Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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The DX is now debugged and all is more than well, I am delighted with the sound.

All the bugs were my fault, either missing joints altogether or dry joints. After sorting my mistakes out I now have 0 volts DC offset and the best sound I have heard.

The amp the DX is replacing is a chip amp using LM3875s with an active preamp. The speakers are Bose Interaudio 4000XLs (I know, but they were free)

Compared to the chip amp the DX is in another league! The bass is huge by comparison and I am hearing new details in songs I have heard hundreds of times through these speakers. Best of all it makes you smile, there is sunshine in the sound.

My girlfriend listened to the DX and declared it to be the best sound she had ever heard. After about a 6 hour test I put the chip amp back in service, it sounded weedy and thin and she wanted the DX back immediately.

Make yourself happy and build a DX. Just do a better job of the soldering than I did and you will be fine.

Joined 2002
Paid Member
That's excellent news John. :p

Thanks for posting your pictures, I found them really interesting. :magnify:

BTW: I happen to be building a DX amp at the moment.


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Great dear John Blackburn

I do love this amplifier too...i have assembled one last month.

We have invaded China, and there, population is gonna have thousands of Dx Amplifiers playing.

Despite not authorized, they are producing advertising for the brand....this is good.




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Hi all.

Jill is a better judge than I am, I want it to be better because I have put the time and money into building it.

Within a few songs she had commented on the detail and clarity improvements and that was before I sorted the problems out. It is nicer still now it is set up properly. She loves it and wants me to get on with the case so it can come to play full time.

There is something for everyone with this amp, delicate detail, powerful bass without being oppressive and a sunny, happy sound. What's not to like?

I will update the photos as the build progresses. Currently it is screwed to a piece of wood with wires everywhere in true rat nest test mode. I can't bring myself to switch it off, it is 1:10AM here and I really must go to bed.

Maybe just one more song..........

John... talking serious.... real things said to a good friend

also to our communitty.

This amplifier is very good, sounds warm and delicious and i thank you by your kind words.

But...the Blame is 10 times better...i suggest you to prepare yourself to produce the Dx Blame amplifier..the unbeatable one.

The Blame bass is a little bit shy, it is more precise, more controlled, more high fidelity,but it is not huge, not so present, not that earthquake sound.

They are complementary.... having the Blame too, you may have a nice system, as you will have the extra bass from the Dx amplifier and awsome treble and voices from the Dx Blame.

Women is much better than us to evaluate these things...even better than women is children, and always give some preference to young girls, as they have special sensitivity to high mids and treble...nature gave them this to listen baby crying and recognizing their babies crying when others babies may be crying too.... women focus in listening is better than man focus.

This is not the only thing they are better than us.


Hi Carlos.

I started buying the parts before the Blame was released so I stuck with the DX.

Also the DX PCB was simpler to etch as a first attempt.

Once my money box is full again there will be a Blame (or whatever DX evolution has come in the time between)

If this is a starting point, it is one I am very happy to be at.

The super bass powerfull big brother, the Troyan, will be released

July birthday gift to myself...sadly, i could not make it sound so good as the Dx Blame in the treble range....but bass is awsome!

It is a 1 Kilowatt amplifier (4 ohms, easy to reach this power..and undistorted, unclipped.)

May need four huge transformer for a stereo..... 40 output transistors and may need 2 meters tall speaker, having 4 drivers of 15 inches to each speaker...... well...Jill will banish you from home!

As i will be responsable by your banishment, then i can offer you my third room while you will be making peace threat with her...





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The schematic was made for 100 watts in 4 ohms and 50 watts in 8 ohms

But you can use other supply voltages and adapt it from 20 to 63 volts, as several units where made using different voltages.

For more informations, not needing to read so big thread, go to Greg Erskine home pages dedicated to the Dx amplifier:

Greg's Web Site

The thread teaches a lot of thing to beginners..if you're not..will not be loosing things..but if a beginner..better to read since the first post... i do not know can be alike Einstein, the opposite. or something in between....for a while, you're a name only.

Have you made your presentation?....have the link for us to know you?... there's a place in our forum for presentations..also you can give us a lot of informations in your profile if you want to be known.


Dx amplifier wire and cable...the ground connection and the jumpers

There's a wire from the zobel big capacitor (100 to 250 volts insulated 100n unit) to ground not shown.

Also not shown the bridge rectifier and the filter condensers.

But people use to call me because of again, here is the image.

These jumpers provides ground to rail filter capacitors...this was the result of forum folks suggestion to have a board that can accept several style of where to connect the ground was optional and discussed by theorists.... then the board offered the several options.




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I have tried the DX amp on my good speakers for the last few days. They are CSS FR125s in Bib boxes normally powered by yet another LM3875 chipamp.

I tried to sit and analyse the sound to give some feedback. I say "tried" because it wasn't long before I was jigging about in the chair and enjoying the music, rather than listening to the details.

I am not a dancing man, but the DX finds your rhythm bone and makes you move. After 45 minutes my face ached with smiling, the analytical listening session was long since abandoned and I just got on with enjoying the music.

It is going to be difficult to make the enclosure for this amp, I want to leave it playing not pull it apart to box it up!

Thanks Carlos.

DX Destroier VS Albarry

There's a wire from the zobel big capacitor (100 to 250 volts insulated 100n unit) to ground not shown.

Also not shown the bridge rectifier and the filter condensers.

But people use to call me because of again, here is the image.

These jumpers provides ground to rail filter capacitors...this was the result of forum folks suggestion to have a board that can accept several style of where to connect the ground was optional and discussed by theorists.... then the board offered the several options.



I'm trying to replace the internal card of my albarry 408 amps with a couple of your excellent DX Destroier. To this end I ask you a few things. My power is 40-40 volts DC - The final transistors are Darlington TIP 142 to 147 you can use them or not worth it?

greetings from Italy
Robb2112... we really have power on thump...and power of "click"

But this depends on the condensers time of charge in the differential... some amplifiers i have build had small movements of the speaker cone...they move all the way with 3 to 4 volts usually.. and this is not what usually happens...a very few quantity of people have complained about that power on thump saying it is annoying.

The ones had very small power on thump was the ones had obbeyed the schematic....the correct values to capacitors..anything increased..... other amplifiers i had huge power on thumps..and these ones had increased condensers try to obbey the schematic to reduce.....or try a speaker delayed insertion circuit to avoid the power on thump, that really exists, despite very weak and sometimes not audible (infrasonic...below human audibility), in correctly selected part's amplifiers.

Avel 30...the use of darlington output depends to re arrange the entire amplifier..if you are skilled enougth, then you will remove drivers and output and will install your darlingtons without problem..because my EF output is connected in darlington gonna be substituting and changing 12 by a dozen...the same thing the darlington and my circuit..say...almost the darlingtons use to be you cannot adjust the internal resistance..some of them are for switching and not for audio and you need to install a huge capacitor from base to colector to avoid them to is a recreation, a redesing.... an big job that i prefere not to is a custom amplifier..not the Dx amplifier anymore..i cannot be responsable and i do not accept this it under your own risk...i wish you good luck.

Shreya..the output pairs are is PNP and other is NPN...i have not made and tested, a quasi Dx Amplifier...but maybe you will find something alike in the begining of this thread, as a good friend have asked...i think there's a schematic with this option in this the thread if this is your need....but the amplifier i give follow up is the Dx amplifier, the non modified one..i am not responsable and will not make customized diagrams.....if you intend to use that transistor with it's complementary, then i say you can do it.


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