Burning Amplifier BA-2

There are links to Shunty and a number of other projects in Zen Mod's signature line. Shunty is part of the Pumpkin project. Just find a ZM post. He's one of those guys that hangs out in the Pass Pub a lot, should be easy to find him there. :drink:
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Have you got a link to Zen Mod's shunt?

The links from ZM's signature.


http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20665608/The Pumpkin & Shunty.pdf

ps Has anyone taken the power supply for the front end from the bias board. Any reason why I shouldn't?

The bias board takes its power from the output boards, you want the bias to modulate with the output PSU.
Thanks for those links. Shunty looks complex. Getting lazy. Just want to listen ASAP. Using Salas reg on one amp. Very good. Second Salas, not enough space in new amp.
With regard to bias board well if I run the front end from the main power supply that is connected to the bias board anyway so it will be drawing current from the same supply. Just happens that the way I have arranged things the bias board is right next to the front end, just a short wire away.
Thanks Istmee. Is anyone running the bias board from a separate supply to the main power supply? Perhaps running the front end and the bias board together on a separate regulated supply. Didn't occur to me that one should. Is there any advantage?

On a different issue when passing mains cables through holes in a metal casing. Should all cables come and go through the same hole to prevent turning the chassis into a transformer core?
When I said everything from one PSU, I meant front end, bias board and output; if your going to use two supplies, the bias board must be powered from the output stage supply.

On a different issue when passing mains cables through holes in a metal casing. Should all cables come and go through the same hole to prevent turning the chassis into a transformer core?

Are you talking about multiple mains cables?

A single cable - the live and neutral leads must pass through the same hole.

If passing a cable in then out (as a loop through) to power other equipment (preamp?) then no, a separate hole is ok (as long as the live and neutral pass through the hole); earth is unimportant in this respect as there is no current flow.
Many thanks for all that and I have made adjustments accordingly.

I am putting two 200VA transformers into one box each with a 230V primary. I would like both primarys to be joined in parallel and to use the CL60 thermistor to delay the current inrush. Do I just use one in series between the mains input and one of the primary inputs?
Thanks tinitus but that is mostly the same diagram as for the BA-2 build. Nelson has shown two 120V primaries joined by the thermistor for a 240V supply ( I did this on the first build) but I have a single 230V winding. It seems logical to me to use a CL60 in series to this but I just want to be sure.
I thought the matter was settled, however, I have run out of CL-60 thermistors but I do have a mis-purchase left over from a previous order of several Honeywell ICL-15 devices.
They are rated at 5ohms at 25deg C and max current of 6amps.
Could I use one of these instead of the CL60 or even join two in series to match the 10ohm resistance of the CL60? How critical is the thermistor resistance?
The 10ohms of a CL60 matches well for transformers operating from 110/120Vac supplies.

For 220/240Vac supplies you get more appropriate values of current limiting using a pair of series connected CL60.

Four of your 5ohms would give adequate limiting for 300VA to 600VA, 240Vac transformers.