Best electrolytic capacitors

@Max Headroom: My goodness ... 3-4 years ago I tried different lead-free solders and since many of them caused the soldering tips on my Weller soldering iron to degrade (some of them) virtually in hours I decided to let go of lead free solder. But I would VERY MUCH appreciate a tip on a good lead-free solder that flows well and doesn't ruin the soldering tips :) ;)
I am still wondering if their any good lead free solder exists which don't destroy my soldering iron.
Ok IME Lead free solders have a range of critical temperatures and usage of liquid flux is critical.
My point/advice is getting Lead out of the overall equation is the very first thing to do.

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Well I find it difficult to obmit upstream cap sound with final cap Max cause somehow it will be in the mix. You’ll hear it if the resolution of your system is high. I try to minimize the effect right from the beginning. For starters I do no use toriod , in my early days in diy I already dislike the sound, I only use EI & if possible split bobbin. Diodes I’ve discovered a very very good one, its a Schottky Bridge from Japan, all I can say is its grainless compared to even high speed soft recovery diodes. From here I’ll start testing with different PS caps that I have on hand.
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@johnego: ... You mention Vloss as a parameter. Can I ask you what this is? I don't remember having seen this before - maybe it is the leakage current?
All of those parameters are related. But Vloss here is more similar to dissipation factor (tan alpha). When the dielectric material is similar, smaller dissipation factor is a good indication of a better capacitor.

Leakage current causes voltage drop. But leakage current parameter in a capacitor is measured long term, and with rated voltage. 'Vloss' I'm talking about here is the instantaneous voltage loss after the load pulse, and the applied voltage is of course much smaller. But like tan alpha, this is also a good indicator of good capacitor. At least, from my observation this is one simple parameter which has good correlation with cap sound quality in power supply (decoupling).
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Well I find it difficult to obmit upstream cap sound with final cap Max cause somehow
it will be in the mix. You’ll hear it if the resolution of your system is high. I try to minimize the effect right from the beginning. For starters I do no use toriod , in my early days in diy I already dislike the sound, I only use EI & if possible split bobbin. Diodes I’ve discovered a very very good one, its a Schottky Bridge from Japan, all I can say is its grainless compared to even high speed soft recovery diodes. From here I’ll start testing with different PS caps that I have on hand.

From my experience, the core material and flux density of the power transformer has much more to do with to sound than split bobbin vs wideband design. A poor reputation of some toroids might be the high flux density and saturation due to slight DC mains offset. But IMHO, mains noise and capacitive coupling is one of the lesser evils.
Now I didn’t know that Sikorels are available in low voltage AE50 & how do they sound ?

Although they are one my favorite electrolytics, with a subjective tembral evenness, without a sense of shouting or dullness somewhere and a huge amount of microdynamics, I haven't compared these to all caps in the world. My proposition was to hand over a pair of them of a suitable value to someone who is willing to listen to them and share experience. Please tell me if you're a volunteer.
Well I find it difficult to obmit upstream cap sound with final cap Max cause somehow it will be in the mix. You’ll hear it if the resolution of your system is high. I try to minimize the effect right from the beginning. For starters I do no use toriod , in my early days in diy I already dislike the sound, I only use EI & if possible split bobbin. Diodes I’ve discovered a very very good one, its a Schottky Bridge from Japan, all I can say is its grainless compared to even high speed soft recovery diodes. From here I’ll start testing with different PS caps that I have on hand.
Sumotan, which Schottky bridge do you use? For preamps, etc, I used SB2H100 or VSB2200S for heavier duties in amps, even SBYV27 series, but for PSU in amps the only "heavy duty" discrete diodes available here are 31DQ10 (100V / 3.3A), but I don't dare to use them as main rectifiers...
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All of those parameters are related. But Vloss here is more similar to dissipation factor (tan alpha). When the dielectric material is similar, smaller dissipation factor is a good indication of a better capacitor. Leakage current causes voltage drop. But leakage current parameter in a capacitor is measured long term, and with rated voltage. 'Vloss' I'm talking about here is the instantaneous voltage loss after the load pulse, and the applied voltage is of course much smaller. But like tan alpha, this is also a good indicator of good capacitor. At least, from my observation this is one simple parameter which has good correlation with cap sound quality in power supply (decoupling).
Where can I find information about Vloss from the manufacturers?
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Hi Karl,
Im using this Bridge Diode for my power amp. Brand Shindengen.


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Hi Sumotan, the green Phillips 4 pole is a new one to me - I wonder if it is a special production cap by Jensen as they are 'big' on 4 pole caps - I've been a bit remiss in not trying any of the Jensens - must try some of them too.

I'm like Karl and interested in that better diode - there's a thread here where they use a fet as a diode with excellent results that is being researched in Japan - is that the one?

Jeez Karl, those SPYV27s are really fast at 15nS - no graph of that recovery