CamillaDSP - Cross-platform IIR and FIR engine for crossovers, room correction etc.

This is how i have mixer and pipeline setup..can this be done better


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Normal speakers have passive crossovers (highpass and lowpass for tweeter and woofer), and a single terminal to hook them up to an amplifier. Something like this:
View attachment 1085751
The source can be anything, but let's say it's a computer running some music player app.

What Neigh showed is just a variation of the first one. Still a speaker with passive crossovers, but with terminals for bi-wiring. Like this:
View attachment 1085752
There is still a passive crossover inside that you can't bypass (without opening and modifying).

Then there are speakers with active crossovers. They contain an analog or digital crossover, followed by one amplifier per driver. Like this:
View attachment 1085749
Each speaker still needs just a single signal as input.

And finally we have a system where the crossover is done in the source (computer):
View attachment 1085750
It's the same as the previous one, I just moved the frames. Now the "source" is the music player app, and the highpass and lowpass crossover filters are done in software in the computer. This creates two signals per speaker, so if we want stereo, we need a soundcard/dac with at least four output channels.
The speaker has no filters at all, and is most likely DIY. It could also be a modified passive speaker, and then the models with bi-wiring terminals are quite handy.
So, the trick is to have enough outputs on the sound card, and enough separate amplifiers to connect to the indivdual drivers inside the speaker cabinet. It would not work to use A and B speaker channels on the same amp.

Well, that is a situation I do not anticipate. Does all the signal sampling sound digital? I mean, is such a setup designed for music with vocals and actual musical instruments?

I admit digital can be pretty faithful with a good D/A converter. Where is some beginner material on the subject of computerized xovers and the systems that employ them? It seems like a poor use of a whole PC to just act as a xover.

But I suppose it's endlessly tweakable, something not available with passive xovers. Excellent explanation BTW. It definitely cleared things up. Now If I can just quit hitting 'M' every time I need a space (tablet onscreen keyboard)!
Does all the signal sampling sound digital? I mean, is such a setup designed for music with vocals and actual musical instruments?

It seems like a poor use of a whole PC to just act as a xover.
Yes, everything will sound digitized, like a cubist painting. All the waveforms will be like staircases instead of as nature intended. This kind of setup sounds best when playing techno and synthesized music, and who can stand to listen to that crap? Computers are expensive and bulky, so another brilliant point there.

You should probably save your money and instead put it towards a pair of single ended triodes and MLTLs with a fullranger from Mark Audio. There is a forum for that, you know. You will find many like-minded friends there!
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Hey guys,

I have been assembling components to build an audio system based around CamillaDSP with a Motu M4 running on my Mac. Forgive my novice question, but hoping someone might be able to provide some clarity around a specific equipment question?

I am thinking about using a pair of stereo amps (purifi 1et400a). But these would not have volume control on them. Is it fine to just control volume in CamillaDSP? I suppose my worry is about having the speakers plugged into the amps at full power, where I might send a full signal to them, either accidentally in software, or by if camilla is unloaded or something – and that full signal then damaging the speakers.

Any thoughts around this?
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Hey guys,

I have been assembling components to build an audio system based around CamillaDSP with a Motu M4 running on my Mac. Forgive my novice question, but hoping someone might be able to provide some clarity around a specific equipment question?

I am thinking about using a pair of stereo amps (purifi 1et400a). But these would not have volume control on them. Is it fine to just control volume in CamillaDSP? I suppose my worry is about having the speakers plugged into the amps at full power, where I might send a full signal to them, either accidentally in software, or by if camilla is unloaded or something – and that full signal then damaging the speakers.

Any thoughts around this?
If i where you, i would test this setup with all kind's of simulated thing's which could happend!

You can put in a volume-controller (potmeter etc...) or a preamp. while testing.

Ah okay, so it is right for me to be concerned about sending a full signal and handling gain through software? I wonder, even after exhaustive testing, if I'd ever feel safe about it. How are these no-volume amps usually implemented? just always with a pre-amp? So for peace of mind I might need 2 stereo preamps in the setup?

I'am testing the newest camillagui-backend v1.0.0-rc6
Using pycamilladsp-plot-1.0.1, camilladsp-1.0.1
I can't mouse-move the Bass/Treble sliders, the volume slider is working.
What can cause this guy's ?


