Asynchronous I2S FIFO project, an ultimate weapon to fight the jitter

is already starting to take shape.


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Joined 2021
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WladimirMXP said:
to those, who don't want to mess with such big toys to be chasing down 1 to 1,5 mOhms at best (compared to the already big enough 325F Maxwells) - don't worry, you are probably not missing out much. There's so much more to gain by just bypassing the green connector, which itself has 20 (!) mOhms,

@eduard Oh you meat to say that the 20 was a ref to 8 posts someone else?? Off course me not knowing how to read was certainly the problem...:violin:

Good thing the green connector is gone and I'll take the 50% less ESR.
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I think you misunderstood: I see measurements from Ian for individual components (eg FiFoPi etc), however we will have no idea how that component will behave in a completed system and how the completed system will measure... This was my point. Anyway amazing how how much backlash for a private point of view...
Joined 2021
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« however we will have no idea how that component will behave in a completed system and how the completed system will measure... This was my point. »

I still don’t understand how measuring a complete audio system, which includes components, cables, and speakers that aren’t yours, and set up in a different room with a different power source, could be meaningful or relevant to you or anyone else.
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Hello All

I have a questions for @iancanada - but would welcome input from anyone.

I am using a UcConditionerII3.3v. I notice that the "Ultra Capacitor Full" LED (D4) varies widely in terms of its brightness. Sometimes it is very bright and other times it is much lower in brightness.

My question: Does this variation in the brightness of LED D4 signify anything? Is the variation in brightness an "analogue" indication of how full the ultra capacitors are? Or may be something else? Or does it not mean anything at all?

Many thanks
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Joined 2002
@eduard Oh you meat to say that the 20 was a ref to 8 posts someone else?? Off course me not knowing how to read was certainly the problem.
It will be ok we also can be fooled without spending money.
It is probably also a multi tasking problem. I have see that magic 20 mOhms number before, did i?
It is rather weird that a wake up call done by very few members here will keep just a few people from continue hibernating. But whenever their brain is kind of not to busy they are thinking about a strategy to bribe their partner so they can get an extra pair of caps.
Of course they can show the necessity of this giant leap in quality by a simple calculation. Look, if i add an extra pair ESR will go down 50 %.
Is this called autosuggestion? Even if you use a vast array of " le Creuset" in your kitchen it does not turn you into a good cook. But if YOU think the expense is justified you will be happy so will be Mouser and hopefully not Alibaba.
Greetings, Eduard
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Joined 2002
Does anyone know of cheap(ish) and readily available brackets to mount Pi's and associated stuff like Ian's vertically ? All this 'flat' mounting is very inefficient. Or maybe it's an excuse to finally buy a 3D printer.

Hello Pete,
You could also go for piece of metal ( aluminium, copper, steel) have it bend at 90 degrees at one or two sides. The bended parts to mount it to a chassis. The big surface to mount ( a stack,?) of boards with the usual stand ofs . This way you have some screening and you will be able to mount boards on both sides.
Greetings Eduard
@eduard Oh you meat to say that the 20 was a ref to 8 posts someone else?? Off course me not knowing how to read was certainly the problem.
It will be ok we also can be fooled without spending money.
It is probably also a multi tasking problem. I have see that magic 20 mOhms number before, did i?
It is rather weird that a wake up call done by very few members here will keep just a few people from continue hibernating. But whenever their brain is kind of not to busy they are thinking about a strategy to bribe their partner so they can get an extra pair of caps.
Of course they can show the necessity of this giant leap in quality by a simple calculation. Look, if i add an extra pair ESR will go down 50 %.
Is this called autosuggestion? Even if you use a vast array of " le Creuset" in your kitchen it does not turn you into a good cook. But if YOU think the expense is justified you will be happy so will be Mouser and hopefully not Alibaba.
Greetings, Eduard


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Hello Pete,
You could also go for piece of metal ( aluminium, copper, steel) have it bend at 90 degrees at one or two sides. The bended parts to mount it to a chassis. The big surface to mount ( a stack,?) of boards with the usual stand ofs . This way you have some screening and you will be able to mount boards on both sides.
Greetings Eduard
Thank you Eduard, yes,I know I can make them myself, and I can literally have any commercially available metal (well, nearly any) bent to any size I want, but my question was specifically about readily available prefabricated brackets. A bit like the ones we used to have like for mounting 3.5" drives in 5.25" bays...unfortunately I threw all those about years ago. Used to have dozens.
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Joined 2002
Hello Pete,
I am sure a serious diy store will have some brackets that you could use but most of the times the holes will not fit unless they are oval shaped and it is not always easy to get a rigid assembly and it think especially a printed board with tiny traces should be mounted on a solid surface.
At my old employer i have constructed many professionally used chassis that won't twist and cause a short circuit when being turned upside down . Most diy constructions you see here will only function with their feet on the ground. Especially if you will use supercaps you will need some rigidity.
Greetings Eduard
« however we will have no idea how that component will behave in a completed system and how the completed system will measure... This was my point. »

I still don’t understand how measuring a complete audio system, which includes components, cables, and speakers that aren’t yours, and set up in a different room with a different power source, could be meaningful or relevant to you or anyone else.
Again twisting my statements. Referring as a complete system as a streamer or a DAC (not the context of a complete audio chain). FIFOPI Q3 measures like this... In which context (with which output boards - eg HDMI PI; what power source, etc etc)
I am not debating that this may bring better results than some of the commercial products. I am just pointing that it may as well not. From price point perspective I am standing at around 3000 EUR with Ian's stack (streamer with LVDS output only) and what goes around it. Am I happy with it: hell yes - invested a lot of time, saw differences of several iterations, etc etc. Do I know how it measures? No, I do not. For sure I will not buy a 10k measuring device to confirm the claims.
And just to make things even clearer for you. I am not denigrating in any way Ian's work/products. I just pointed out that we need to be more realistic with our expectations with what can be achieved with his products. None of us is a real digital audio engineer. Again this is a DIY hobby. I am not here to make a product better that MSB, Rockna or similar, or to compare product prices.
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