Buffalo III upgraded with ES9028Pro

Hi Dimdim
I could not find clock defintion section so tried changing
#define MCLK 10 // value of clock used (in 10s of MHZ) .10=100MHZ. to
#define MCLK 8 //value of clock used (in 10s of MHZ).8=80MHZ.
byte i2cStat =myEEPROM .begin(my.twiClock100KHZ); to
byte i2Stat=myEEPROM .begin(my.twiClock80KHZ);
But just got a error on twiclock80KHZ.
I will change the clock to a 100MHZ clock what is a good make of clock to buy please.
Thanks Dimdim
All you need to do is change #define MCLK 10 to #define MCLK 8, you don't need to do anything to the i2cStat line. That should do the trick.

Regarding a good 100MHz clock, you are constrained by your board's smd footprint, combined with the availability of a 100MHz clock at that footprint. A Crystek would be a very good choice, but it won't fit your board (which has an NDK 2.5mm by 2mm clock). I'm not sure that you can find a proper 100MHz clock for that footprint.
All you need to do is change #define MCLK 10 to #define MCLK 8, you don't need to do anything to the i2cStat line. That should do the trick.

Regarding a good 100MHz clock, you are constrained by your board's smd footprint, combined with the availability of a 100MHz clock at that footprint. A Crystek would be a very good choice, but it won't fit your board (which has an NDK 2.5mm by 2mm clock). I'm not sure that you can find a proper 100MHz clock for that footprint.

Thank you Dimdim i have changed #define MCLK from 10 to 8 but same problem.
There is also another problem of when I change to next song or file it goes to full volume until I manually adjust volume.
All other settings and display are working great its on default of -10 but goes to full volume I move my volume to say -9 or -11 and it lowers volume to normal level.
I am wondering if its a problem with DYINHK xmos still trying to control dac.
SDA /SCL lines are not connected between xmos and dac though so not sure how its controlling it.
Thank you Dave.
Thank you Dimdim i have changed #define MCLK from 10 to 8 but same problem.

Can you copy/paste your Due's serial port's output here while you're changing sampling rates? So I can see what's going on.

There is also another problem of when I change to next song or file it goes to full volume until I manually adjust volume.
All other settings and display are working great its on default of -10 but goes to full volume I move my volume to say -9 or -11 and it lowers volume to normal level.
I am wondering if its a problem with DYINHK xmos still trying to control dac.
SDA /SCL lines are not connected between xmos and dac though so not sure how its controlling it.
Thank you Dave.

When you're "moving your volume", are you referring to your PC's media player's volume control or to the DUE's (rot. enc. or IR remote)?
Almost done with my shield! Waiting for ADUM1250. 4.3" TFT on the way. DUE waiting for instructions...

Our cat got mad at me for spending too much time at the bench. Chewed up my hot air station hose. Using solder station, small tip and Hakko deoldering gun.


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OK I started over. Duh!

Now I just get this

Arduino: 1.8.5 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"

sketch\Wire.cpp:26:19: fatal error: twi.h: No such file or directory

#include "twi.h"


compilation terminated.

exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Due (Programming Port).

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.