Are you really interested in 'Hi-Fi'?

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Okay last post for tonight (who knows forever!?)...

True fidelity = output is true to the signal entering the amplifier, right? We hear everything that is on the recording not an interpretation?

Distortion = there is information that does not match that of what's coming out of the amplifier to what's going in?

Correct am I okay so far?

So from that which are correct definitions we can assume that low distortion means high fidelity?

Yes I think we can...

Am I also allowed say that GENERALLY tube gear has higher distortion than SS? Which means tubes are not high fidelity?

I also value incorrect frequency response as types of distortion, again generally due to the output transformer in tube gear low frequency response isn't as great as SS?

Damping factor creates a lot of distortion in bass of woofers due to driver control.

Generally tube gear = high damping factor and SS low.

All I'm gonna say for tonight.
Not wanting to fuel the debate , but it seems to me that no one
can negate the fact that solid state is way more hifi than tube gears ,
unless using the usual subjectivism rethoric , so in a way the OP is
right in his understanding of what is true hifi.

I am not skilled enough to start throwing numbers at you.

Wavebourne, SY and Pano are skilled enough to throw numbers at you. You can go read some of their posts, they don't even have to reply here.

Everything is subjective, even HiFi.

To me, SS does a good job of playing the sound of a pin drop, but it sounds like a good SS HiFi playing the sound of a pin drop.

To me, a tube amp sounds like a pin dropping. See the difference?

I guess it's how you want to define HiFi. Who cares if your SS gear can reproduce small faint cold sounds.

I define Hifi as the one that sounds the most natural.

It does not do me a lick of good if I can hear dust floating on a SS amp, if it does not sound good.
wahab, my phono preamp (for example) adds about 0.03% second at full output, which decreases at lower levels. My line amp adds 0.002% second at full out. My power amp adds 0.1% second just before clipping and 0.02% at 1W. Are you saying that these are audible as Aphex-like coloration?

I guess not , but your numbers are of the best lot in tubery tech...

Generaly , tubed sound is really , well , a tubed sound....
Why dont we avoid resistors, capacitors, semiconductors, and copperwire.
It is hopeslessly old fashioned, and contributes with a lot of noise and distortion?:D

Philharmonic halls are more old fashioned, and have more noise. People there are sniffing, coughing, breathing, whispering, move their foots, etc... Some of them even snoring...

...but I like them! :)
Joined 2004
Paid Member seems to me that no one
can negate the fact that solid state is way more hifi than tube gears ,
unless using the usual subjectivism rethoric
Subjective impressions are all you have at the end. Fairly high THD can sound quite transparent to the ear - so does it matter to fidelity if you can't hear it? Lower amounts of THD can sound bad, depending on the harmonic or inharmonic make up. The overall level is measurably lower, but it sounds more distorted. Is that higher fidelity?

The listening may be subjective, but the research is solid and dates back 90 years or more.
True fidelity = output is true to the signal entering the amplifier, right?

No. Sounds don't enter amplifiers. When they do, it is called parasitic microphonic effect. And people don't hear outputs of amplifiers. It can cause electric shock and death, depending on power of the amplifier. I saw on one high-end expo electric drill powered from output of an amplifier.
Generaly , tubed sound is really , well , a tubed sound....

And SS sound is really, well, a SS sound.

There is WAY more crappy SS stuff out there then crappy tubed gear.

Just about everywhere I look I see a crappy SS amp of sort's.
My iPad, clock radio, car stereo, cell phones, televisions, washing machine etc all have "LoFi" sound, or they sound like garbage.

If SS is so much better, why all the bad sounding gear?

Tubes are still king for audio, considering the technology is so much older sure says a lot.

People are trying everyday to best tube gear and steer tube lovers to the SS side with no progress.

When something better comes a long, you will know it because the tube forum will no longer be the busiest forum on DIY audio.
Joined 2007
Paid Member
wahab, my phono preamp (for example) adds about 0.03% second at full output, which decreases at lower levels. My line amp adds 0.002% second at full out. My power amp adds 0.1% second just before clipping and 0.02% at 1W. Are you saying that these are audible as Aphex-like coloration?

Boscoe has a interesting point, if you produced a SS pre, line, and power amp with the same numbers could you hear a difference?
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