The food thread

I have been doing my usual holiday cooking. 30 Loaves of Raisin Bread so far, along with somewhere around 700 cookies.

Most of the cookies are spritz made with a Mirro cooky press.

In addition there are Lebkuchen, and Biscotti.

I will do another 12 loaves of Raisin Bread, but am done with the cookies.

I will box about a dozen sets of bread and cookies to ship next week.


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What would be your cheese of choice be, Cal?

A consignment of Dorset Blue Vinny is wending it's way to us soon:D
Too broad of a question. I like most all cheeses. I tend to stay away from the milder ones but they all have their purpose. I didn't say I disliked Feta, I just don't grab it first. I like aged cheeses and stronger tasting and smelling ones.
Actually, bread and cheese was a normal kind of breakfast or snack in the old days, before refrigeration and TV advertising changed food habits and perceptions.
And a lot healthier for a physically active person like a farmer or road worker.
Wine is to relax after work, or at the end of a day.

I find it stupid to go to the less, do more physical work, you will be healthier.
Once I went to a pub that had a range of good food, with an acquaintance. One of the items on the menu was Beef Stroganoff, but there was also a bread-and-cheese platter. Now there is a very old, very bad, slightly off-color joke that goes "What do you call a bull masturbating in a field? Beef Stroganoff!" So my acquaintance said to the waiter, who he knew, "I'll have the 'bull masturbating in a field'", but the waiter seemed not to know the joke, looked confused for a minute, then said "Ploughman's lunch?"