Full Range Speaker Photo Gallery

Re: Ether

Hi Alexandro!

Can you tell me what you think about the Etheraudio fullrange driver's sound overall? Have you compared it against other fullrange drivers of similar cost? If so what were the pluses & minuses vs the other fullrange driver(s)?

I'm listening to: Leftoverture by Kansas

Thetubeguy1954 (Tom Scata)

I'm actually surprised to see these drivers are getting some coverage in here. I'm no Alexandro, but since I own a pair of these I can share a little bit of my experience with them. My adventure into the world of full range drivers started a couple of years ago. I've spent a fortune, but hey, there's really no price tag on anything that brings you joy. I have owned virtually any fostex fullrange driver at different points of time. Tang Bang's, Visaton's, Philips and more. Never bought a Lowther, not my taste. Never tried Mark Audio either, though I've heard from reliable sources they're great value for money. Of my bunch the best ones IMHO are Tang Bang 1772 and the Fostex F alnico series. I also like very much the old 207 Sigma, but it's too soft at the top for my taste.

As for Ether 7, it's by far the most expensive driver I've ever purchased. At 1,200 euro per piece they're not exactly a steal, and they're surely out of reach to the most DIY'ers, except the most passionate ones. Was it worth it? I would say yes. They beat hands down all the other drivers in my collection. I have no doubts in my mind they're the best pair of drivers I've owned. In short, I like 6 things about them - 1) most impressive of all, the sound clarity is great, I've listened to them in an empty room, bare walls, and they don't annoy me a bit, 2) the mids are mellow, the treble is silky, 3) the soundstage is nuts, 4) high frequency dispersion is nuts too, I can literally move a meter left or right and the treble remains on the same level, 5) they can go really loud without significant distortion, 6) they're manufactured in my country and this makes me somewhat proud. I would never have taken a blind shot and buy a pair at this price point, but since I had a chance to listen to them beforehand I realized these were real good and was happy to depart with a hefty amount of money.

Some credit to the top contenders though - F alnico series retrieve great detail, but they lack some spark at the top, especially the 4.5 incher. They sound a little dull and very laid back. Tang Bangs W8-1772 on the other hand are fast and entertaining, but they just can't match the clarity, not even close.

I first had Ether 7 in those enclosures - see the image - inspired by Scott's Kirishima's but with mouths on the back side (praise to MJK - without him my journey wouldn't have been so entertaining). In these the bass was too monstrous, overpowering all the other frequencies. Even though I tried hard, I couldn't tame it without subduing the lower midrange. I didn't realize before that you just couldn't stop the low end bass - it simply penetrates everything! :) So it was an overkill... Eventually I saved some money, caught a pre-expo discount and bought finished Centaur floor firing horns - much smaller, moveable and the base is just enough - see the other image.

So that's my experience with Either 7, hope it was useful. I'd be very interested to see if Bob Brines acquires a pair of these for testing and measurement...


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One more DIY enclosure with Ether 7.1.12 from Etheraudio.
8.80m backloaded horn lenght. 18Hz low end ;)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

From where we started, and where we are with pictures ---{the language is Bulgarian}--- can be seen here: BGAUDIO.ORG

Hello Kiril!

I saw these U-horns on a Russian site once. Do you have access to the plans? I'd love to have a pair built for me here in the USA.

Thetubeguy1954 (Tom Scata)
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your questions and excuse me for the late response.

Though I am not really very experienced in hi-fi systems listening I had the opportunity (or may be the chance) to participate to more then 3000 classical music concerts all around the world.
From this position, my truth is that the Etheraudio's full range driver sound is closest to the live performances I've heard during all those years.

In this regard I did't have the chance neither to make any special measurement of the driver nor to compare it against other speakers. This driver just sounds right. I believe this is the main role of any driver.

Please have in mind that due to some budget constrains I was unable to purchase a finished product from Etheraudio. I bought only the drivers. The engineers from the company were kind enough to provide me with the building plans of the horns and the project was executed by a close friend of mine who is a carpenter.

In case further information is needed please do not hesitate to ask- will try to obtain as much information as I can.

Kind regards.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Thanks for the info Alexandro!

Thetubeguy1954 (Tom Scata)
I'm sorry in poor English.
Sound of Nessie is ideal.
The sound without a sense of oppression, similar to the rear open box.
In high-speed bass, and bass that shakes the earth.

Hello again Makoto!

Don't worry about your English I understood everything you said. Besides you at least speak some English, I speak no Japanese! Thanks again for your input.

Thetubeguy1954 (Tom Scata)
Mosaic full-range based on Tabaq

These are my just finsihed new cabinets for the living room:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The whole thing tilts back 6 degrees, which I measured to my listening position, so I became just alined with the speaker when sitting. :cool:
The speakers are Vifa TG9FD, the cabinet is based on the titled quarterwave design with little modifications like the tilting.
The baffle is made of merbau wooden mosaics.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
My first DIY-speaker Project - finished this spring.
No crossover, all drivers see same signal, only analogue EQ to counter the rolloff on top/bottom frequency characteristics inherent of line arrays.


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