Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi All,

Trawled the net today trying to discover info on how to use GPIO to send a HIGH or LOW voltage to a simple relay that would provide power to my 3116 amp.

Then I thought I would wait until I got back home to see if anything was included in the moode UI as it is for rotary encoder on GPIO.

I'm stuck, have no success stories of how to achieve this. It seems that someone got most of the way with a script to turn an amp ON/OFF with a relay but that they could only detect when MPD was started and not Airplay.

Can anyone shine some light on this? I thought Tim was going to include this as a feature. I'm not a coder but have recently achieved relay commands using MQTT for my openhab system. I could incorporate an ON/OFF button through openhab but it would be nice not to have to open two android apps just to listen to music.
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Alarm clock mode

I've been playing with the alarm clock feature and am curious about the details.

Does the audio item (radio station, music file...) have to be in the play list? I'm in the habit of clearing the play list when I start playing from a new directory and would prefer being able to have the clock item persist regardless of whether or not I clear the play list.
I've been playing with the alarm clock feature and am curious about the details.

Does the audio item (radio station, music file...) have to be in the play list? I'm in the habit of clearing the play list when I start playing from a new directory and would prefer being able to have the clock item persist regardless of whether or not I clear the play list.


Yes. Clock radio is pretty basic but there are improvements on the TODO list including using item path instead of Playlist id. This would enable persistence even if the main Playlist is cleared.

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Small bug:
Clicking one of the 3 menu items (Add, Play or Clear/Play) via the cover art in the Library tab doesn't do anything, except show the notification.

Moode versions 3.5 & 3.6.
Tried with Microsoft Edge on Win10 and Chromium on Raspberry Pi.
On Chromium it doesn't work with all tracks, or with an active selection (say, an Album).
On Edge it works with a smaller selection (Album, Artist) but not for all tracks.
Hello, i'm still on Moode 3.1 and everything working fine except the copy over Lan from windows smb share to pi attached USB HD.
It's floppy disk speed right now, 177 ko/s...

I've tried to change my NTFS disk to async instead of sync in /etc/udisks-glue.conf
But then my HD isn't recognised anymore...
Need help!
Thanks TIM
remove async and reboot.

match ntfsdisks {
automount = true
automount_options = {noexec,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,'dmask=0022','fmask=0022'}

3.1 was great release, replace mpd with 0.20.6 will make a better sound.
Only miss is not support soxr multi threads but 3.5 or 3.6 not work too (RT kernel).
I replace adv RT kernel from 3.5 to 3.1 it work but have a problem with ethernet so no further test.

My best setup so far is
moode 3.1 + adv kernel + fifo + dac pro + mpd 0.20.6.

I dislike the sound from moode 3.5 + adv RT kernel.

Airplay with ModdeAudio 3.6


I couldn't get Airplay to play any sound in the new version 3.6 after having fiddled around with the settings (bit depth, etc). I could see the Airplay receiver on the network and select it. But no sound. Checked all places with volume controls but still couldn't figure out how to make it work.

Thank's for any pointers.

PS: current config: MoodeAudio 3.6, RasPi3 / Piano 2.1+ / Kali Reclocker
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Upgraded to 3.6. Somehow I don't seem to be able to save playlist. Can someone provide steps please?
One enhancement request- the search feature does not search track name, it searches only album name. Can you enhance the search capabilities? How about search of radio stations?


Clear Browser cache and history, and don't use the name RADIO as first part of a playlist name.

Search for radio stations or tracks is already in Browse panel.



  • moode-r36-radio-search.png
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  • moode-r36-track-search.png
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Small bug:
Clicking one of the 3 menu items (Add, Play or Clear/Play) via the cover art in the Library tab doesn't do anything, except show the notification.

Moode versions 3.5 & 3.6.
Tried with Microsoft Edge on Win10 and Chromium on Raspberry Pi.
On Chromium it doesn't work with all tracks, or with an active selection (say, an Album).
On Edge it works with a smaller selection (Album, Artist) but not for all tracks.


Clear Browser cache and history.


I couldn't get Airplay to play any sound in the new version 3.6 after having fiddled around with the settings (bit depth, etc). I could see the Airplay receiver on the network and select it. But no sound. Checked all places with volume controls but still couldn't figure out how to make it work.

Thank's for any pointers.

PS: current config: MoodeAudio 3.6, RasPi3 / Piano 2.1+ / Kali Reclocker


Couple of possibilities:

1) There's no driver for the Piano Plus in Moode.

2) If Squeezelite is running it will hog the audio channel and prevent anything else from outputting sound.


Clear Browser cache and history, and don't use the name RADIO as first part of a playlist name.


I am not a programmer, never mind a web programmer so I maybe speaking out of turn here but is it worth setting the website to non-caching to reduce some of these issues.

I understand it might need to be done in several places for it to fully work.
I am not a programmer, never mind a web programmer so I maybe speaking out of turn here but is it worth setting the website to non-caching to reduce some of these issues.

I understand it might need to be done in several places for it to fully work.

