CLIO Pocket

Hey guys. Sent an email to Audiomatica about why there is no option to use a mic cal correction file. If I understand correctly. They are saying it would less accurate using a correction file and it would disrupt the freq / time relationship. Not sure I really get why it would cause problems and that it is offered in the more expensive Clio models. Seems to be a pretty standard and accepted practice in these types of software. What amI missing?
Hey guys. Sent an email to Audiomatica about why there is no option to use a mic cal correction file.

Not wanting to look like I am having a go at Audiomatica, this is not exactly an uncommon business practice. It is about giving you a cut-down feature set for the price. One extreme case was Intel making a bunch of CPUs and they were all the same, but some was deliberately nobbled and sold at various different price points. They all cost the same to manufacture. It was actually cheaper too to only use one CPU design. This is what happens when you have a "product line" and you need "product differentiation" because they are sold at different prices. So there you are - sadly happens all the time.
Yes that makes sense on some level, but it seems that is a horrible place to cut a feature. I guess there are ways around with math functions or just a better microphone. Why not make it a plug in feature or something like that. Charge $100 for it. Let people get the basic analyzer then let them pay to add features that are important to them. I'm still tempted to send the unit back and just get Arta fully up and running. It's so frustrating that it's such a nice little set up but just missing one major feature...that in my opinion is basically a mandatory no brainier should have feature. Am I making a big deal out of nothing?
Yes that makes sense on some level, but it seems that is a horrible place to cut a feature.

I can't say I disagree with you. It is not a feature I would cut out and I am fairly sure this could be dealt with via a software upgrade, in fact that is certain. I would make my view known to Audiomatica and that you are seriously thinking about returning it and going the ARTA route. Let us know here what they say, I know somebody in Denmark with a Clio and sure he would like an answer too, even if he hasn't brought it up.

Maybe as a carrot, mention the $100 offer too. It's just software and money talks. Sounds like easy money for them.
You can use VituixCAD2 instead to process the IR and have the option to add a mic cal file too thanks to Kimmo.


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When I was using Praxis it was nice to be able to see that with correction in place my Parts Express EMM6 mic produced very similar results to my Earthworks M30BX. I sold that system a while back and had to start over. I have a new EMM6 mic but it is kind of pointless to use with Clio Pocket since the cal file can't be used. Ergo...I will check out your solution. Thank you for the link. When I can afford it maybe I will go for a new Earthworks M23R. Said to be +/-0.5 dB from 9Hz-23KHz.
how do you use emm6 or a m23r with clio pocket, are they even compatible?

Good question, Clio is not balanced.

I have the M30 mic and it is +/- 0.6dB, where it is -0.6dB centered around 10KHz and not positive dB anywhere until well above 30KHz.

I gather that the M30R is a selected M23 for flatter response?

To use these mics you would need to have a separate mic preamp with inbuilt phantom supply and run higher signal single ended out. Does the Clio Pocket accept line-level input? I think it must. BTW, my M30 works on 24V phantom used by my Clio FW01, this was tested by Audiomatica and I can confirm it works. The same applies to M23 and M23R according to Earthworks.
Xlr pins 1 and 3 goes to sleeve and pin 2 to your tip on your rca usually. I don't think you need a preamp with Clio just phantom power. The EMM6 has about the same sensitivity as the Clio mic 2. I don't think the Earthworks is far off either. I have not heard back from Audiomatica about future plans. I'm on the fence about keeping it. It's nice but I've been making good head way with Arta. It seems like if Audiomatica doesn't like your question it's radio silence. I'm really tempted to get Arta up and going and keep Clio as well, but on the other hand...a full blown Arta set up with an M30 or M23R for the same $$$ basically would be true reference grade. Just found this in the Audiomatica Knowledge Base also. Looks like M30 was run no pre just phantom.
Last edited: Knox Phantom Power Supply for Condenser Microphones – Portable For Studio Recording or Live Stage Performances - LED Indicators, 48V Power – Uses Battery or AC Adapter: Musical Instruments

I use this. It takes a 9V battery and I tape it to the mic stand. I like the EMM6 because it has a correction file and is cheap. When testing and fooling around with a design, if I drop it or it gets dusty...I know I can get another one for $50 if I destroy it. Once things are more dialled in I can bust out the reference mic. As long as there is a correction file for the mic things should be very close.
CLIO Pocket 2.1. A new software release of CLIO Pocket is out. This is a bug fix release which improves stability and introduces minor updates. An updated version of the Clio Pocket Manual is available. Please, check the manual to learn about the updates.
The update to version 2.1 if free for all customers already using CLIO Pocket 2 through our CLIO Software Upgrade Service.

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