100W Ultimate Fidelity Amplifier

Nice pcb, use 2SA970 and 2SC2240 instead 2N5401 and 2N5551.
Thanks very much about your support!
viktor1986 has noticed a mistake in a pcb-design: the base of the 2SC5200 is connected to a base 2SC4793,instead to it´s emitor. The lines to B and E of 2SC4793 have switched places,that should be changed.

That is what i have noticed after viktor´s warning,maybe he has seen something more,i don´t know. As far as i have seen that would be the only mistake done here...
Thanhs Sir! Before I smell smoke... :) I share my update corrected PCB here after, with two option: original and alternative (2SA970 -2SC2240 replace 2N5401 - 2N5551) for anyone like it.


  • AX-17V2.JPG
    975 KB · Views: 2,124
  • AX-17V2 with 2SA970-2SC2240 Both Sides.JPG
    AX-17V2 with 2SA970-2SC2240 Both Sides.JPG
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  • AX-17V2 Copper Side Mirror.pdf
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  • AX-17V2 with 2SA970-2SC2240 Copper Side Mirror.pdf
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Hi! Mile

I have changed all the small transistors then i got 2.8mV dc offset when input is grounded but when signal is given its changing btw -ve and +ve that means its not maintaining constant at 2.8mV is this normal ??????

No you have done a mistake somewhere recheck it again
offset is ok but that should be constant enough whether there is input signal or not
This leads to distortion in LF and slightly may be in HF
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viktor also said that you should pay attention to a TO92 transistor pin-outs too. Man,viktor said soo much... :) We should call him "Viktor the Eagle Eye","Viktor the Fireman" or "No Smoke Viktor"! :) :) :)
Yeah. Thanks Vitor too! I checked datasheet of TO-92, most BCxxx and 2Nxxxx is C-B-E, or E-B-C (simple reverser side). And most 2S Japanese transistors is E-C-B. So, I try first to build with 2S and BC transistor. If I have more time, I'll repair my mistaken PCB posted. Today, I check carefully one by one component and hope it no more errors. Sorry because my limited English, hard to describe my thinking to be write understandability (I only read is better).
I add variable input capacitor, a couple 0.1uF bypass in parrapell with decoupler el-cap pair, multiturn trimmer for higher quality option. And resistor 2.2k // with bias adjusment trimmer set for safer.


  • AX-17V2 with 2SA970 - 2SC2240.JPG
    AX-17V2 with 2SA970 - 2SC2240.JPG
    816.2 KB · Views: 2,286
  • AX-17V2 with 2SA970 - 2SC2240.pdf
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