am glad, very happy in the reality to have you here Klaas..good to have you.

I am deeply interested in your findings, your modifications, your improovements, ideas, schematics, photos, boards and all stuff you have... this is your house..your thead, your place, your friends are here..the ones interested to listen everything you want to say.

Pictures of your audio equipment, your speakers, well..everything you want to show will be now belong to history..the number one to produce an amplifier that will be multiplied by thousands in the will sell your number one by 100 thousand dollares...hehe.

You are welcome, my dear Pioneer.



...................................................................................................... are rigth..i was watching your 18 volts as DC...and it is not DC.....that's the mess reason.

Sorry for that,



Despite beeing guaranteed and beeing an excelent amplifier, now without ground loops problems...Dx amplifier reserves to itself the rigth to make modifications for improovements...and it is not guaranteed against double barrel shot guns pellets, not guaranteed against invertion of supply polarity, not resistant to be smashed by a truck and will not work fine when using shorted transistors.

Also damaged speakers will not sound good with it.


Why the Dx amplifier is better than many others.

Because human ears are not digital instruments.

Inside your ears you have small bonds...that hammer you know..and other parts...this send vibration to sensor cells that beeing "smashed" will produce electrical energy...that will go to your brain and you will perceive as sound, noise, music.

Well.... you have mechanical parts there....bonds shacking...they have ressonances...limits of vibration...distortions of some have your diafragm inside your ear too.... cannot receive too much sound pressure have WAX! inside too...and believe that a clean ear may listen better (I made that with my doctor when evaluating my old ears)...but dirty ears are more resistant to infections..natural protection.

When the sensor cells are hitted, they produce a chemical reaction that will result in you have the key of sonics...that will explain why precise amplifiers do not sounds better....those cels react very slowly...they spend time to rise the electrical level....they are not fast enougth..also our system normally cannot "perceive" sounds above 17000 hertz...and also is difficult to perceive sound under 20 you know..for sure you know..just remenbering those things.

If you observe an square has a very fast rising time....... you go from zero to maximum in a very small time.

Well...your sensor cells do not react this way..have delay and the signal, that square wave will turn something very perfect square waves will be "nothing" inside our sensor needed to worry to much with small technical details

Dx amplifier had not too much circuits, as we know that each circuit creates its own problems....and those problems will be perceived in he output.... Simple and offering you delicious natural distortions...a natural sound that will make you very happy.... very near the Romantic sound you can have listening the best designed amplifier (Aksa 55).

If you want sonic precision.... perfect square waves signal...distortion bellow 0.001...or something not really usefull to human really visited the wrong thread fellow.

Realistic sound, natural sound...nice, warm, romantic, detailed is the Dx amplifier....and have not soft distortion when clipping.....when clipping it screams alike a pig beeing hitted!...there's nothing that is not usefull in this amplifier...Dx Corporation do not care about 100 one here can listen that tone.

Visionophiles..those ones loves to observe waveform will not be entirelly happy with this amplifier....they prefer, for sure, the Blameless precision, it will produce very nice waveforms...very good to be watched....near perfection...hehe

Dx amplifier is now a days sounding in Hanoi....Vietnam...we are going around the Globe!

Is it the best experience of sonics...NO! is not..that sonic experiences will depend your mood, your speakers, your listening environment, and in special, as the biggest factor...the company you have...the woman you love near you...having may be able to listen hidraulical hammer without notice nothing!


this is your house..your thead, your place
Carlos, this is YOUR house, your thread. I am a guest who feels invited to come in, thank you for that.
Have you received the picture i sent you earlier this week in e-mail ? (just making sure)

About doing modifications on the amplifier..
When building an amplifier, i always remind myself of a saying they have in car-racing: To finish first, you must first finish.
Meaning -get it working first !
You can do "brilliant" modifications on your first build, but when it does not work, where is the problem ? Is it a mestake, a bad component, or the "brilliant" modification you did ?
It cannot be the original, since it is already proved it is working ;)

With kind regards,

Yeah....this happens a lot of times....nothing strange that.

Boards use to create those problems.... reason why i think they must be checked...constructed in real world...and prefered to be done this before we publish them...hehe...if possible.

So Nordic, i thank you to inform...and be more clear next time explaining the small problem with details...suggesting the modifications needed...maybe a little distance from one transistor to the other may fix the problem.

Greg Erskine is finishing the board...his board may be interesting...he is clever, and artist and have the "philosophie" related this as a product (for South America market)...he will make it nice.

Greg told that will construct test those boards....nice idea Greg...very good idea.

Thank you by the image you have sent klaas...very nice.

I am receiving forum messages once again...those ones telling me that people place posts in the thread...very good to see them once more.

regards all folks

Was haveing a blonde moment, all seems fine

So...things are fine....hehe...blonde moment was funny

We have that idea here too...blonde things...not real of course.

But Hugh Hefner, from Playboy...he has really those blonde minds there.

No problems with boards...good...Raj is not nervous..good that.

Fine....hehe...i watch your boards...are this Coffee , Coke...tea or Kerozene (maybe alcohol) to clean boards?


Do you wanna know?...really wanna know?

I was perceiving your board as lovely...nice capacitors you are using...dark board perceived.

But.....and now the criticism....the board may sunk...or sink..when the ship goes to the bottom of the ocean....because a miracle it did not fall down from the glass...ahahahahah

The image is unballanced (bad i am).... too much heavy in the rigth side...big things there...and too much ligthweigth in the left side.

I think that smaller condensers (I know you have enormous ones...10000uf each one.. you already had them in your selected parts) will make board look more introduce an enormous one at the input. is not ugly....i am just telling you that image is unballanced...that can be more symetrical and a little bit more pretty. enormous Teflon unit in the input may "ballance" the image.




I have two more sons in Rio de Janeiro, they are with my first wife..her family came from is the image.




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