Destroyer x Amplifier...Dx amplifier

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Nope Carlos I am very poor, but I don't have any children and my little house is paid off, so the little I get every month is enough to pick up a few items now and again...

It is so strange hey, while the amp was in pieces and the chipamp connected my wife never put on any music... but the very first night I reassembled the amp she was playing music again, and every night since..
Oh!... this is a very nice "Certificate of quality"

This means she likes the sound.... the audio have not bothered her... this is excelent!

Women do not like treble, also do not like midrange... in the reality they also do not like power...this goes to the dawn of the civilization... mids are very sensitive into humans, in special in women, because the tones are the same as baby crying... the bass, strong thunder sound seems danger... thunder sound!... they use to be very sensitive to high frequencies...bother a lot... that harshing sound of scratching into violine strings are too much for them.

The best evaluation i had on my amplifier.... i am very proud that a woman have apreciated.

They are more sensitive to sound quality.

Now i feel i made something really i feel that.

thank you, also to your wife.

Thank you that you let me know that...very important women and children evaluation...also the Cat's presence when playing sound.

Rats use to disappear when we have oscilations triggered by audio...and this is very common... happens a lot, in special the amplifiers that are "tuned" into the Threshold of oscilation..the ones you put your fingers into the input and you do not listen only the mains frequency captured by your body (you are the antenna) listen, into those unstable folks... Radio frequency sounds and ahahahahah (talk not louder that.... schhhhh..some wooshing sound).

But, despite i am redish..... ashamed..... the oscilation you found into HRII was with power off...when condensers where discharged into the threshold of operation...this is not a deffect..this is EFFECT.

But when the amplifier is operating, and you plug your finger into the the place of nice and strong bass you listen broadcasting, noises or wooshing sound...then...this is DEFFECT.




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Dx amplifier is aproved by women and children

This is the best "Certificate of quality".... a "Golden Medal of Quality"... a "Quality Award"

Enjoy Dx... the quality into sonics.

Man.... dear Nordic... do not tell me that you have watched she dancing?...if she did that..well.... i will feel myself great... this means a lot more!


Will you use direct flygth to São Paulo?

Are not stopping Recife for put fuel?

What about to split those air tickets and stop here for a Pizza into Siciliana Pizzeria?

I can arrange a place to you to sleep too.... and a car to pick you at the airport if needed.

Yes... i know they can go direct to São Paulo... at least from New York was possible as i have used that fligth twice.

Well.... we will arrange.... plan C i will send to you the precious thing..... put your home adress into the package and this way everything will finish guaranteed by the Corporation.


re. Amp result

Hi Carlos,

I have eliminated the problem with 1hz oscillation during start up. It is ground loop.

And furthermore, I found one interesting thing about faked output transistor that they made distortion when still cold. When I operate them at some 50oC, It's OK.

I destroyed a lot of output devices, but I can't afford to burn genuine, expensive ones so first I experimented on faked one then when the design is OK, I will put on my genuine things.

Then I wanna say that your new design of DX amp work quite well with faked transistors (with some modification, slightly higher bias 120ma). I have shown my friends 2 of my DX implementations one with genuine parts and intact design, the other with faked from China with my modification. They can not tell them apart.

You know, that's why I'm always have to make modification to well known designs. I have made the best out of the bad things. He he.

Thank you.
Love and hate dedicated to that guy

I am finishing, rigth now, my activities related to develop amplifiers.... i am very stupid... awfull designer... i have none new idea, nothing extraordinary... i could face the real things yesterday.

I had a tragic meeting, a chat with Hugh Dean, from Aksa, last nigth... and i could not sleep.

He made one of his brainstorms, and told me under the promiss to die with the secret, his last ideas and design.

I have spend whole nigth constructing..... and not his last idea... as another one even better is beeing prepared.

His amplifier is amazing, awsome, spectacular.... i have never heard something so good, the circuit very different, no input is alike the one he is using, no one have ever had idea alike that...also the VAS uses three times more parts than others, drivers and output ideas different too... and nothing we could see into the forum.. nothing i could see into schematics.

He is really, the man.... a genius folks..believe me because this is truth...the audio quality i am listening is something i have never listen before.

My amplifiers are ridiculous compared to this unit i have assembled this nigth... also my class D is ridiculous... it is sounding alike a battery radio, a toy, when compared with Hugh "M" design...ahahahhaha.... he decided not to put that design into the production, because he found a new output even better..ahahahahaha..

We are delayed related him...he is two steps ahead of us... the circuits published are old, ideas are almost the same.... his ideas, Hugh ideas, are different, not copies of nothing!...original!... new connections man!

Finally he concluded have to hide... using SMD and covering sub circuits..... because really he has enormous advantage related other designers.

I am sorry to tell you all folks.... you and me.... we are listening sheet.... sheet!... sheet...including my designs... sheet of paper is the value of my schematic compared with Hugh Dean designs.

God Save the King of Audio Amplifiers.

HUGH DEAN!.... From Aspen Amplifiers



No way to tell you his ideas or schematics... and i have not all the informations also.

If you put your friendship into the discussion... take yourself as EX FRIEND... i will not tell you a word.

Do not even loose your time asking me.

If you are clever.... buy his new amplifier and COPY the damn thing.

Go to Colin Brown and try to capture informations with him..ahahahha.. you will not have the informations.... another genius this Colin Brown.... remember the name of this guy... attention, another great guy!.... Vinyladdict.

Wanna learn how to design the best wide world amplifiers.... change your name and enter the Aspen Amplifiers site and buy Hugh Amplifier.... enter using James Brown name of something alike..because if he perceive forum folks trying to copy...hehehe..he will not sell.

