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I hear this too on the Knights of Malta . . .what was the diet.
I found this source and hope it is relevant: Food in Malta | Maltese History & Heritage

"During the rule of the Knights of St. John . . . Malta used to export various food items, including oranges, orange-blossom water, lemons, preserved apricots, pomegranates, honey and cumin. Meat and poultry were also being consumed in large quantities, particularly by the Knights and their guests. Wild rabbit and game hunting are also mentioned as a common source of food in historical documents. Ice was imported from Etna in Sicily to make sorbet-like sweets."
Maybe mandrake for Malta ? While not climate compatible with Highlands. that's for fighting (some vikings were also said to use drugs before raids... and it's certainly common with wariors in many areas of the need two things : an intelectual boost : patriotism, quest, vengeance, whatever + a physiological drug boost (alkaloids sort of, all what is killing your fear on the battle field.)
I assume now it's the same, a vegan needs weed before going to a butcher's shop.

Ya I was thinking of the drugs maybe but that would have caused much bleeding from even a minor wound. ie Pervitin.
From personal experience while in Army stationed in Bavaria I can say its good for 2-3 days. There were mountains of it available in Nuremberg-Munich.(maybe leftovers from ww2)
It explains why blitzkrieg always peters out after three days? An explanation for the troops stopping advance into Dunkirk and Bulge?

Hitler's Drugged Soldiers


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@ jfetter: It's certainly common when you indeed see in ancient time what soldiers/warriors was wearing on the battle fields as the weight of their weapons (and if not they have to be rapid, so in a perfect physical state/condition) ! While they were always young and robust and trained for that (and most of the time healthy from good food as said cause often warriors were took from the elites) I believe "normal" food was not enough ! Life was short on the battle firlds and they knew that.

Notice today for some, it's another longer battle called life and the need for hard drugs is more and more common (opioids medics, cocain, one take addict synthetic sheet).

At least we know they drunk a lot despite not being good for moral (a good reason was because safier than water).

@Nigelwright7557 : I'm not a specialist, my understanding is what you are talking about can be greatly reduced by reducing inflamations due to some foods : alcohol, industrials sugars, too much carbonned food, too much fat, especially saturated greases, animal ones (I laugh with those studies of good butter from cow-milk rehabilitation).
Of course genetical factors make we are not equal. We are not equal even doing daily physical training as advised everywhere. Stop ready-made food, fast-food, reffined food.

Despite all those "tips" help a lot it stay hard to follow : now everyone is aware of that, nothing new, but hey hard to resist a good beer, a good wine, a good icecream... I can't.

Anyway starving a little helps, getting fater when agging is always a bad prognosis whatever the diet you choose. Diabetee can kill you as surely as meat... we get bad habits.

I'm not sure all young vegans have enough knowledge for an equilibred nutrition. Ok the know for B12 vitanim they need to find elswhere but often some receips are way too fat to make the meal close to the western taste (fat and sweet): too much greases and sugar to try to copy meat or cheese, etc.

I assume it asks experience and lot of reading to avoid errors for health. Now I understand it's not just about health and medecine food; avoiding animal exploitation makes sense, but be carefull with sugars and too much vegetable oils as well.

two cents, but always good to infintly repeat it.
Fatty foods can build up in arteries.
Plaque from poor teeth hygiene can attack the heart.
Cholesterol can build up in arteries too.
Depends on the type of fat. Not all cholesterol are same. LDL and HDL are both cholesterol but do different things to artery. Contrary to common misconception (born out of flawed research by Dr. Ancel Keys), saturated fat is good for our body, it raises HDL. LDL is to be avoided.
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They were called berserkers. As for the use of chemical to achieve that state, it's a speculation and hasn't been confirmed.

good to know, I believed there were runic writtings, but myths are indeed often stronger than texts, songs popular stories.... Btw those berzerker were perhaps like some people of south asia towards todays Malesia/Indonesia : they entered in trance with music (gamelan with avok people ?) to fight or rituam fight iirc ! But duno... but we eat music diet too :D
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Depends on the type of fat. Not all cholesterol are same. LDL and HDL are both cholesterol but do different things to artery. Contrary to common misconception (born out of flawed research by Dr. Ancel Keys), saturated fat is good for our body, it raises HDL. LDL is to be avoided.

Not so sure of that... some vegetable ones perhaps, but very not sure it avoids deposit & inflamation. HDL higher is not an enough factor : if too much grease, you risk inflamations and deposit so healthy problems too... at least my poor understanding. (Coco grease seems not so good for health as claimed by vegies : like many oils you need few, around 2 coffee spoons a day including all the food (animal or not animal grease in the food)
Not so sure of that... some vegetable ones perhaps, but very not sure it avoids deposit & inflamation. HDL higher is not an enough factor : if too much grease, you risk inflamations and deposit so healthy problems too... at least my poor understanding. (Coco grease seems not so good for health as claimed by vegies : like many oils you need few, around 2 coffee spoons a day including all the food (animal or not animal grease in the food)
Please feel free to bring in some filling material to raise the sureness of this topic.
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google ans some medical studies are your friends, don't want to stop you. But it's far more than the ratio HDL/LDL. While it's important, it seems that this oposition between good and bad cholesterol was more about illustration (my understanding again, I don't claim any verity here), there are a lot more factors, try to be fat with good HDL/LDL ratio, you will not avoid stroke and hearth diseases. For instance some scientists seems to claim than stamins are more usefull for their non-inflamatory behavior for atherisis than the standalone HDL/LDL behavior.

