Build thread - building the Subbu DAC V3 SE

Picky, Picky, Picky;)

I finally get the chance to argue with you,:( Other than separate shields inside the PC (only a common ground there) this is from bunches of web browsing done for a digital audio workstation I've been using for years. It's recommended by giants like Steingerg and Digidesign. I have compared USB, optical and BNC many times in both stereo and DAW settings. I hear a warmer - fuller sound this way. This is getting off topic, but JRiver player allows bypassing almost all of the motherboard firmware and drivers (normal RCA output) and uses a cleaner signal directly from the on-board audio chip. It will spit out 192K cleanly with no hiccups.
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Don't worry about being off-topic, it is our thread isn't it ?

O.K. Try this :D I know you love food - Special Polish Market meat loaf mixture, Grama famous scalloped potatoes and an apple pie in the oven :hbeat:. Will surely do me in for the evening. See y'all in the morning !!! :yummy::yummy:


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Only listen to it when you got home from work not when you are going to work.

And ....think of C17....

JP - the sound of V3 is truly addictive once dialed in. Changing C17 to ceramic made everything snap into place and I've been listening to it more or less non-stop since making that change. It's got great tonality and even the bass seems to have improved with better texture and definition. Surprisingly good for such an inexpensive DAC. This is some of the better digital sound I've had in my system.
Having a 2nd DAC really helps sorting out which changes are real improvements over just different. Perhaps we should share our locations so that people who are close to one another can bootstrap one another up the learning curve. For anyone in the SF Bay area, I'm glad to let you compare your build to what I've done. I'll be away for the holidays for the next week or so but back after that.
Happy holidays everyone.
Parts arrived so the journey continues. I believe we are using Neville's Mouser BOM as standard - but I discovered C4 is not listed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see it. I'm double checking everything else listed before I start building. C2, C3, C18, R8 and U1 were backordered. :mad:

Subbu DAC BOM.
C4 is a 0.1uF which is the same as for C1, C9, C12. Don't panic, Neville's list has 4 x 0.1uF. It is just the label missing "C4".
I'll correct it later on today. nice catch.

Its been playing for 2 solid days and last night I spent 4 hours listening. If anybody does not believe in burning in devices....they are deaf. Subbus dac is almost a different dac now. That laid back sound is gone and competes easily with Bitfrost dac. In fact the sound stage is even better than Bitfrost.
I'll correct it later on today. nice catch.

Its been playing for 2 solid days and last night I spent 4 hours listening. If anybody does not believe in burning in devices....they are deaf. Subbus dac is almost a different dac now. That laid back sound is gone and competes easily with Bitfrost dac. In fact the sound stage is even better than Bitfrost.

Good to know! :)

Keep the listening impressions coming!
Merrcy Christmas guys

My PSU shows stable 4.97 V
I did not solder L3-4-5-6, and with no load pads show:
L3 stood at 2.92V
L4 stood at 3.55V
L5 Stood at 2.77V
L6 Stood at 2.67V

I am no way going to try voltages on L1-2, previous bad experience- so won't know until I build it if it works.

Waiting for your comments on voltages :)
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