Aleph J illustrated build guide

Hi 6L6/Zen Mod,

Set up the testing on the jfets that I got from the store like you showed me. All eight ended up reading 11.4 mA =/- 0.01. I'm pretty surprised at the consistancy of these LSJ74's. Placed the order for the rest of the parts so soom I'm hoping to be hearing what an AlephJ sounds like. Thanks for all of your help.

need advice

i have some caps for use in aleph J


which one will perform better sounding for the J ???


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Joined 2011
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I have such loads of stuff that just goes stiffy. I am such a looser of "baying things, to less bang for the timetaking. But I could prolly supply a generation of passgear. Besides my friend has loads of the original sandys. What to do? Put them up for grabs or?
I'm planning to use 6x 150.000uf/35v per channel (monoblock)
Papa sugest a slow diode in class a amp, but he only using 8x 15.000uf for his stuff.

Not sure for the big can caps.
Is it better to use fast or slow diode for bridge? Thanks

I have some MUR3020WT for the fast bridge.
And IR GBPC3502 35A for the slow.
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