Cult movies - what is your favorite - what is your favorite part

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“He who aspires to be a serious wine drinker, must drink Claret”
Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784)

The English description “Claret” derives from the French word “Clairet,” used to distinguish the light style red Bordeaux wines of that period, from the more robust reds of Portugal and Spain. The name Claret is still widely used today and applies to all red Bordeaux wines, while Clairet now refers to the rosé style wines of the region.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


Claret is a blend, based on the Cabernet Sauvignon grape with a significant percentage of mountain Merlot added for richness and mid-body.
A small trace of Petit Verdot contributes brightness and complexity. The Claret is aged in French oak cooperage for 18 to 20 months before bottling. No fining or filtration is used in the production of these wines.

So as opposed to Bordeaux Claret is a blended wine and used to be popular in the Anglo-saxon countries.

You'll never see a Frenchman drink it,to them it is just a sign of bad taste.

I'd have to confess to enjoying Repo Man a bit too much. Favorite part? One of 'em is..."(Lobotomies? Aren't those for lunatics?)...Not at all! A friend of mine had one once, he designed the neutron bomb. Ever heard of it? It destroys people, and leaves buildings standing. So small, it fits in a briefcase and no-one knows it's there. Then BLAMMO! Eyeballs melt, skin explodes, everybody dead. It's so immoral that working on it can be maddening. Anyway that's what happened to this friend of mine. Then he had a lobotomy, and now he's well again."
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Joined 2002
One of :up:s in my memories?

Phililp de Broca, Catherine Zeta-Jones
¡°The 1001 nights (Les 1001 Nuits/ Scheherazade)¡±

You did not see it...?

Today, yeah... all made by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen.



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Philip Glass?

Though interesting, I feel Philip's music suffers from autism. So much of it is fed through a sequencer.

I am glad Ron Fricke chose Michael Stearns on the IMAX version of Koyaanisquatsi (Chronos)! If you haven't ever seen Chronos, I suggest you look it up!

Both writers do have their strong points though.

grataku said:
I can't stomach 99.998% of what Hollywood has put out in the past 30 years. It's all about popcorn and soda.

Yes. And don't forget the action figures too.

My personal rule of thumb is that the quality of a Hollywood piece is inversely proportional to the amount of pre-release hype.

I liked Cinema Paradiso . That was a nice piece of work... but films like Pulp Fiction and Repo Man definitely win as sources of memorable dialog!

Not sure what cult means:confused:

But I like just about all Quintin Taranteno movies, but not too much since I probably didn't spell his name right. I don't like the one with the vampires, "Dusk Til Dawn." Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction (above) are probably my favorites. Can't think of any others he's directed actually. My favorite part is when John Travolta is buying heroin and he's arguing about the price or value and the drug dealer says:
"Am I a Nigger? Are we in Inglewood?" Never hear that kind of realistic dialog in hollywood movies. Not very PC and I guess rascist, but that's how people talk.

Also like these ones that were said before Memento (had to watch it 3 times to understand it), Dumb and Dumber (above), Agree with the dude with the hat on Trainspotting, but not on Enter the Dragon (didn't like it). Recreum for a Dream also freaky and weird and kind of good.

And will somebody please explain 2001: a Space Odessy:confused:
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