Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


I am stuck on step #8, Heebo word doc. I boot up the pi and get the following prompt:

Raspian GNU/Linux 9 raspberrypi tty1
raspberrypi login:

What do I do from here? I also need to edit the \boot\config.txt to

How can I do that? I will first use ethernet cable to do the build, then
using an edimax usb wifi adapter so I want to disable the onboard wifi.

I see the guide says to type FING to get ipaddress of the Pi but it's asking for
log in information.

It’s a Unix script - you run it, like a batch file, not a ‘word document’ that you need to retype.
how do we dissable low power mode for wifi and bluetooth chip.

i was going through the shairport thng and i came accross a note that said that some time shairport may dissappear due to wifi module entering low power mode.

i did try - iwconfig wlan0 power off but this didnt work while in moode ssh mode.

any tips. cause i keep loosing the airplay exactly at 10minutes. and it comes back after a hard reboot. (airplay option on my iphone 6s running on 11.2.2) and amplifier board is Justboom Amp (TAS5756* i think)

bluetooth stability is a different issue which i am not going to push around for now. but will be studying what happens step by step.

Nobody seems to be having a problem like yours, therefore you can probably discount it being a low-power issue or a problem with Moode itself.
May be I have got a lemon raspberry pie.... shall I try volumio or max2playplay, I got a 30 day trial with my just boom amp hat


In an earlier message you said you were working with a Raspberry Pi 3B.

It's convenient to have built-in WiFi and Bluetooth capability on this board but they both suffer in performance compared to external WiFi and Bluetooth adapters on this or other model Raspberry Pis. This may be the root of your problem, in which case your board isn't a lemon, it's just not well designed for this application.

Have you tried with the Bluetooth adapter disabled? Have you tried with an external USB-WiFi adapter, an Ethernet-to-WiFi adapter, or straight-through wired Ethernet?

None of this is moOde-specific.

What Zootalaws meant was MoodeAudio will create it’s own hotspot if it is not connected to any wifi network or Ethernet cable. Also you need to have the wifi module connected physically for it to work. Which pi do you have 2 or 3b

I am using Pi3 but I disable the onboard WiFi.
I use the Edimax USB WiFi Adapter so I can run the
WiFi unit outside of my enclosure.

My question is the WiFi IP address would be different
from the ethernet IP address?

I will not being using ethernet line once I can get
WiFi working.
I have question concerning two IQaudio pi digiamp+ hats I just got in for my raspberry pi inside some wifi speakers running MoodeAudio that I built. The digiamps are rated to be run at 19v and I have 12v battery packs built into my speakers. Has anyone run this type of board at 12v or do I need to upgrade my power supplies to 19v. If so any recommendations on a 19v battery pack power supply for this type of application.

I was able to fire up one of the digiamps up last night with a old 16v power supply I had and it seemed to work fine. I didn't run it for long in fear of damage but it did work at 16v.
I am using Pi3 but I disable the onboard WiFi.
I use the Edimax USB WiFi Adapter so I can run the
WiFi unit outside of my enclosure.

My question is the WiFi IP address would be different
from the ethernet IP address?

I will not being using ethernet line once I can get
WiFi working.


Yes, the WiFi IP address will usually be different (two interfaces can't have the same address but it is possible for an address to be reassigned if released).

What the WiFi IP address is depends on whether you are running moOde in Access Point (AP) mode or Client mode.

If in AP mode (from the moOde setup.txt file)
AP mode IP address:, SSID: Moode, pwd: moodeaudio, channel: 6

If in Client mode, a stock moOde installation receives its IP address from your router (just like it receives a wired Ethernet IP address if you are connected via Ethernet). What it will be depends on the router setup.

Trying to build on a PiB.... using the instructions here...Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

and get this error...
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
** Error: unable to purge triggerhappy

rebooting does not advance the build and simply throws the same error.

