Building the ultimate NOS DAC using TDA1541A

What are the chances? Just look at the photos in the news: Paris, Sidney... Does it look like most people are ok?

It has all been studied and explained decades ago, just google "shock induced aggression in rats" or even better "shock induced aggression in socially isolated rats".

I for one fail to see any wrongdoings on Ryanj's behalf. On the contrary: a well documented and shared with the community project incorporating a lot of the current thinking about the 1541A design. Is it the best possible implementation? Perhaps not. Is it fully original? Certainly not, but Ryanj never presented it as such and always gave credit where credit was due.

Being curious after all the buzz i shamelessly used his design and tried out for myself how a modern 1541A implementation stacks against my '90s attempts and also against my other dacs.

Curiosity is now (mostly) satisfied for which i owe Ryan a big "THANK YOU"

The ugly board is of course not one of Ryan's.

Fantastic! Glad you gave it a go, and thank you again for pointing out a mistake I made.
I for one fail to see any wrongdoings on Ryanj's behalf. On the contrary: a well documented and shared with the community project incorporating a lot of the current thinking about the 1541A design. Is it the best possible implementation? Perhaps not. Is it fully original? Certainly not, but Ryanj never presented it as such and always gave credit where credit was due.
Well said!
Agree to disagree in my view comes from ego & pride, also the unwillingness in testing out what others are sharing.

An ability to agree to disagree has nothing to do with ego or pride. It is fundamental to civil society otherwise you have situation where the two in dispute beat each other over the head, physically or verbally, until one concedes and agrees with the other.

also the unwillingness in testing out what others are sharing.

There is zero obligation on my part to try anything anyone puts out there. You are free to put it out there and I am free to ignore it. I do it all the time. When I log on to the internet I ignore vast majority of the content and whatever you may put out there is just more content in a sea of content no more deserving of special treatment than the rest.
It might be interesting to deepen the topic.

Just a couple of DACs:
- Audial S5, TSA1541A, Euro 2200
- MEIZU HIFI DAC PRO, Cirrus Logic CS43131, USD 45

Please, elaborate a comparison and let us know the differences and why one should choose the Audial or the MEIZU.

I have no idea what the point of this is, afterall, why would I care about any of this stuff ?
An ability to agree to disagree has nothing to do with ego or pride. It is fundamental to civil society otherwise you have situation where the two in dispute beat each other over the head, physically or verbally, until one concedes and agrees with the other.

There is zero obligation on my part to try anything anyone puts out there. You are free to put it out there and I am free to ignore it. I do it all the time. When I log on to the internet I ignore vast majority of the content and whatever you may put out there is just more content in a sea of content no more deserving of special treatment than the rest.

Yep everyone has their rights & thoughts to do anything as they wish.
What are the chances? Just look at the photos in the news: Paris, Sidney... Does it look like most people are ok?

It has all been studied and explained decades ago, just google "shock induced aggression in rats" or even better "shock induced aggression in socially isolated rats".

I for one fail to see any wrongdoings on Ryanj's behalf. On the contrary: a well documented and shared with the community project incorporating a lot of the current thinking about the 1541A design. Is it the best possible implementation? Perhaps not. Is it fully original? Certainly not, but Ryanj never presented it as such and always gave credit where credit was due.

Being curious after all the buzz i shamelessly used his design and tried out for myself how a modern 1541A implementation stacks against my '90s attempts and also against my other dacs.

Curiosity is now (mostly) satisfied for which i owe Ryan a big "THANK YOU"

The ugly board is of course not one of Ryan's.

No. Many resseructed the thread where BryanJ begun and gave up a non fonctional board. Due to all the good ideas given and good exchanges and energy that resurected long time after in this same thread then he continued in what looked like open. It was not. Sudenly RyanJ closed it all. Bringing the ideas he hasnot himself or so few.and closed the door to all that spent more time than him for being made possible a story. He Chose a name as if it was the designer in a process that was not finished. Of course made errors of drawing because of that and proposed the board for monney.
Myself I corrected errors in the vendor thread where I wanted to sell the board for the free for the fun but mostly to give a correction in a picture of a slice cut to do on the pcb. Corection stolen by RyanJ without credit in the D2 because we were in conflict...thread erased cause the truth was said with brutality....most here know were it directed me.