Or a reasonably low cache timeout? Or rename changed files with every released build so the updated file will be fetched? The latter's pretty brutal, but it is guaranteed to work.

Couple of possibilities:

1) There's no driver for the Piano Plus in Moode.

2) If Squeezelite is running it will hog the audio channel and prevent anything else from outputting sound.


Hmm, that's strange ? In "Customize" there is a Piano2.1 Plus option. I'll try without that option. Not using SQL. Playing sound directly from NAS or Radio is OK.
Hmm, that's strange ? In "Customize" there is a Piano2.1 Plus option. I'll try without that option. Not using SQL. Playing sound directly from NAS or Radio is OK.


On Customize, the Audio device description entry is just for displaying something on the Audio info screen. Its not a driver config. See help text below.



  • moode-r36-customize-devdescr.png
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remove async and reboot.

match ntfsdisks {
automount = true
automount_options = {noexec,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,'dmask=0022','fmask=0022'}


Perfect! Thank you! I've a glorious 2 Mo/s now :smash:
Still 10x slower than excepted with USB 2.0 but it's usable to upload some songs!
I'm on a Pi 1B with an audiophonics I-Sabre DAC ES9023 ...
so i can't test adv kernel but i'll try mpd 0.20.6
So far my best upgrade is a linear power supply!
Moode give me a best SQ than rune and volumio
Killer feature is squeeze and airplay out of the box.
Can anyone tell me what the typical causes are for the following problem in Moode 3.1 on an RP3?

I copied 50GB of music files to a newly imaged Moode microSDXC card, with partition expanded to 128GB (displays as 119GB in fdisk). All files are FLAC. Unfortunately, several albums I copied are not being detected when I update the MPD database. Even if I delete them from the SD card, copy them back over, and then update the MPD database, the files/tracks stubbornly refuse to show up in the Library. What gives?

I thought the bit/sample rate of the files might be the cause, since some are high-res. But then an album's worth of plain old 16/44.1k FLAC files weren't detected. So this problem is happening to an album's worth of 16/44.1k and to an album of 24/176.4k FLAC files.

Is there a limit to how many GBs' worth of files can be detected and indexed by MPD/Moode in a single MPD Update?

Second question: I'm using a Behringer UCA-202 USB soundcard as the DAC. It's limited to 16bit/48kHz resolution. I don't want to use a software volume control because this setup will always be playing into either a home stereo or a separate headphone amp (each with its own analog volume control).

If I play a 24bit/176.4kHz FLAC file, what settings should I choose in MPD Configuration? Should resampling be disabled? What exactly does the 16bit/*kHz setting do? The thing that's confusing me is that with the settings at Resampling = disabled and playing a high-res file (FLAC 24bit/176.4kHz) I'm getting sound through my 16bit/48kHz USB sound card. What's going on in there?

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Can anyone tell me what the typical causes are for the following problem in Moode 3.1 on an RP3?

I copied 50GB of music files to a newly imaged Moode microSDXC card, with partition expanded to 128GB (displays as 119GB in fdisk). All files are FLAC. Unfortunately, several albums I copied are not being detected when I update the MPD database. Even if I delete them from the SD card, copy them back over, and then update the MPD database, the files/tracks stubbornly refuse to show up in the Library. What gives?

I thought the bit/sample rate of the files might be the cause, since some are high-res. But then an album's worth of plain old 16/44.1k FLAC files weren't detected. So this problem is happening to an album's worth of 16/44.1k and to an album of 24/176.4k FLAC files.

Is there a limit to how many GBs' worth of files can be detected and indexed by MPD/Moode in a single MPD Update?

Second question: I'm using a Behringer UCA-202 USB soundcard as the DAC. It's limited to 16bit/48kHz resolution. I don't want to use a software volume control because this setup will always be playing into either a home stereo or a separate headphone amp (each with its own analog volume control).

If I play a 24bit/176.4kHz FLAC file, what settings should I choose in MPD Configuration? Should resampling be disabled? What exactly does the 16bit/*kHz setting do? The thing that's confusing me is that with the settings at Resampling = disabled and playing a high-res file (FLAC 24bit/176.4kHz) I'm getting sound through my 16bit/48kHz USB sound card. What's going on in there?



Library uses Genre, Artist and Album tags. If any of these are missing in the files they get assigned the pseudo-tag "Unknown".

- If files show up in Browse but not Library then most likely missing tags.
- If files don't show up in Browse then its most likely corrupt files or file headers, or sometimes permissions. MPD log flags such files with error message.

cat /var/log/mpd/mpd.log

The wildcard resampling settings for example 16bit/*kHz just change the bit depth and leave the sample rate untouched.

If your sound card supports only up to 48k and you have files > 48k rate then either ALSA will automatically down sample the files to the highest rate the audio device supports or you can set MPD to resample using SoX which is high quality resampler.

Hi Tim ! Happy user of Moode 3.6 :)
One question : is Moode 3.1 still available for free ? I can't see it anymore on the website. On the French forums I see a lot of users investigating a PI-based player, having a free Moode Audio version available could convince them of the quality of the product and go "PRO" with 3.6
Thx ;-)