Well anyway, believe what your doctor says, mostly if medical hospital profesor. (hopping they are not all lobysts for medics factories :()

Well I disgress, not really on topic, I apologize, though a good diet is certainly important for the health, but a factor among many else.
Well anyway, believe what your doctor says, mostly if medical hospital profesor.
I don't know about where you live but around where I am, doctor's words are not to be taken as gospel. There are many cases of misdiagnose by doctors. Haven't you heard anyone saying that they are going to get a second opinion from another doctor?

though a good diet is certainly important for the health,
But the question is what the content of good diet is.
Unless there is new meatless "meat" released that's indistinguishable in double blind taste test, it will just be a repeat of what people already posted.

What would be going on in one's psychology to need a double blind test? Some trust issues I think...

"Yeah, it tasted great but.. but.. but.. I think it only tasted great because your body language said I should think it's great... because.. because... because you're biased, evil and are trying to influence me!!! "

Chill out, relax and enjoy life. And that means not letting certain issues prevent you from enjoying something.

"I can't relax because it's not meat! "
"How does it taste? "
"I..I.. I err... it's not meat! I hate it! "

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Butter is good for you. It's been unfairly demonized for last 50 years, at least in USA.

And don't you believe it's the same process in the opposit direction ? I'm sure you think of it too !

We are all aware about that hype. I don't remmeber, it's started with a paper in Time or a daily newspaper? A lot of lies, lobbies are very powerful in USA, as food & medics industries. Such reviews take a liitle information and coock it in a global thinking (often ordered by financial interests : ads or lobbies).

Such claims came very often from special demands -see lobbies-, too little group studied for proper conclusion, or sometimes in vitro studies to position the results by experimenting only the things you want to show - real consequences too expensive to experiment with, as for instance following people in time as most serious protocols-.

USA's people fated with sugar and now they try to let you believe grease butter and soon greases are good for health !!! Be carefull. We need greases as said, but very few (the two coffe spoons needed for an adult are raised because of too much fat in our diets: organic and industrial food, too much fat added in vegetables when coocked. Far too much daily quantities of milk & butter & cheeses for our children and ourselves too.

As far I know, this story of butter rehabilitation was oriented and became a mediatic hype in USA. Stay prudent, food is never bad in small quantities and 10 to 15g of butter per day will not give you bad issues.

Problem is most of the time, people eat too much of such food because it's tasty-grease and sugar & salt help for a tasty food but are our enemies for health due to our greed-

Try to use only 15g of butter per day for a child or worse, an adult! I'm frightened because american wiwes after such studies jump on butter poisoning their family (well it will take time so culpritts will be safe.

Worse: some will coock this butter; a bad idea really, tasty but bad idea for health.
Look the way your link was written : it let believe you butter is a medic food. Flee when you read such writtings as for instance curcuma : no serious studies shows it's positiv in vivo, such studies just begun because the hype and medecine scientists & professors didn't published any result yet and too much curcuma as some beginns to add in large quantity in the daily food can be toxic or give bad issues (loins iirc).

All the good things you can read from your link can be founded in saner food. In order of preference :

- Bio Colza (pressed) (best Omega 3 & 6 ratio : we eat too much Omega 6, hence inflamation which are bad for artherisis and brain ; Bio Olive oil for some others reasons but don't flow your food with it either; a little non coocked bio walnut oil & some grains ones in little quantity in salads.
Avoid hot & tooo long coocking - don't go above 200°C, even with steam- with greases and btw all the foods be it organical or vegetable.

Of course I'm agree with you : never take it as a truth, just take it as an envy to look for more informations yourself, but LDL/HDL is really not enough to think artherosis issues, it's just one of the parameters and it's easy because people think eating stamins will fix them without changing their diet.

With artherisis, we also need to think how to avoid the best we can the food causing inflamations from what I understood (to avoid artherom plaques, grease plaques and finally corks- it's also good to avoid/reduce alzeimer issues or too fast brain agging- inflamations in our bodies and lack of physical activities are very among the worst ennemies we have with all the chemics than poison us as well, of course.

sorry to be long, finaly maybe on topic as it concerns vegans as well.
I do not think it is possible to be vegan now, especially in US.
The GMO organisms are prevalent within entire food chain. ie walrus tomatoes and weird transcorn etc...Liberty Link Corn??? Roundup ready Soylent? Yummy.

"Currently, the GMOs on the market today have been given genetic traits to provide protection from pests, tolerance to pesticides, or improve its quality. Examples of GMO field crops include Bt-potatoes, Bt-corn, Bt-sweet corn, Roundup Ready soybeans, Roundup Ready Corn, and Liberty Link corn. "
Bt-Corn: What It Is and How It Works | Entomology

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