DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

Digital Filter YSF210B-D (8x oversampling)

Here is a shot schematic for digital filter YSF210B-D.
I am almost sure it will gain zero interest, therefore no PCB.
I have ever read on the internet that it is close to the PMD-100 filter (maybe not so good, but better than the DF1704 waster :Ouch: ).
It supports the same sampling frequencies as the PMD-100 (only up to 48kHz).
I share the schematic - what if someone in the future will decide to test it on a breadboard for the good of the soul? 😀
(asynchronous mode should be selected with 21.168MHz clock :zombie:)


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Hey everyone, I am in the middle of this wonderful megathread. I'd like to build one of these. Couple of questions:

1. Is v1.3 as per post #1351 still the most current version?

2. Does anybody have fabricated versions of the 1.3 PCB available to purchase or do I need to have them made?

3. Is anybody holding AD1862 N chips from Rochester? EDIT: Looks like Paddy might be, I PM'd him. here: New, unused AD1862N and AD1865N-J DAC chips
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Hi all, I am pleased to report that my build has been finished. I'd like to thank Miro, Paddy Garcia, Markw4, BRN and all those that have helped me generously.😀

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The Dac was built to Miro's specifications. It sounded nice but I felt the mid was a bit recessed, so I added some wima 1 uf capacitors in hope of providing more juices to the ICs, fully aware that this might cause the 0.1 uf caps to oscillate.

I also used 20 pf C0G caps instead of 47pf to accomodate AD797. But so far I like the sound of OPA1611A better than that of AD797. I have a pair of Sparkoslab ss3601 coming in. I wonder what would be the optimal capacitance value for ss3601? Would 20 pf do?

Now, I would like to verify that there are no ultra high frequency noises / oscillations in my build. I have an VDS2062 oscilloscope that can do up to 60 Mhz. But oscilloscopes are new to me.

Any advice on exactly where to probe and what to look for with an oscilloscope?

Thank you.🙂
1. v1.3 is the most current tested version
... there is also the same alternative with uf.l connectors for I2S input data: #2180 (untested)
... or untested #2546 where the USB-I2S from jlsounds (I2SoverUSB) can be stacked (connected without wires) ... this version also contains uf.l connectors for PCM input data
2. this is the cheapest way how you can get any PCB: #2602
3. Paddy
Asilker; all is about your frontend choice, there are also pcbs for uf-l inputs or stacking some USB board : DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

If you don't mind the front end yet then the v1.3 link you provide is good ans has soic choice : good soic oaps like the opa1611 single channel for instance.

good dip8 oap: soic dual channel 1656 on an adaptator (Vunce offered Gerber on this thread to convert dual soic towards single channel dip8)

Vunce has made also a good adaptator for a particular oap without feedback inspired by Pedja Rogic work with opa861. gerber in this thread.

So in fact you may want purchase different pcb versions and it's cheap at JLPCB (choose non golded trace and std shipping; it's fast enough.

I am using diyinhk 0.56uv ultra low noise LT3045 linear regulators that can do at least 500 mA continuously.

View attachment 996851

I am stacking a diyinhk XMOS 32Bit 384kHz DXD DSD256 USB to/from I2S board to the dac directly, since the pins are compatible.


Here is how it currently look in the case.

View attachment 996850

I have a pair of LM6171 soic. I will solder them onto adapters and hear how they sound.

Thank you🙂
You can try add 2R2 resistors on power rails :scratch2: It is very good prevention against PSU oscillation for these regulators. (The picture shows only +-5V, but do it also for +-12V PSU).
But first try the LM6171 in I/V 😉


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Hi miro,

Thank you for suggesting LM6171!

I put in LM6171AIM and they sound beautiful! I was totally surprised. I tried LM6172 before with my diyinhk ad1862 dac and I wasn't much impressed. Now, theses LM6171s are certainly in the same league as the Sparkoslab ss3602 and the Muses01 that I have enjoyed so much with my other modded ad1862 dac.

Now, I can finally start doing some more listening tests with the two different ad1862 dacs I've got.

LM6171 in EasyDAC

Utilizing a pair of LM6171 in my EasyDAC (Miro's USB AD1862 DAC) I agree, it plays great, somehow spectacular unspectacular with this opamps. Especially bass is fantastic.

Listening to it via my ACP+ HPA it offers its full potential and it shows, that the TPA6120A2 in this nice little DAC is not en par with the pure DAC.

I sucessfully tried to power the EASY DAC with a Nirvana PSU from Allo and yes, separated clean, power makes it even better.

Usually I use this little DAC at and it makes me happy as it is meant to.

Cheers, Ernst
HI Iggy,

during the last months I was more out for listening than benchmarking. I just listened and enjoyed.

The Easy DAC, Miro's compact USB DAC has its own thread here, yet I wanted to mention it again. In my eyes it is a very nice, compact device. Easy to use, yet not too easy to build. DAC part is pretty good in my eyes, yet the headphone part is somehow limited and a dedicated amp brings the DAC more to shine. Especially the deep and powerful bass of the AD1862 gets lost with the internal TPA6120A2 headphone amp.

Ok, coming to your questions:
Well, I have just put in the LM6171 after Miro's proposal and i didn't swap it ever again. Maybe I'll try 1611 or 1656 in the near future, as I plan to send out a Mouser order.

Nothing new here is, that this kind of DAC has got very very good bass. Much more intensive than modern DACs and I really enjoy this with my headphones.

ACP+ headphone amp is the latest N. Pass DIY headphone amp. A single ended amp, designed to sound best with 32 Ohm headphones. Currently it is my preferred headphoneamp. So much joy! Together with this I use a Topping E30 a lot, as this is a kind of dream combo for me, except the bass. So I regularly come back to Miros DACs and my AYADAC and I am always again amazed at how well bass can be reproduced. Even with the tiny EASY DAC, if used just as a DAC. BUT, it is not only the bass that brings me always back to this ;-).

Regarding the "classic" Miro DAC, which this thread is about, I was fallen into a kind of summer sleep. It works spectacular unspectacular and did not call out for extensive modifications.

Wintertime is more DIY time, so I might finish this or that and try this or that. Meanwhile I enjoy the different flavours of different gear.

Btw, I would be happy about a modified EASY DAC with a more powerful headphone amp - for office use.


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Damned sourcing problems....the same as you... I have a still pre bom at mouser that wait for 5 months cause missing parts...
Btw the bipolar 1611 at i/v then the jfet 1656 as line buffer is also what I would do then voice the all with goods caps choice in relation on how the whole system sounds in the room (sort of little eq compensation by playing with caps)
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Thanks for the replies earlier, very helpful. I'm leaning toward ordering my own boards and building up around the I2S vIII board.

Questions about power:
If I understand correctly, the I2S vIII board can take a 5v power supply from the AD1862 DAC board. Am I able to run all of the 5v supplies from one bipolar PSU, or does the USB need to be kept independent from the crystal + DAC?

(I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, but I've read through the thread and still don't understand yet... thanks for the help)