Vinyl Addict, the Canadien Colin Brown is a very valuable man for Hugh, because of him those developments happens.... humble...but gênius too!


Hi Carlos,
Just calm down sir, we can not judge what we do worth doing or not in just a moment, especially sound reproduction.

Believe it or not, DX design was using in thousands of amps in our country, and was prove to be stable and sound good. And most of all I can see that you are conducting a thread very well.
Thank you very much, also to make Dx used in your country

I am just telling the true.... i made a nice amplifier, good sonics, simple and will not be ashamed by anyone..differences are, but they are not big enough to comndenation of Dx quality.

Buy really, as i use to search and research, i could find one that smashes my Dx amplifier.

Just informing my friends, were is the source of designs that have "excellence".

Related to copy Aspen amplifiers... no more possible, they are using SMD and covered using epoxi in critical parts..only destroying you will see some parts, but never the connections between them.... even Ray X cannot see, as there's a shield, a metal shield over the first Epoxi layer... the Ray X will show confusion only.


Not that way.... i have invited Hugh to a Chat using skype

Because i wanted to ask him things about Roender amplifier, he is better circuit analist than i am, and i had problems simulating the amplifier, also another east european friend had problems...our simulators, i think, are not accepting Green diodes and red diodes as voltage references...they are not even turning on...needing more current to turn on into the simulator.

So.... i have asked him to watch and to tell me if there's something critical that i could not find.... this started a conversation about an schematic Hugh made.... one idea he had that will not be to be constructed, because since that idea he had...he had a new one... so.... the circuit under conversation born already dead... then, we have started a conversation about the dead one.

The Roender circuit is perfect, has no problems, Hugh have checked, special because i ask that, and Roender have tested and publish something reliable,.... i was afraid of some misunderstanding from myself... also Roender suggested me to use his help, he said the circuit is not simple.

I gone to Hugh because i have more intimate relatioship with him... easier to me to ask foolish things to Hugh...not the same relationship with Roender..... a result, Roender circuit is problems! simulator, that idiot program and me, had problems,.... only..because of that i will insist and construct it, next year, into real life without bother with the simulator.

The circuit explained, by Hugh, and showed by him, was different compared to all others i could see...there's really new ideas how to construct an amplifier, and this was seen into differential, VAS, drivers and output, also the current sources and voltage stabilizers used... feedback too... almost all amplifier strange to my eyes...he just keept the tradition related transistor construction refered to stages, refered to main blocks..., differential, VAS, driver and output...three stages.... transconductance, voltage amplification and power amplification (driver plus ouput transistors, gain 1 into voltage and big gain into current).

He explained how works, and the ideas are something from outspace.... incredible that no one had that idea... simple now...because i know...but impossible to me to deduce... to conclude alone, to realise by myself.

I was fascinated and astonished... loved Hugh and also i felt hate... how could him be so better!.... i can understand why some people react against is a little annoying to face our own inferiority.... and the hard is that the man had not into the University..and for sure kicking many (trasei....) around the globe....this is shocking.

When i was listening him i remember that Nakamura gave me special lessons of audio into Sony Tokyo - Atsugi plant.... and i could perceive in my self that remembering and i think to myself... how could this guy, he started before me....he is young into audio... he has 20 years doing... i have twice that!!!...have not talked with Nakamura San..... how can he be so better?

I have constructed this!...... i have to tell you that i am human... i am not an anjo...not perfect... i felt damned.... angry..nervous!.... incredible sound... i have never listened something so good..... made me feel bad... the guys constructing Dx.... my amplifier is a trash compared to that one... i felt myself guilty because i have offered my amplifier...cannot be called as good compared with that one.

I cannot talk too much.... Hugh complained that i told we had conversations about schematics.... he do not like publicity, advertising, propaganda, promotion, here in our forum.... i think because of envy..and i understood him... i also felt angry, also felt this exists! here... exactly the opposite people use to say about him.... that he uses forum to make propaganda...he do not do that..others do for him, because perceive decent to be made, decent to inform real things.

Man..believe me!... people is really very unfair with him.

I remember once, a guy turn against him..the guy could not even adjust the bias, could not compensate resistances... the guy was confused with the whole thing and failed to construct one of the earlier schematics posted into Rodd Elliot home pages... the 61.... the old fellow.... the man failed, and in the place to accept his own troubles started to hate Hugh, and to talk bad things about his amplifier... easy when we go punishing others because our own failure... easy, and unfair.... so... the sittuation was that he could not adjust the bias...was not competent.... and them started to say the amplifier was so bad that "we cannot even adjust the bias".... he could not...i can!


ha ha

I'm not knowing much about amplifier and designing one that other people can admire. and I don't think that an amp with beautiful, and sophisticated circuit will work. that the thing to choose between nice work of art or nice performance.

I know for sure one thing, a good amp is the amp that reproduce good music and can transfer the spirit of music to people.

once again I can tell that I like your approach
Hey boys.... twisting the words meaning?

Maybe...i do not know what is cursing...and Jacco may be having fun with me, as usual..... you are welcome Jacco... i like you too.


Jacco is terrible...very clever, very fast...very analitic.

No... i am not a gay....i am just friendly.... The opposite.... i have some problems with man.... they smell bad..minimum distance to me is 1 meter.

I have visited google and i continue not understanding what cursing means.

-"Droga!... bagunça comigo em portugues ora bolotas!"


-"Sheep (or other word), mess with me in portuguese...what a hell!"

If you use some different word, unusual chance to me to understand..only the basic... my dictionaire is very small.

Me brazilian!


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