Acoustic Horn Design – The Easy Way (Ath4)

Two examples attached. You can export FRD data for the individial array groups and than work with that in any crossover simulator (see array1.txt demo). Or you can also work within ABEC manually on the script level (the most simple is to overwrite individual levels and/or delays in observation.txt).

- No LF source/enclosure support yet.
Tried with the array0.txt
Importing whole ABEC project
ERRORS ------------------------
Missing "Control_Solver"
Joined 2004
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- OK, I need to perform some initial test now before I release it to the world....


- Just from looking at it, I think the top & bottom walls of the horn will screw it up (and will need to be done differently) but let's see.
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Made my day! :)

I get same error with "missing control solver" while importing in Akabak. Anyway I get the bare basics imported thats enough.

If I want to try another source shape (rectangular) how to define it? source shape=1 and how to define width/height? I once crafted a segmented AMT driver....maybe resurrection of that project now
Joined 2004
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It's fascinating how rapidly it falls apart around 10 kHz. Partly it may be due to the BEM resolution but I guess this is basically how CBT behaves for the given c-c distance.

The bad news is that the simulation took almost 1.5 hour, despite only some 1700 BEM elements. That's probably due to the high number of separate sources (?).
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@limacon: same Akabak version.

For your center-center spacing that sound real. Thats why I tried the segmented AMT a while ago as distance between single driven elements is then virtually nothing.

Another solution to that problem would be the waveformers for compression drivers. Here you can basically form any shape of the wavefront desired:

Also a non-symmetrical bending is possible that way. Then also above 10kHz you could get nice results.