adjust_period: 10
channels: 2
extra_samples: 0
filename: /dev/stdin
format: S32LE
read_bytes: 0
skip_bytes: 0
type: File
capture_samplerate: 0
chunksize: 4096
enable_rate_adjust: false
enable_resampling: false
channels: 2
device: sound_out
format: S32LE
type: Alsa
queuelimit: 1
rate_measure_interval: 1
resampler_type: BalancedAsync
samplerate: 88200
silence_threshold: 0
silence_timeout: 0
stop_on_rate_change: false
target_level: 0
freq: 85
gain: 6
q: 0.9
type: Lowshelf
type: Biquad
freq: 85
gain: 6
q: 0.9
type: Lowshelf
type: Biquad
gain: -6
inverted: false
mute: false
type: Gain
gain: -6
inverted: false
mute: false
type: Gain
freq: 6500
gain: 6
q: 0.7
type: Highshelf
type: Biquad
freq: 6500
gain: 6
q: 0.7
type: Highshelf
type: Biquad
ramp_time: 200
type: Volume
ramp_time: 200
type: Volume
mixers: {}
- channel: 0
- Gain_L
type: Filter
- channel: 1
- Gain_R
type: Filter
- channel: 0
- Volume_L
type: Filter
- channel: 1
- Volume_R
type: Filter
- channel: 0
- Bass_L
type: Filter
- channel: 1
- Bass_R
type: Filter
- channel: 0
- Treble_L
type: Filter
- channel: 1
- Treble_R
type: Filter

Ah okay, so it is right for me to be concerned about sending a full signal and handling gain through software? I wonder, even after exhaustive testing, if I'd ever feel safe about it. How are these no-volume amps usually implemented? just always with a pre-amp? So for peace of mind I might need 2 stereo preamps in the setup?
I have an integrated full digital amp., which i use when we are having party's and soo :giggle:
The volumecontroller on this one is also full digital, e.g it remembers to turn it all the way down, before powering up.
Such thing's can go wrong with our own software/hardware... but maybe it's just working for you?

Such thing's can go wrong with our own software/hardware... but maybe it's just working for you?

That's the scary part haha. At least with a volume knob you can set a hard limit and know one will be safe. Anyway, with this clarification the topic is perhaps too broad for this thread, so unless anyone else has thoughts on the implications of digital only volume control in this context, perhaps I ought retreat to more general corners of the forums for this topic.
That's the scary part haha. At least with a volume knob you can set a hard limit and know one will be safe. Anyway, with this clarification the topic is perhaps too broad for this thread, so unless anyone else has thoughts on the implications of digital only volume control in this context, perhaps I ought retreat to more general corners of the forums for this topic.
Haha correct...

Another thing is, that i'am not sure CamillaDSP volume is working on all streaming, i remember some radiostation's which where not that is, but this is long ago!

Haha correct...

Another thing is, that i'am not sure CamillaDSP volume is working on all streaming, i remember some radiostation's which where not that is, but this is long ago!

I'd be using CamillaDSP exclusively for system audio, and unless I've misunderstood things, I imagine the volume filter would control all sounds from the system. Controlling it via shell scripting is nice too, so I can add volume up / down keyboard shortcuts via keyboard macros
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Yes, everything will sound digitized, like a cubist painting. All the waveforms will be like staircases instead of as nature intended. This kind of setup sounds best when playing techno and synthesized music, and who can stand to listen to that crap? Computers are expensive and bulky, so another brilliant point there.

You should probably save your money and instead put it towards a pair of single ended triodes and MLTLs with a fullranger from Mark Audio. There is a forum for that, you know. You will find many like-minded friends there!
Guess I hit a nerve. Sorry. Not everyone knows as much as you do. But someday, if I'm really, really lucky, maybe I'll know as much as you do. I'm just dizzy with anticipation over the merest inkling of the thought of such a lofty goal. Can I get a diploma then?
Well, that is a situation I do not anticipate. Does all the signal sampling sound digital? I mean, is such a setup designed for music with vocals and actual musical instruments?
Definitely designed for music and vocals! If not, what would be the point?
It seems like a poor use of a whole PC to just act as a xover.
It's not a whole PC. The crossover tasks typically consume a small fraction of the processing power of any machine made in the last 10 years. It can easily run on the PC that anyway runs the music player app.
Ah okay, so it is right for me to be concerned about sending a full signal and handling gain through software? I wonder, even after exhaustive testing, if I'd ever feel safe about it. How are these no-volume amps usually implemented? just always with a pre-amp? So for peace of mind I might need 2 stereo preamps in the setup?

The nice thing about the purifi eval modules is that you can set the gain, see the application note. I find limiting the gain in the amp or dac gives me peace of mind and work quite well for me as I prefer to use the app to control volume. It is best, however, to use an app that has a good digital volume control that can ouput 24 bit or more.
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The nice thing about the purifi eval modules is that you can set the gain, see the application note. I find limiting the gain in the amp or dac gives me peace of mind and work quite well for me as I prefer to use the app to control volume. It is best, however, to use an app that has a good digital volume control that can ouput 24 bit or more.
Yeah do you mean by way of bypassing the buffer thus reducing gain by 13db? That’s something I reckon I will do for sure. The other option is to use a passive volume control (there are purifi based amps with this built in) but im reading mixed opinions the strongest of which suggest not going this route. Maybe I should just try it out (the software only approach) and hope for the best. Hoping to get a gauge for how common this approach is?