Burning Amp 2023!

Hello All,

There was some interesting conversation at the Pearl 3 presentation.

Something like this was said about the Toshiba 2SK209. Clipping the devices right off the reel without measuring will work just fine. The Toshiba 2SK209's have less variability among parts than 2SK170's.

I am a bit skeptical about the Toshiba 2SK209 tighter grouping of measurements. Either way they may just work fine, less variability or not. The bias resistor will tend to even things out.

It might be that the little buggers are more difficult to handle so they just get clipped off the reel as is, close enough.

For grins I will clip the first ten Toshiba 2SK209's off the reel and plot curves; Idss, cutoff and gm then post the results in the Pearl 3 thread when someone starts it.

What will it be GR's or BL's?

Thanks DT

something like this

PF5102 IDSS.png
PF5102 Steps.png
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Joined 2010
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I've just returned to Italy and oh boy what an amazing BAF it has been! I've had some really interesting talks and met some really enjoyable people. Food truck was a great idea too. Definitely looking forward to next year's event :)

I gotta say that the engraving and metal work you showed was really good. You sure gave me ideas.. And I sure hope you expand the color palette for the chassis. Even if it takes two months to process, it will be worth it. Being mostly one offs, I don't think some color variation from batch to batch will affect DIY'rs. The machine turning too will be an awesome finish.

Another item... perhaps having some predefined "holes" for front panel meters would be nice. The old style round black bakelite jobbies, like the ones we used to have in metrology equipment:


Now for the red flames coming out...

You sure did a lot of travelling for just three days on the West Coast huh? THANK YOU for that.

It was awesome meeting you and thanks for all the help. Make sure you enjoy life to the fullest before the bambinos arrive.
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The four online auction winners: Your prizes are in the mail and should arrive Friday or Saturday. Wayne, you will have to sign for the VFET Kit because of the insurance.

And all of you in-person auction people - you outdid yourself this year! Nelson, Dennis, and everyone else, thank you for all the great donations to the auction and raffle!

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Joined 2020
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Thanks Tom. Really, it's kind of an amazing and odd thing that some rando solder jockey can show up to a thing and be blessed with such gifts of knowledge and artisanship. I've been in a bit of a fugue state since but I suppose it can be forgiven.
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Really, it's kind of an amazing and odd thing that some rando solder jockey can show up to a thing and be blessed with such gifts of knowledge and artisanship.

Pennie was standing next to Nelson Pass during the auction and she said he was really enjoying himself.

Nelson said during his talk, "All my life I have been building things that make me happy." Go, build, and be happy.

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