The food thread

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It is sold in TN, and SC. I have used it to make other beverages such as Absinthe.

It was used when I was in college in SC to make "Purple Jesus", basically frozen grape concentrate, ice, water, and Everclear in a cooler.

In gentler times, before the unfortunate invasion of the polycarbonate Red Book brick wall, while in college, we used to call that jungle juice.... take a bunch of fruit ( oranges, grapes, pineapple, etc..), a large trash can, a large trash bag and a few bottles of Everclear or 151. Chunk the fruit, put it all in the trash can. Let it sit overnight.

The next evening, party time, throw in a bunch of fruit juices and ice. Maybe some 7-Up for that "Sangria" taste... Turn up the stereo -we all had good stereos then. Normally we'd make compilation "party cassettes" so no one would destroy the turntable or records. Crank it up. Turn on the lava lamps.

The girls would always want some fruit in their cup, thinking it would not be so strong.. eh, eh, eh.... the fruit packed the most "punch"... the juice was likely less powerful than wine but the fruit, oh the fruit, it was rocket fuel. Nothing like a bunch of not quite drunk college girls in the party. WooHoo...

Most definitely a summer drink when we all had summer jobs and money and it was warm outside. In the winter we'd do beer kegs.
It's been unseasonably warm here in recent days. Ordinarily I like to brine meats around 2-5º. It's hanging around 10º day and night so the back bacon is going to be ready sooner than expected. I took one piece out and sliced from the center. It's pretty good, but I think 3 more days in the brine and she'll be just right. After that, one day of drying and one day of cold smoking.


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Is there any indian food not using turmeric or yellow?I understood it's a good protector for the guts lining among other things , but seemed to have no effect in my case in the usual concentration found in the indian food .I use it now in industrial quantities in food but lost all local tastes. I spent a month in Southall in London and that food gave me a nice peptic ulcer for 3 years with its huge content of spices.Fortunately I accidentally found a combination of teas made with local herbs that treated it in 2 weeks .
Turmeric is optional in Indian food, about a pinch of pure turmeric powder or solid per head of diner...or shredded if fresh.

The ulcer woud have been due to high spice levels in poor quality restaurants...who think "if in doubt, add more chili', mostly Bangladeshi joints, who cater to people who know little of Indian cooking.

Ghee and coconut in many forms are good for ulcers but I would use less spices to start with.
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Southall and wembley are the two good places to get Indian supplies. Southall railway station actually has signs in punjabi as well as English. We tend to visit wembley as parking is slightly less painful.

Brick lane is the place to go to eat spicy. Some great restaurants there as well as good pubs and the slightly unnerving feeling that this is where jack the ripper used to hang out.
No, sev is sold here in shops...a decent snacks shop will have them in thin to thick in regular, spinach, garlic, cheese, tomato, chili and so on.

It is sold per kilo, not worth the trouble of making from dough, extruding into hot oil, then draining after frying.

Most sev would be less than 3 US Dollars a wholesale.

The chick pea flour is itself about 2 dollars a kilo, so 3 for fried is a decent price, provided it is not mixed flour fried in poor oil.

Cotton seed and peanut oil are preferred here and some use palm oil.
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I don't know the difference between the indian food served in London and the one from India, but the guys there used to eat three times spicier than what I could .They had no problem...It was their daily food since infancy. I needed tons of yogurt and always asked for less chilli ...still it was too much for me.
I have no cooking skills at all, I hate making food, but if you ever get a peptic ulcer do this tea and serve one 250ml mug every 2 days for at least two weeks : when a pan with 2l of watter has boiled, stop the heat and throw in quickly :2...4 spoons of salvia officinalis, 2 ...4 spoons of callendula officinalis and one small spoon(less than half a spoon) of artemisia absinthium. Put a lid on it and let it cool down slowly. Callendula officinallis needs more heat and time to become effective .Drink one 250ml mug every two days for the start, because that small spoon of absynthium will make it bitter like hell and it's also a bit toxic in large quantities.
In the books they say that you can drink 3 x 250ml mugs/day of arthemisia absinthum tea made of one spoon per 250ml for max 3 weeks in very severe ulcerations , but I couldn't do it anyway...
I discovered the tea by accident using it to treat teeth infections as I couldn't afford any medical help af the time( here in my town there's no emergengy help for teeth problems unless you pay, even if you're going to die of it as the state hospital doctors don't respect nor the laws or the Constitution and ask for money officially even for the emmergency check) .By the way the police doesn't care about it either...
So using that tea 3 times a day to clean my mouth, i got to swallow one third of it in small sips cause I knew it can't hurt me.After one week I realized my ulcer pain has gone significantly and I tried to understand what changed in my diet .I realized it must be the tea so i drank one mug every two days for another week.After 2 weeks I had nothing...the daily pain i got for 3 years after every single meal has gone completely.After that I read that Arthemisia absynthium was recommended for infected ulcers too .It was probably the only way I served some absynth :)
For two years before that cure happened I used to heat all the food including the salads and drank warm watter to even be able to eat anything as for a decade before I only ate raw cold salads and mostly nothing else was warm. Still had absolutely no problem until the indian food from Southall came into my life.
Now i can eat moderate quantities of garlic and onion on empty stomach and have no problem.For 3 years I couldn't eat anything containing milk , bread or any type cheese without getting white as the paper.Not sure what type of peptic ulcer I had cause I couldn't afford any doctor check either.
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It's been unseasonably warm here in recent days. Ordinarily I like to brine meats around 2-5º. It's hanging around 10º day and night so the back bacon is going to be ready sooner than expected. I took one piece out and sliced from the center. It's pretty good, but I think 3 more days in the brine and she'll be just right. After that, one day of drying and one day of cold smoking.