Any hints anyone ? :)


This was also seen by @northcountry last month. If you search on posts involving him you'll see that @koda59 suggested it was due to a server time-out, @northcountry replied that he was successful after increasing the time-out period in question, then @koda59 followed up that he has increased the time-out period in the next version of his script. I have no idea what version is current.
After a little more searching I did a...
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
then rebooted and the error is cleared with build continuing...:)

// STEP 3A - Install core packages
** Error: unable to purge triggerhappy
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
// STEP 3B - Install core packages
After a little more searching I did a...
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
then rebooted and the error is cleared with build continuing...:)

// STEP 3A - Install core packages
** Error: unable to purge triggerhappy
// STEP 3A - Install core packages
// STEP 3B - Install core packages

Ah, yes, the old update and upgrade trick. Sorry for the misdirection.
how do we dissable low power mode for wifi and bluetooth chip.

i was going through the shairport thng and i came accross a note that said that some time shairport may dissappear due to wifi module entering low power mode.

i did try - iwconfig wlan0 power off but this didnt work while in moode ssh mode.

any tips. cause i keep loosing the airplay exactly at 10minutes. and it comes back after a hard reboot. (airplay option on my iphone 6s running on 11.2.2) and amplifier board is Justboom Amp (TAS5756* i think)

bluetooth stability is a different issue which i am not going to push around for now. but will be studying what happens step by step.

first at all, i'm not a moOde developper and i really don't know how really works moOde so i can't answer to all of your questions (and I think also them can't answer to all of your questions).
But I'm here to help with my experience... and maybe i can help you and others with this answer.

The RPi switch capacities when 2 things happen : Too hot, Not enough power.

Yes it's maybe a power problem, and you can't deactivate "the low power mode", there no way to have a real power management on the RPi.
But you can easily give more power to the RPi, this is the real solution, and maybe (the other electronic protection who can't manage with system) put some dissipators on CPU, GPU and controller.

But for Airplay you don't need to have wifi activated, just connect the RPi with ethernet and it's work like a charm.

Why this problem append in the build process (and when airplay work since too many times), (and no it's not a problem with the repos !) :
When i connect with rpi-update for download a new firmware it's use an encrypted connection (very complex) so when it's download many many infos, it's decrypt them in same time (very high process, hottest CPU), in this case the RPi need is max power capacity and if we don't give enough power the RPi switch in "low power mode" for the wifi, at this moment the "encrypted" connection is lost, it can't continue the download without see it's disconnected then it's wait for packet but nothings come and after the default delay it's cut automatically.
The fun in rpi-update that's don't verify if the download is good, and it's continue... but can't decompress the file and at this moment give an hash error or other error.
For the airplay, it's practically the same thing, when you send audio to the RPi, the audio flux is decompressed by the RPi and the compression level depend of what you send (if you don't touch the configuration). this decompression demand power and make hot processors.

I greatly Recommend to put some dissipators on cpu's and give enough power to the RPi3 with a 3A P.S.U (not a USB Charger who can't manage a RPi) !

For the power button I've made it with childs for "electronic with python" lessons, I send it here when I found it.
Yes you don't need capacitor or resistor to make this work but only 2 GPIO are capable to do this... and often theses 2 GPIO are used
but if you want you can already plug it for power-on, you can easily do this, just plug a push button between the GPIO2 (or GPIO3) and a GND pin.
I explain this in details later.

@DRONE7, yes this is THE way to pass this one and many others too !

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Yes, the WiFi IP address will usually be different (two interfaces can't have the same address but it is possible for an address to be reassigned if released).

What the WiFi IP address is depends on whether you are running moOde in Access Point (AP) mode or Client mode.

If in AP mode (from the moOde setup.txt file)

If in Client mode, a stock moOde installation receives its IP address from your router (just like it receives a wired Ethernet IP address if you are connected via Ethernet). What it will be depends on the router setup.


Hi Kent,

That is good info and gets me closer. I have basic Cable Modem to
Wifi Router.

So I go to Moode configure and type in my SSID and password of my
Wifi Router.

In this case, it is client? I will have to google AP vs Client since I have no clue.
Hi Kent,

That is good info and gets me closer. I have basic Cable Modem to
Wifi Router.

So I go to Moode configure and type in my SSID and password of my
Wifi Router.

In this case, it is client? I will have to google AP vs Client since I have no clue.

Yes. Once you enter an SSID and password you have disabled the WiFi AP mode and moOde will function in what I called WiFi client mode. You may also find it called station mode.

The taobao seller provides image files for moode, volumio, runeaudio, Dietpi, Tinycore with DSD128/PCM384 or SACD-ISO.

Image files can be download:


You need to install Baidu Netdisk first.

Baidu account has to use Chinese mobile phone for registration now. I am a registered user many years ago. But you can try to get QQ account first using English GUI, and then use the QQ account to login Baidu netdisk.


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