B1 with Korg Triode

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I'm a big fan of Japanese people.
Maybe Hungarians and Japonese are close relatives.
One of my very favourites film maker is Akira Kurosawa.
As well one of my very favourite actor is Toshiro Mifune.
But I really can't understand, why they chosen 2mm for pin spacing for Korg Nutubes?

thickness of dozen Katana blades ?

At the middle of seventies, we have an Akira Kurosawa series on TV.
That was the time, when I read first The Sound and the Fury from Faulkner.
I must have to say, they are both, who definitely have to declare my point of views of life, until now, and then, while I live.
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I love clean power ... sigma11 (clone) from amb.org with active rectifier. :D

I love clean power ... sigma11 (clone) from amb.org with active rectifier. :D
That's an interesting take on the Sigma 11 regulator. Looks like it makes some worthwhile improvements.
I am using four of the Sigma11 in a DIY Naim dual HiCap to power my NAC 82 preamp. I started with just a pair to replace a factory Olive era HiCap, and the improvement over the Naim implementation was very worthwhile. Adding the second HiCap worth of regulators took the preamp to a whole new level.


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