Salted, smoked bacon is to pork what a SiT is to a Class A amp....

Both are awesome, but you need a lot less bacon than pork chops.

I wonder what an F4 is then... Spanish Lomo? ( cured tenderloin ).... Jamon de Bellotas?

I think the F5 would more like a nice Spanish Chorizo de Soria, or maybe a good Longaniza de Aragon or a Catalan butifarra. They all got more "body" and spice than the downright awesome lomo which is pure salt curing. (*)

I'm hungry, it's before dinner, I just finished a 12 oz 9% IPA while unloading the car from a very expensive Costco run (**).... there...

Oh, I really truly pity cultures that are vegan or don't eat pork. They have no clue what they're missing. It's like being happy with a Bose soundbar.

(*) As a matter of fact, in our kitchen, we have a jamon serrano ( not "de Bellotas" ) on the stand, covered by a towel. I slice into it every day as a snack! Chez Tony is pure decadence in many ways. ;-D

(**) For our non American ( US ) friends... that's where we get our vittles and fine Charmin Toilet Paper ( on sale this month! ).
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Thanks Allen.I see it's sold here too.Not too expensive.It may be that the absynthium being so bitter is very alkaline thus neutralizing the hcl. I did try salvia and calendula before, but it seemed to make the things worse...When I added absynthium everything changed and it's probably one of the cheapest and easiest plant to find around here...In popular terms it is called the "Queen of medicinal herbs" , but I never used it before or since...I don't take teas on a regular basis , only if I need them.One thing I never expected though with treating all sorts of mild lung infections after a virosis or cold was that raw cow milk untreated from the peasants boilled in a combination with the orange part of an egg and a small spoon of honey that we call "shodou" was far more efficient than all the medicines and teas I ever took in my life and I had severe pneumonia for 3 times in my life and two virosis each year, no vaccine apart the childhood shots for tuberculosis.
The only thing I do different is that I add separate turmeric, commercial curry and a bit of pepper in before i mix it with the egg and honey.Then i add the boiling milk to kill any potential bacteria in the egg. Dring one big mug with this mix, then another 2 mugs only with very warm milk.I drink 2 l of warm milk every day for two days and the 7 days old treatment for cold or virosis actually got down to 2...3 days of warm milk, egg, honey and curry...nothing else.Use a translator:
The right content of turmeric to act as a medicine is when mixed with a bit of pepper.Pepper enhances the turmeric antioxidant properties by 26 times.
I use it in huge quantities in everything i eat or drink except cold watter.It mixes well only with warm foods.I don't quite like the food taste it gives though...sometimes I skip it as a spice for food and use basil , thyme and some other local cheap herbs found in every usual meal.
Now my simplest boiled food in watter for the lazy cook I am is a mix of rice, chickpeas and lentil with added turmeric mix done by myself to make sure it has pepperin it, an egg sometimes,some garlic, sometimes onion, carrots and potatoes plus some thyme ...and that's the most complex food I ever made...
Good enough for me though.
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The strength of turmeric varies, there are species within the class, like in green peppers.
Ask at an Indian store, they might have different varieties.

Folic acid, Ranitidine, try those for ulcers.
A cure all here for mild infections, and sore bones is a half teaspoon of turmeric in about 200 ml of warm milk, sip slowly.
We use a half kilo of turmeric powder here in 6 months, to put things in perspective, family is 3 people.
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My aunt takes ranitidine for two decades to keep a mild gastritis under control .I don't keep it under controll, I cured it in 2 weeks.If you don't believe it you cantell someone you know to try it.Probably nobody died out of a mug of salvia calendula and a bit of arthemisia every two days unless he was really unlucky to have some allergy to it.
Also never heard of turmeric or its properties until my mother got cancer...It's not usually used in eastern Europe.Same with lentil or chickpeas.I had a turkish girlfriend in 2010...2012 and she taught me to use lentil and chickpeas.Never even heard of them before.
The other medicine food I used for treating some very severe effects of a C7 infectious arthrosis is cooked mackerel boilled in steams over frozen vegetables .It seems this is the cheapest version of aspirin that doesn't attack your stomach and also treat arthrosis, but only if taken regularly and great quantities.I ate 500gr of mackerel with vegetables every single day for 50 days when I got in trouble.Rheumatic disease is kept well under control in men by this food and I say that only because I used it.As I have no heating for 10 years now i got some rheumatism, but the oils in this fish really helped there too. I can't say I treated them but escaped 90% of their symptoms.I repeat that cure every 6 months when the problem gets accute again...I'd do it more often but I have no ideea how much mercury is in that fish nor I can afford salmon or butterfish .
My tastes are very simple...I did a lot of fried eggs as every single man in my life but after i hit 45, I avoided too many eggs.
As I said...I use food as a medicine lately, untasty but nutritious food, unlike in my youth where i couldn't care less of my intake as long is it was enough of it.