Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

for the latest test release I can bring up the web interface on moode.local and I can navigate to folders via the ubuntu places menu but I can't ssh in.
Tried ssh root@moode and ssh pi@moode and ssh pi@raspberry and combinations. Checked the release notes, read the recent posts about changes to ssh and still lost.
What am I doing wrong ?

Hi Bob,

User=pi, pwd=raspberry should work. Root is effectively disabled in Jessie.

What error are u getting from ssh?

Hi Phil,

NAS mounts are last item performed in module worker.php just before it enters its job processing loop. Worker.php is started in /etc/rc.local. It may be that worker needs to be started via systemd script.

The systemd information on running services after the network is up is at the link below. I'll have to study this and see what might be possible.


Hi Tim,

Curse the asynchronous nature of systemd.

The solution might be here
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Hi Tim,

Curse the asynchronous nature of systemd.

The solution might be here

Hi Phil,

I left out some details in my earlier post but rc.local is started by systemd script below in Jessie and already has the, but as the documentation for systemd states does not mean "the network is up". I'm thinking that worker may need its own systemd script with and Something like that.


pi@moode:~ $ cat /lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service
# This file is part of systemd.
# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This unit gets pulled automatically into by
# systemd-rc-local-generator if /etc/rc.local is executable.
Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility

ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start
Hi Phil,

NAS mounts are last item performed in module worker.php just before it enters its job processing loop. Worker.php is started in /etc/rc.local. It may be that worker needs to be started via systemd script.

The systemd information on running services after the network is up is at the link below. I'll have to study this and see what might be possible.


Hi Phil,

I left out some details in my earlier post but rc.local is started by systemd script below in Jessie and already has the, but as the documentation for systemd states does not mean "the network is up". I'm thinking that worker may need its own systemd script with and Something like that.


pi@moode:~ $ cat /lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service
# This file is part of systemd.
# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This unit gets pulled automatically into by
# systemd-rc-local-generator if /etc/rc.local is executable.
Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility

ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start

Another possible option is to add auto, x-systemd.automount to the mount options.

I haven't tried it.

Problem is, as you say, that systemd thinks that the network is up when it isn't. I suspect that such madness was behind my dhcp problems the other day too.

Another possible option is to add auto, x-systemd.automount to the mount options.

I haven't tried it.

Problem is, as you say, that systemd thinks that the network is up when it isn't. I suspect that such madness was behind my dhcp problems the other day too.


Just saw this item on Hacker News. Look down the page for poster's solution to his problem of NFS file systems not yet present when his daemon tried to start and his solution.

Count me as a systemd convert | The Changelog

Just a thought.

Hi Bob,

Try this link


Yes, I had mentioned this link a couple of three days ago. Unfortunately that is the stream provider that Folk UK have abandoned.
It still sometimes plays some Folk UK but mostly substitutes it's other subscriber feeds at random..
More about that here...Listening to Folk Radio UK | Folk Radio UK

Until they have another streaming service it seems that Mixcloud or their pop-up player is all there is..:(

Still, I did find this station for adding to MoOde :)...
and Celtic punk-folk ???
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Quick question, I'm on TR2 and when using airplay with Spotify, it seems to also trigger play with the currently selected item in the Moode playlist.

So when I stop the Spotify song I can hear other music, anyone experienced this? Running on iOS. I've stopped the song in Moode playing, quit the browser, rebooted Spotify but it still does the same thing.

I'll try selecting another Moode playlist item - currently set to a radio stream.
Another possible option is to add auto, x-systemd.automount to the mount options.

I haven't tried it.

Problem is, as you say, that systemd thinks that the network is up when it isn't. I suspect that such madness was behind my dhcp problems the other day too.


Hi Phil,

After looking at things I think best way to handle scenario where network interface does not get ip address before worker initiates NAS mounts is to have worker delay mounting the NAS sources by testing eth0 and/or wlan0 for presence of assigned ip address inside a 3 x 3 sec sleep loop.

For example, if wlan0 already has an ip address then there would be no delay and worker would proceed with NAS mounts, otherwise sleep(3) then test wlan0 again. Repeat up to 3 times for total of 9 sec delay. If no ip address is assigned to wlan0 after 9 secs then out of the loop and NAS mounts fail.

Testing required to make sure this is robust.

Yes, I had mentioned this link a couple of three days ago. Unfortunately that is the stream provider that Folk UK have abandoned.
It still sometimes plays some Folk UK but mostly substitutes it's other subscriber feeds at random..
More about that here...Listening to Folk Radio UK | Folk Radio UK

Until they have another streaming service it seems that Mixcloud or their pop-up player is all there is..:(

Still, I did find this station for adding to MoOde :)...
and Celtic punk-folk ???

Hi Bob,

Didn't know that. Not a very good situation for Folk Radio UK. I'll plan to leave the radionomy link since it's better than nothing. If they ever return to their original curated broadcast then I'll update the link.
No airplay audio in TR3 or me being dumb? I can activate and connect to airplay. I can set the audio control to software, hardware and disabled. Volume is max on iPad.

Web radio and MP3 work via Moode but no audio via Airplay on Spotify or Apple Music?


To your earlier question. There is setting on Customize screen "Resume after airplay" that will cause Moode to resume playback after Airplay session ends.

Regarding volume. The Airplay receiver in Moode interfaces to ALSA directly and bypasses Moode volume. Airplay receiver gets its volume level from the sending application for example iTunes.

Even if u change Moode volume which can temporarily override Airplay volume, the Airplay volume level will be reset next time the Airplay sending app changes volume.

Hi Phil,

After looking at things I think best way to handle scenario where network interface does not get ip address before worker initiates NAS mounts is to have worker delay mounting the NAS sources by testing eth0 and/or wlan0 for presence of assigned ip address inside a 3 x 3 sec sleep loop.

For example, if wlan0 already has an ip address then there would be no delay and worker would proceed with NAS mounts, otherwise sleep(3) then test wlan0 again. Repeat up to 3 times for total of 9 sec delay. If no ip address is assigned to wlan0 after 9 secs then out of the loop and NAS mounts fail.

Testing required to make sure this is robust.


I'm happy to test this.

One problem with using as USB wifi dongle on my Pi Zero with 2.6 TR3

NAS mounts fail because the network isn't available.

We need to delay the mount attempts until the network is up.


Is it possible to ssh in and use "sudo raspi-config" and set "Wait for Network at Boot" option? Or will using raspi-config cause problems to moOde settings?

Sorry I just discovered the very "Awesome" Moode 2.6 Test Release 2 (TR2) the other day and am now happily playing around with TR3 for the last few hours..