DAC 2496 (AK4393) DAC KIT With CS8416+AK4393+5532

yes i follow the bom.
what about the battery, its good solution?
You ought to try to know. I guess it might work, but I can't tell you how much current the circuit draws and how long the battery will last.

I've build mine to be used with a transformer and tested the global workings with a 9V battery. Still have to test using the transformer and then with an input signal. Step by step...
After the smoketest.... time for some music!!

Just found some time to hook the DAC up to the good ol' amp.

Test setup:
Input 1 : CD880 with internal DAC (TDA1541A single crown, opamp = 5532)
input 2 : CD880 with mini 2496 (opamp = 5532), DAC not burned-in!

First observation:
The outputlevel of the 2496 is lower, so its not possible to "just switch over".

Mini2496: first impression
For the cost of the DAC and considering that its not built in in its enclosure, is great!

(test track: Jethro Tull: Crest of a Knave, Budapest)
Lots of detail and firm bass. The imaging is less in the background compared to the Philips. The brushes are better defined, as well as the voice(less muffled). Also the high-hats are better controlled than the Philips(sometimes aggressive). Overall sound image appears better balanced and more "present" in the foreground.

A lot of listening yet to do (as well as the burn-in)...

For now the mini2496 is the winner, hands-down :cool:. Also the large supply-caps still have to be installed.

One of the mods: ferrite beads at the outputs of all 78xx and 79xx regulators.
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Kicked the 5532 out in favor of a OPA2604... even better: more and deeper sound stage, less harsh than the 5532 and more musical.

Earlier reports in this thread about "ticks, clicks or pops" caused by the 2604, I can't confirm.

The 2604 stays in....

It wasn't the opa2604 that was doing the clicks, but a software problem.
Opa2604 is real nice in this setup!
It wasn't the opa2604 that was doing the clicks, but a software problem.
Opa2604 is real nice in this setup!
Thanks for correcting me, Trileru! ;)

I've got to mention that I used Tantalum Caps in the digital power supply, not electrolytic ones. The values range from 22u to 47u, so no excessive values. It seems to work quite nice
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i did the i2s mod and now i'm seeing how in the default configuration this will limit the dac to 96khz due to both DFS0 and ACKS being pulled permanently low (no 96kHz pin on cs8416 anymore).
there is mention of pulling ACKS to DVCC by lifting pin28 and installing a jumper. while i see the vacant C18 as being an option for this, the schematic shows pin 26 (TST1) being connected to DVCC already. that would be a shorter path and possibly could be done without the use of a jumper wire with some clever bending.
can anyone confirm that pin 26 follows the schematic and is pulled high? or will i need to install a jumper over to the C18 pad?


edit: it looks like it will do 192kHz as-is (though the table in the datasheet doesn't show this). is there an advantage then to putting the ak4396 into auto mode?
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a few years ego I build the standard Mini and the works good.

Now i build one according the BOM., but I have a problem, the do not play. I controllled all volages, it´s o.k. , the soldering looks good (it is not my first project)
Resistor on the digital input is 68 Ohm (open) and 38 Ohm when the Squezzebox (Source) is connected.
The LED´s:
Witout source or souce is off:
Power = on
96K =on
Error =on
no Audio = off

With souce (Squezzebox) is on
Power = on
96K = Fast flashing (approx. 10-20 Hz)
Error = on
No Audio = Fast flashing (approx 10-20 Hz)

It comes out: not a buzz but a k..kkkk..kk...kk.k.kkk

Can someone help me?

finished mods

i went ahead and lifted pin 28 and pulled it to DVDD with a small jumper. seems to work well, i haven't tested higher than 44.1/16 yet though.

here are some pics showing the mods (summary):
1. remove/replace all regulators on board - op amps have +/- 12v belleson, dac avdd has 5v belleson, dac dvdd has 3.3v tps7a4700 regulator board
2. remove 51ohm resistors, capacitor c28, for i2s and gnd connection
3. remove inductor from cs8416 power to pull 3.3v for amanero isolator pcb
4. add 100nF PPS smd capacitors at 47uF cerafines (c14/c17) for better decoupling of op amp
5. not really a "mod" but i got a dexa discrete op amp :)
6. lift pin 28 from ak4396, jumper to + pad of c18 to bring dac into auto detect mode
7. isolated i2s input from amanero over cat6, inline 100ohm resistors at source side

a few hours of effort required to make the i2s cable, and trimming dc offset on the op amp took a while, casework took forever, but i think it's a whole new dac now.

how does it sound? good ;)



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