Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


Thanks you very much for your reply.

I checked all the conf file, they look normal, but the audio info is not, I don't see the output stream and the rate is 0. However, my phone is playing music using BT.


Output stream 0 in Audio info means ALSA not outputting anything.

This is the cmd (card0 - I2S or On-board, card1 - USB)
cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params

Is there a bluealsa-aplay task?

Maybe some other audio app is blocking ALSA output for example if Squeezelite is ON it will block.

Thanks Tim,

I have now got a result from the command "sudo fdisk -l -o Device,Start,Type | grep 0p" with offsets for the 2 partitions.

I will now work my way through the steps - thanks again.



I am again stuck - on this command "sudo sed -i "s/init=.*//" /mnt/tmp1/cmdline.txt"
I get this result "sed: can't read /mnt/tmp1/cmdline.txt: No such file or directory"

Is this again caused by me not using Raspbian? The instructions did not mention that I should.
The reason why I am not, is because I want to leave my RPi alone with Moode V3.8, so I can continue to enjoy music while I try and get a working version of Moode 4.


moOde is headless. Unplug locally attached display and keyboard, reboot, then from another computer on you network:

Nymeria, moode.local or IP_ADDRESS_OF_PI, whichever works on your network.

If u want terminal access then:

ssh pi@moode (pwd=moodeaudio)

Thanks Tim. I eventually figured this out and continued with the process. After doing step 11 I now have a situation where the system stops the boot process saying that it is in emergency mode but then says. "Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked. See sulogin(8) for more details. Press enter to continue." It stays in this loop. Something must have happened in /etc/fstab to cause this.

Probably an issue caused by me in misunderstanding the instruction in Step 11. I am uncertain about the spacing in the following instruction.

echo "/var/local/moode.sqsh /var/www squashfs ro,defaults 0 0">>/etc/fstab

Is that spacing correct or should there be a space between the last " and >> charachters?

If I got this wrong would it cause the issue?


I am again stuck - on this command "sudo sed -i "s/init=.*//" /mnt/tmp1/cmdline.txt"
I get this result "sed: can't read /mnt/tmp1/cmdline.txt: No such file or directory"

Is this again caused by me not using Raspbian? The instructions did not mention that I should.
The reason why I am not, is because I want to leave my RPi alone with Moode V3.8, so I can continue to enjoy music while I try and get a working version of Moode 4.


This might mean you last 'mount' operation is not successful.

the '/dev/sda1' in the recipe refer to the USB stick that has the img in it. It is not necessarily the same for your own situation. it could be '/dev/sdb1' or '/dev/sdc1'. the quick way to check is unplug the USB stick and type in 'ls /dev/sd*'. Then plug in you usb stick, give your os a few seconds to detect it, then type in the same command again. By comparing results, you can find out the device name of the USB drive.

assume /dev/sda1 is the first partition of your USB drive.
This command: 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/tmp' is to mount /dev/sda1 to a folder so that you can see the content in it. You don't need to do this step if auto-mount of USB device is enabled in your system. If it is enabled, the content of the USB drive shall pop up in the explorer. As long as you can see the *.img file, you are good!

next step is to mount the img to a folder so that you can see modify the content of the img. For this img (beta 6) the offset for the boot partition is 4194304 for everyone, because we are using the same image, you don't need to calculate it. next partition starts at offset 48234496 also the same as in the recipe.

just type the command like this:

sudo mount -v -o offset=4194304 -t vfat <location of your img file>/2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch-lite.img /mnt/tmp1

you should be able to start from there.

I am again stuck - on this command "sudo sed -i "s/init=.*//" /mnt/tmp1/cmdline.txt"
I get this result "sed: can't read /mnt/tmp1/cmdline.txt: No such file or directory"

Is this again caused by me not using Raspbian? The instructions did not mention that I should.
The reason why I am not, is because I want to leave my RPi alone with Moode V3.8, so I can continue to enjoy music while I try and get a working version of Moode 4.


STEP 1 - Download Raspbian Stretch Lite 2017-09-07

Invest $10 in a spare sd card
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I just got a Pi Zero W. How can I connect to my network using the on-board WiFi?
Once you've burnt the latest stretch image to an SD card (I use Etcher on Manjaro) you need to use the trick of copying an empty ssh file and wpa_supplicant.conf to the boot partition
This is the contents of my wpa_supplicant.conf

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Good luck:wave:
On step 2 - install core packages

Shouold it be mpc \bs2b-ladspa install of mpc \ bs2b-ladspa?
Same for the second \

sudo apt-get -y install rpi-update php-fpm nginx sqlite3 php-sqlite3 memcached php-memcache mpc \
bs2b-ladspa libbs2b0 libasound2-plugin-equal telnet automake sysstat squashfs-tools tcpdump shellinabox \
samba smbclient udisks-glue ntfs-3g exfat-fuse git inotify-tools libav-tools
On step 2 - install core packages

Shouold it be mpc \bs2b-ladspa install of mpc \ bs2b-ladspa?
Same for the second \

sudo apt-get -y install rpi-update php-fpm nginx sqlite3 php-sqlite3 memcached php-memcache mpc \
bs2b-ladspa libbs2b0 libasound2-plugin-equal telnet automake sysstat squashfs-tools tcpdump shellinabox \
samba smbclient udisks-glue ntfs-3g exfat-fuse git inotify-tools libav-tools

Just enter the 3 lines at once, just as you wrote... then hit enter