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Next time in grocery, try to find a irradiation label.
I don't worry about irradiated food when even the beer I drink is naturally radioactive (10 picocurie per pint).

In fact, beer is said to contain thirteen times as much radioactivity per pint as the cooling water discharged from a nuclear power plant. :eek:


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Joined 2019
it's not about plot it's about monney and financial interests

I used to when I was fed endless marketing hypes based mainly on flawed research by Dr. Ancel Keys. Then I was fortunate enough to be directed by a friend to the info on the real story behind all that marketing hype. You should do some research on this too, for your own benefit.

:) So all is about "butter unploted" ? If you jump from Ancel Keys to the butter hype then you're are in the same way of thinking. That's what I told you,

As said few butter everyday will not kill you but too much butter and all sort of grease will, up to you and people to be reasonable with every day fat quantities they absorb.

When I see somepeople in your country jumping in the biohacking diets by putting butter in their cofee I find it dangerous..whatever the friend !

Of course if you swap butter for far more vegetable grease it's not good as well : moderation is yojr friend as the way you eat : even vegetables and fruits have sugar (yeh less complex chain than reffined sugar, we know...) and the sugar speed absortion is something to consider when benchmarking natural food we every day eat from pastas to tomatoes and avoid long term diabetes; a good serial killer as well, but we all know that as well. A lot of varity also helps, that's where it is a shame, the poorer you are the more you exposed with food and medical issues.

If we speak about eating as a medical way to improve health, veganism is not a solution because some hypes (coco grease in too much quantity for example). But I'm ok with the moral point of view while evolution is stupborn and I'm not sure they avoid the vegetable food made from people exploitation in some countries nore they are all for short transport cycle between producer and consumer.
I'm not worried as we all die, at least later in some countries than others, so diets choice stays important (nothing new below the sun).
:) So all is about "butter unploted" ? If you jump from Ancel Keys to the butter hype then you're are in the same way of thinking. That's what I told you,
I was eating butter growing up, then stopped and switched to so called alternatives and low fat diet after being bombarded with the "healthy" diet fad, then realized what I've been doing wrong and came back to the original. So your assumption is inaccurate.
As said few butter everyday will not kill you but too much butter and all sort of grease will, up to you and people to be reasonable with every day fat quantities they absorb.
How much is too much? Number please. Also, what are those all sorts of grease? Name please.

When I see somepeople in your country jumping in the biohacking diets by putting butter in their cofee I find it dangerous..whatever the friend !
Which source of info are you basing this on?
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Joined 2019
Number ? I gave you some ! But It's also about your genetic and almost daily physical training! Most of the time not enough in modern countries.

My sources ? Well, medical universities professors from several domains without external financial interests... (at least not my friend and daily press or TV)
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Number ? I gave you some !
I must've overlooked. Would you mind posting a link?
But It's also about your genetic and almost daily physical training! Most of the time not enough in modern countries.
As for the names of those greases?
My sources ? Well, medical universities professors from several domains without external financial interests... (at least not my friend and daily press or TV)
Your friend may not be the same as my friend who helped me. He has a degree in nutrition and owns a fitness center.
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Joined 2019
@evenharmonics : so he is even not a doctor, do you really think your friend is understanding more those things than medecine professors specialized on internal organs & fonctions ??? Here they are above hearths surgeons specialists ! They don't own fitness center, their interest is health and diseases :they teach futur specialists and surgeons, rule a dpt in an hospital and as this hospital is university classified they also make researchs in vivo + in vitro ! They are aware of all the research and result made in the world.

I talked already about some greases with name or type and daily quantities. you're HDL/LDL example is not enough and just prove you don't undertand neither your friend (such food degrees can be learned in 6 months in many countries, be prudent, take more informations)

It's boring me, think what you want it's not a competition, you're ok if you make some fitness (though too much static but better than nothing) and despite fitness a bad diet will not save you from dangerous issues you could greatly reduce with a proper and scientifical information, not took at the corner pub.:)
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With FDA labeling requirements pretty strict, still don't quite understand why so much chinese honey, which is apparently illegal to bring in due to its poor quality, is available on the market. Some say it's up to 70% of all the honey, part of it sold in stores, part used by the food industry. Is it a neglect by FDA or people's ignorance? Hope it's not too off-topic as honey is not vegan.
With FDA labeling requirements pretty strict, still don't quite understand why so much chinese honey, which is apparently illegal to bring in due to its poor quality, is available on the market. Some say it's up to 70% of all the honey, part of it sold in stores, part used by the food industry. Is it a neglect by FDA or people's ignorance? Hope it's not too off-topic as honey is not vegan.

I have little (no) interest in being a vegan but, that last part caught my attention....honey is not vegan?
@evenharmonics : so he is even not a doctor, do you really think your friend is understanding more those things than medecine professors specialized on internal organs & fonctions ??? Here they are above hearths surgeons specialists ! They don't own fitness center, their interest is health and diseases :they teach futur specialists and surgeons, rule a dpt in an hospital and as this hospital is university classified they also make researchs in vivo + in vitro ! They are aware of all the research and result made in the world.

I talked already about some greases with name or type and daily quantities. you're HDL/LDL example is not enough and just prove you don't undertand neither your friend (such food degrees can be learned in 6 months in many countries, be prudent, take more informations)

It's boring me, think what you want it's not a competition, you're ok if you make some fitness (though too much static but better than nothing) and despite fitness a bad diet will not save you from dangerous issues you could greatly reduce with a proper and scientifical information, not took at the corner pub.:)
Please read carefully. The following is what I wrote.
I used to when I was fed endless marketing hypes based mainly on flawed research by Dr. Ancel Keys. Then I was fortunate enough to be directed by a friend to the info on the real story behind all that marketing hype. You should do some research on this too, for your own benefit.
My nutritionist friend directed me to the info. That info is written by medical doctors and agreed by other medical doctors. Not convincing enough? Then look up what late Fred Kummerow, one of the leading experts in bio chemistry stated.

As for the quantity and type of greases you mentioned, what info do you have? I'm asking out of curiosity.
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