I have used the regular, N-version in test amplifiers. I don't remember using the unity, P-version, but the difference is relatively minor.So there's a bit of JLH going on here too with that phase splitter.
Have you or somebody else ever built this to try it out ?
The N-version works OK, it tends to have asymetric properties such as slew-rates, which is not surprising, considering the topology.
This may or may not be be to your taste: some people love symetry, some hate it.
Others may have also tried the topology, for example:
Note that Wavebourn's circuit almost certainly has a lower distortion, thanks to the total feedback and symetry. The choice is yours.
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Wireless World, October 1976 Wireless World page 74 has a 10W version.
Wireless World, October 1976 Wireless World page 74 has a 10W version.
I'd rather try and get SS not to sound like anything at all.
but I figure that I would want a super-clean SS output, not one that makes for 'tubey' sounds.
Hi Bigun,
If using feedback is not a problem, you also might consider a CFB-OPS as discussed here:
The discussion is quite long and it ends about here: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/soli...terview-error-correction-283.html#post1358518
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I have used the regular, N-version in test amplifiers. I don't remember using the unity, P-version, but the difference is relatively minor.
The N-version works OK, it tends to have asymetric properties such as slew-rates, which is not surprising, considering the topology.
This may or may not be be to your taste: some people love symetry, some hate it.
Others may have also tried the topology, for example:
Note that Wavebourn's circuit almost certainly has a lower distortion, thanks to the total feedback and symetry. The choice is yours.
Thanks Elvee.
I'm not too worried about a bit of distortion if it's 'Hiraga-like', meaning a predominance of lower orders and rapid fall off of higher orders. This harmonic profile will result from the tube front-end, but avoiding nasty higher order harmonics will be a challenge with the SS buffer and in particular it will be difficult to avoid odd order harmonics if using a symmetric design. However, I like the soft-clipping potential of Wavebourn's output. I can see this being useful only if swing is limited by the output stage rather than the input stage.
The 'cool follower link' looks like a simple diamond buffer with paralleled output devices so not sure why it's labelled as new and never seen before ? Nevertheless, it looks simple to implement and I have a better chance of understanding how this works 🙄
Thanks Edmond - I remember trying to read that thread once. I did manage to read a good deal of it. It was quite fascinating. I wish it were possible to get a potted summary of some of these types of long threads as there's much to learn. I'll have to go back and look again, it's been several months.
Thanks Apex - what am I looking at here, it looks like source follower but with something going on in terms of bias - is this an auto-bias or error correction ?
i can vouch for the circuit elvee posted. i have used that buffer for a few years now. search for a thread "my simple class a approach". i never used an active current compensation, i used a ring of two current source with the sense transistor glued to hea
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sorry i'm posting from my phone and it limits how i can post at once. i meant to say glued to the heatsink
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Hi Jerluwoo,
It's good to hear that the circuit has been successfully employed in Class A. Did you try the circuit biassed at Class AB ? - I see a lot of options for Class A buffers which can yield excellent results, but this thread I'm raising the challenge of a no feedback Class AB buffer !
Anybody any thoughts about the Krill ? - the output stage that is.
This options is also looking very attractive as many amplifiers have been built with positive results. A triode frontend looks quite feasible.
It's good to hear that the circuit has been successfully employed in Class A. Did you try the circuit biassed at Class AB ? - I see a lot of options for Class A buffers which can yield excellent results, but this thread I'm raising the challenge of a no feedback Class AB buffer !
Anybody any thoughts about the Krill ? - the output stage that is.
This options is also looking very attractive as many amplifiers have been built with positive results. A triode frontend looks quite feasible.
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No this buffer can not be ran a/b. It works by dividing the current from ccs between the output transistors. Once one transistor reaches cutoff the other is at its max current output.
The Cool Follower design is also know as a Diamond Buffer, and may be run in class A (Hot Follower), or class AB (Cool Follower).
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Thanks jerlwoo.
djk - yes, I am leaning towards the Diamond buffer. I am looking at the Krill implementation, it offers an interesting bias scheme (assuming I may refer to the Krill as a form of Diamond Buffer).
djk - yes, I am leaning towards the Diamond buffer. I am looking at the Krill implementation, it offers an interesting bias scheme (assuming I may refer to the Krill as a form of Diamond Buffer).
Yes, I have:.................
Anybody any thoughts about the Krill ? - the output stage that is.

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Yes, I have:
did you build one (I thought you said you don't usually build, mostly simulate) ?
Here is an unconventional suggestion:
It is a half-diamond circlo buffer.
It has a full NPN output, low-Z, good linearity, no crossover distortion, a servoed Iq control, and a decent bandwidth, even with 2N3055s.
this circuit is based on the circlomos circuit - go to
are here additional threads about this topology?
I don't find suggestions about circlobjt, circlomos with bjt's and circlobuffer
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my memory is coming back now. I've seen some of this before.
and some further thoughts on biassing:
Re: New error correction amp - diyAudio.
and some further thoughts on biassing:
Re: New error correction amp - diyAudio.
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Thank you everyone for contributing so eagerly, I almost feel obliged to build all of these and give them a fair listen !!!!
Well I'm going to start with the Diamond Buffer, the Krill version of it. I've started a new thread over in the tubes section to get some input on that aspect of the design.
Once I have that up and running I will know a lot more about where to go next, but I am a closet fan of the Sziklai and it would seem relatively easy to put one of these at the output of the Krill Diamond. At that point I can look at some of the cool features contained within Wavebourn's circuit and the search goes on.....
Well I'm going to start with the Diamond Buffer, the Krill version of it. I've started a new thread over in the tubes section to get some input on that aspect of the design.
Once I have that up and running I will know a lot more about where to go next, but I am a closet fan of the Sziklai and it would seem relatively easy to put one of these at the output of the Krill Diamond. At that point I can look at some of the cool features contained within Wavebourn's circuit and the search goes on.....
Here is an unconventional suggestion:
It is a half-diamond circlo buffer.
It has a full NPN output, low-Z, good linearity, no crossover distortion, a servoed Iq control, and a decent bandwidth, even with 2N3055s.
In the attachement the DC conditions in my simulation for that circuit (between 2N3773 and 2N3055 no difference to observe).
The p-spice modell of 2N3773 I have download from
ON Semiconductor
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at first look it seems to be right - also by the DOZIt has a very JLH kind of look to the topology and I think this bodes well.
But the greatest similarity concerning the output is to Olsson's circuit about
Original article: Better Audio from non complements? from Bengt Olsson (B. Olson?)
Electronics World + Wireless World, December 1994 page 988
and additional the Creek Circuit from X-pro
so as this circuit:
http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/solid-state/160285-class-b-w-o-crossover-distortion-1975-a.html (post #6)
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