So no Analogsa...I think you can not see where the rats are...

I do not know for the D3 but I m pretty sure 4 layers were not needed and if there are the gnd errors of the D1 because it is not about quality but ego imo I gave up.

Untill i saw this proposal of smd vs through holes and stupid pilots and fans applaud...Pfffg.

And no Andrea. Sorry all the guys that exchange give something here. Their time is as precious as your time. It is not because some push it till a pcb they only are the ones that gives something ....they btw sell after to retribute their time. It is ok for me btw to participate eachtime purchasing more than what I need cause the contract was clear here. Not with BryanJ. So no not a loesh or a john. They gave ideas for free but RyanJ was the vacume cleaner of elses. Direct dust to money proces...and now the guy is showing his proudness....what a...!
I like you but I can not read that w/o more input.
Analog Sa. Wolwes and orhers should say thank you to all the community not only the printer. It shows their morality is just at the level of a simple object. Zero integrity. Sad truth.

And I know the suit...he will do the victim, callvthe mods and then most than just want a pcb will applaud and claim about good morality.
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Myself I corrected errors in the vendor thread where I wanted to sell the board for the free for the fun but mostly to give a correction in a picture of a slice cut to do on the pcb. Corection stolen by RyanJ without credit in the D2 because we were in conflict...thread erased cause the truth was said with brutality....most here know were it directed me.
Thank you @DIYIGGY! You just outed yourself as a previously banned member ELDAM. I knew it since all your speech patterns are the same!

For those that don't know ELDAM was banned some time ago for being a "real good guy". He likely has multiple persona on this site, and likely another in this very thread.

Mark K.
May I recommend the Paul Hardcastle track "Just for the money"?

You are only capable of throwing your rants on all over the threads you join.

Your contribution to the diy audio community is less than zero.

And when I ask you to tell us how you would choose between a couple of DACs (after you have insulted a lot of members) you are not able to post the minimal technical comment.

Ask yourself the reason.
I know why.
Do you not think the smart thing to do on your part would to not respond to this pointless nonsense ? Then again the 20,000+ mega thread that was recently closed would suggest that is not your strong suit. I, OTOH, am going to do what you might consider learning to do and that is to recognize you are on a road to nowhere and stop.
Thank you @DIYIGGY! You just outed yourself as a previously banned member ELDAM. I knew it since all your speech patterns are the same!
Mark K.
In any case, a GB member made a harsh comment to former member ELDAM. He immediately withdrew it and maturely apologized. And for some reason we are still hearing fallout from it. Time to close that 4 year old incident and move on.
Do you not think the smart thing to do on your part would to not respond to this pointless nonsense ? Then again the 20,000+ mega thread that was recently closed would suggest that is not your strong suit. I, OTOH, am going to do what you might consider learning to do and that is to recognize you are on a road to nowhere and stop.

Please, keep the discussion technical.

What is your contribution on a TDA1541A DAC thread?
Have you implemented one?
If so, please let us know.
Are you able to offer technical tips about building a TDA1541A DAC?
Do you know a suitable way to drive it at its best?

Please, let us know, we are all waiting for you tips.
Thank you @DIYIGGY! You just outed yourself as a previously banned member ELDAM. I knew it since all your speech patterns are the same!

For those that don't know ELDAM was banned some time ago for being a "real good guy". He likely has multiple persona on this site, and likely another in this very thread.

Mark K.

We know your moral level now.
Anyelse to you enjoy or makes camps...

148 you participate a lot or have a double account? The only few ones whomcremember are so few I assume it is ryan there? Well done...always in the denunciation.... Frankly I am not sure who is the real good guy ;)

As for Audial I make no monney but contributed to some good ideas as on your boards. The uf l for instance for using Iancanada clocks for instance on both the Distinction and the Aya 2.. I pay my boards. In the last edition I tried to have vias for Andrea clocks. There just will be uf l pads for all Discroll boards that is all. My modest help to the numerous diyers.
Did youjust say thanks for the D2 correction you stole. No.
So common MarkusJ...please advert on your vendor thread where I say....nothing.
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