A how to for a PC XO.

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I got it working. Sadly, my EQ plugin has the same issues in Bidule as in Console. I was also hoping that Bidule could run well on more than one CPU core, but it cant ... neither can Console... and I think the user interface of Bidule is even worse than Console -> Uninstall.

If you are not bound to the mentioned equalizer plug-in I recommend the "Nyquist" you can find here:

Magnus' plugins

I use it under Console and it works sonically absolute transparent IMO

Nyquist eq: Just 5 bands... not enough!

...you can daisy chain with no problem

And I dont think its LinearPhase either?

I think it is but could not find prove quickly....

I just purchased the Refined Audiometrics Laboratory EQ because it sounds very very good, actually much better than other Mastering quality EQ's I've tried lately.

Sad to hear...
...have you already compared to FREE Nyquist plug-in ? - me having no complains (sound wise) whatsoever !

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I possibly should add that I use "Nyquist" mostly *not* for EQing as this usually is solved completely by "Acourate".
My main application is to simply adjust gain via MIDI remote.
One would not think this is a challenging task – but it turned out that no other plug-in actually was transparent.
Going down in gain (towards midnight listening level) all the others I've tried severely lost in resolution – I almost could not believe !

So - using "Nyquist" only once in a while for what it actually was made for, I'm nevertheless under the impression that it features an exceptional engine in behind.

Ok, I see.... you dont use the EQ in the EQ! :)



To be serious - I like to use the many inputs of my sound card as kind of "multiple input preamp" and can switch channels on and off by MIDI remotely too.
Also volume control for different outs - like main speaker versus headphone, or for different XO channels to quick test different alignments - is comfortable to handle this way.

Its all done by "Nyquist" plug-in's in "Console" as its cheap, easy and reliable.


After managing to get multi channel "Convolver" plug-in to work absolute flawlessly - above setup is basically unchanged for more than a year now and is reliably working - day by day - with no hassles at all.

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Prodigy 7.1 hifi no go in latest Windows 7?

October 29 I posted that I was running Prodigy 7.1hifi on Windows 7 RC but did not get much testing done. Since then the RC expired so I downloaded the Enterprise 90 day trial.

Microsoft has made it impossible to use the Prodigy after some wonderful "Security" updates as far as I can determine. I have spent hundreds of hours trying to fix this and will try a complete new install one more time and if that does not work, It is time for XP which seems to be better than 7 in almost all respects.
October 29 I posted that I was running Prodigy 7.1hifi on Windows 7 RC but did not get much testing done. Since then the RC expired so I downloaded the Enterprise 90 day trial.

Microsoft has made it impossible to use the Prodigy after some wonderful "Security" updates as far as I can determine. I have spent hundreds of hours trying to fix this and will try a complete new install one more time and if that does not work, It is time for XP which seems to be better than 7 in almost all respects.

Mind to elaborate how it doesn't work after the updates?
Did you get the latest drivers from ESI?
Prodigy 7.1 hifi no go in latest Windows 7?

I have used the latest drivers for Windows 7 both from ESI and Audiotrak. The ESI help pdf is newer than the Audiotrak site but no matter what I do including manual driver install will not work. I tried reinstalling the card and software but Windows 7 just ignores it.

This all started from an XP security update last summer. I got message saying to reboot to install the latest update and after reboot Windows did not automatically log in like before. Instead it asked me to choose a user and login but did not give me anything to click. After a day of trying everything I gave up and tried to reinstall my old CD but I had lost the keycode and the one I gave it did not work. So I decided to try Windows 7 RC.

Originally it accepted the old Prodigy code that got moved to a different partition but after some more automatic updates that would not work. I don't see any point to running virtual XP when I can do everything I want with XP without installing more RAM if I get another copy and install. Windows 7 taskbar is nice but nothing else works as well as XP. It appears that many soundcards have trouble with 7.
I think what you are laying out has some merit, but you should have a look at Behringer's DCX2496.

You use the PC to set it up, but it operates as a standalone system under normal use. It also contains parametric EQ and to the best of my knowledge does everything that you stated in your first post.

I hate to have to depend on a PC running every time I want to listen to music or sharing computational time, but it does show us where things are headed!
about Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1 Hifi

I have a question about Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1 Hifi and its features.

Yes, it has DirectWire internal routing, but what do you think about an Advanced NSP feature? As I understand, it allows to run VST plugins in real-time without anything else? (I mean VST-host and so on...)

I have read it here:

And here is the example of usage (near the end of article):
Advanced NSP
I'm not aware of any audio interface which implements linear phase DSP, though Motu's lineup and the Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 DSP support warped phase IIR in hardware. Audiotrak's manuals and the page linked above all describe integration with VST hosts running a PC and don't mention any standalone capability or the inclusion of a VST host with the Prodigy. So my expectation would be you'd need to acquire a VST host in addition to the card.
(I’m making my way though this thread)

When getting a sound card, what “extra” do you need include in its spec, so it handles DRC?

The XO and EQ will probabaly be done with Thuneau's Allocator (and maybe PLParEQX3 + Bidule)

I’m looking seriously at the Saffire Pro 40

For DRC on say 3 channels (left, right, and centre): on top of the speaker Ins and Outs: are 3 extra inputs and outputs needed?
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Soundcards dont do DRC, and no special features are required. Its your software that must do that part, you just plug it into Bidule together with your XO and EQ.

Personally I am not a fan of the impulse response correction type of DRC. I prefer to dial in the bass response manually with EQ. You should not try to do DRC above 4-500 Hz anyway.
Thanks Stig

I thought the software “managed” it, but soundcards might need extra “capacity”: that’s good news that they don’t.

Yes, I’d think the benefits of DRC would be greatest < 100 Hz, somewhat less < 200 Hz (or whatever is the room’s the Schroder frequency), and decrease above that.

Btw, strikes me that one kind of speaker would probably benefit more from Digital XO and DCR, than any other: a tapped horn
They often have massive high Q output peaks at the top end of their operating range (though you might mask some of this, with a low and very sharp crossover); and they operate in the area of what’s usually the most extreme room problems.

I may find I don’t like it, but I want to give it a try.
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