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AudioSector-chip amp kits, dacs, chassis

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I guess I will have to make a list of everything in that schematic.

and then bread board....

This is an endevour! I guess I need to rock Vishays and N BGs for it. CREE diodes... hmm... This will be interesting. How are you getting cheaper? $112 of Vishay resistors, $40 of diodes, have not even made it yet to the BGs.

Why are there no JFETs in that schematic? Are those other transistors and opamps going to sound good?

I never found the SSM items. The diodes are cheap ones in the schematic that are labled. Hmm...

I guess I need to find someone that knows about this particular buffer.


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I am going with Tech - DIY, he offers matching pairs and quads.

What is the shunt doing in this case? I mean is the point to make sure the signal stays in the circuit because the RCA jacks can draw on the case? er?

Next I must build a PSU. That I am very undecided on. I assume one would work for both. I thought about just rocking the type of PSU you have with yours, 4 diodes and a transformer... Then some voltage regulators and some BG standards, maybe 100uf. I am not sure what voltage regulators to use, that can handle regulating down. Then I have no idea where 24v 2 channel transformers are at for a regulated PSU.

I just but something up for sale locally so hopefully soon the DAC will be next, especially since I think my TT is going to be sold and pay for some digital mods to my Squeezebox!
what kind of transport will do well for this, i mean regular compo cd player with possibly digital out, or dvd player?

i tried a pioneer dvd player with audionote zero dac few years ago, its improvement but sounded very thin, and any britain cd player easily outclass them like NAD or ARCAM.

but i heard the DAC from REGA transport is very good.
Destroyer OS. said:
Next I must build a PSU.

You can use similar supply I used in ML buffer (see schematic)
Shunt sets input resistance.

_henry_ said:
what kind of transport will do well for this...

The best one you can afford. If you can't find anything suitable, use a computer and USB version of a DAC, which is also available.

While developing DAC circuit, I was using ML31.6, ML37 and later CEC TL0. I presently use this: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=120229&pagenumber=1
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