Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


Working on a new audio-centric distro "MoodeOS" based on J-Lite :)

Great audio, high performance, security, minimal footprint supporting the entire family of Raspberry Pi boards from Pi-Zero to the newest Pi-3, and since this is being designed and built from scratch, there is an opportunity to include some new audio capabilities for example Squeezelite renderer.

Input welcome!

Good news 👍
Which technologies will be used for GUI? (php, js, css)
Is there any chance to get responsive gui? (I'll use it with 7" raspi display)
Co... what ?

Remind me a LP from Supergrass ... I should co... :D !

Hey man, we need frenchs like you here.... Great work !

Another Coffee s’il vous plait


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IMO Audio Centric Distros are a waste of time and effort.
Moode/Volumio I consider applications in this context.

I don't see any advantage. On the contrary. The huge effort behind
maintaining such a distro - especially non-commercial projects - keeps
you busy with all kind of crap which doesn't add anything to the actual use-case.
Sooner or later you'll let it go.

PiCorePlayer is IMO a good example for wasting efforts for no gain.

What really matters is the kernel and the application and the OS base distro.
Everything else you simply carry as baggage. It won't hurt.

I also consider Raspbian a questionable choice anyhow.
Go for ArchLinux if you want bleeding edge stuff. It's worth it.

Just my 2 cents.
- selecting I2S output for the Pi's board (already made iirc)
- FIR filtering (RePhase (pos member), BruteFir ? GUI to load a correction .txt file from a third measurement tool (like when calibrating a micro)?
- DNLA ?

+1, with the native support of GPIO buttons for basic controls (menu nav, play, next, pause, volume...). It would be the perfect player !
IMO Audio Centric Distros are a waste of time and effort.
Moode/Volumio I consider applications in this context.

I don't see any advantage. On the contrary. The huge effort behind
maintaining such a distro - especially non-commercial projects - keeps
youbusy with all kind of crap which doesn't add anything to the actual use-case.
Sooner or later you'll let it go.

PiCorePlayer is IMO a good example for wasting efforts for no gain.

What really matters is the kernel and the application and the OS base distro.
Everything else you simply carry as baggage. It won't hurt.

I also consider Raspbian a questionable choice anyhow.
Go for ArchLinux if you want bleeding edge stuff. It's worth it.

Just my 2 cents.

I would have said it differently (indeed, I started to yesterday and then deleted my draft), but since you brought it up, I have to add a +1.

To draw an example from a totally different application area, I worked for years on parts of the EMC2/LinuxCNC real-time control system, A major sea-anchor for us was the decision of the core developers that it be released as "Live" images of the entire kit-n-kaboodle.[1] This often delayed new releases precisely because it kept us "busy with all kind of crap".

When the machinekit project forked from LinuxCNC, one of the requirements it abandoned was delivery as a Live image. Anyone can either build machinekit from sources or download and install it from packages, in either case using their own Debian (and, to some extent, Debian-like) distro. We are much faster in releasing updates and new features, we've been able to modularize the codebase so we can address different application areas, and users have more ability to customize their system. They also have a better change of porting to different distros and we now support several ARM chips in addition to x86/amd64.

I'm not a Pollyanna about this. It takes work to change the distribution method, and there are always unexpected changes occurring in the base distros which may cause momentary disruptions, but I believe it paid off. The developers can stay focused on development and the user has more freedom.

There will be a hew and cry to continue providing a Live image. The package approach requires users to have some knowledge beyond sticking the uSD card in their board and performing trivial initialization tasks, but in the machinekit case, we managed to distill the installation process to a single page of step-by-step instructions for all the components from realtime kernel through middleware to application. (The build-from-source instructions are more intricate, but no problem for anyone who knows how to build from sources.) Even so, we see a constant trickle of emails of the form "I followed the instructions and they don't work". Sadly, the failures are mostly due to *not* following the instructions.


[1] To be fair, in the early days, being able to install a hard real-time kernel and modules required such wizardry that the LiveCD approach was almost the only way to ensure users got a working system. But technology has advanced by leaps and bounds and adequate soft real-time kernels are now available for major distros.
IMO Audio Centric Distros are a waste of time and effort.
Moode/Volumio I consider applications in this context.

I don't see any advantage. On the contrary. The huge effort behind
maintaining such a distro - especially non-commercial projects - keeps
you busy with all kind of crap which doesn't add anything to the actual use-case.
Sooner or later you'll let it go.

PiCorePlayer is IMO a good example for wasting efforts for no gain.

What really matters is the kernel and the application and the OS base distro.
Everything else you simply carry as baggage. It won't hurt.

I also consider Raspbian a questionable choice anyhow.
Go for ArchLinux if you want bleeding edge stuff. It's worth it.

Just my 2 cents.

Hi K,

Don't read too much into "audio-centric". It's just a label that serves to loosely define the role of the entire embedded system. It just means stock OS plus whats necessary to run Moode Audio Player app plus a few nice "extras". There won't be anything for video playback, sensor control or any other non-audio stuff. Well u ge the idea.

Agree regarding huge amount of time required to maintain and troubleshoot public distro recipe, packages, in-place updating, etc which is why I'm not able to do that. Releases will continue to be as embedded system, image-only.

Lastly, I'll leave bleeding-edge for others to maintain and troubleshoot. My goal is stable, trouble-free OS for Moode Audio Player that is diy-friendly for those that want to experiment.

Achievable :)

Hi K,

Don't read too much into "audio-centric". It's just a label that serves to loosely define the role of the entire embedded system. It just means stock OS plus whats necessary to run Moode Audio Player app plus a few nice "extras". There won't be anything for video playback, sensor control or any other non-audio stuff. Well u ge the idea.

Agree regarding huge amount of time required to maintain and troubleshoot public distro recipe, packages, in-place updating, etc which is why I'm not able to do that. Releases will continue to be as embedded system, image-only.

Lastly, I'll leave bleeding-edge for others to maintain and troubleshoot. My goal is stable, trouble-free OS for Moode Audio Player that is diy-friendly for those that want to experiment.

Achievable :)


My grandmother was fond of telling me "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". I like your pudding. I'm happy to be out front eating it while you toil in the back preparing it! If I were the sous chef, it would be a different matter.


Can you tell me what developing this will gain compared to applying the application as you have developed in the current Moode product to an existing OS like Debian Linux?

Since I'm not a software developer, or even close, I'm curious what might be considered the advantages of this approach?



Can you tell me what developing this will gain compared to applying the application as you have developed in the current Moode product to an existing OS like Debian Linux?

Since I'm not a software developer, or even close, I'm curious what might be considered the advantages of this approach?



Hi Michael,

Thats essentially whats being done. Current OS that Moode runs on is OK but needs attention. It could be updated in-place but this process would be more time consuming and error prone than creating a new build starting from latest Jessie. At lease thats my current thinking :)
