100W Ultimate Fidelity Amplifier

Clip Indicator

Clip indicator circuit indicate when amplifier output is about 6V to rail. Some amplifier can give that high output, in this case 2k2 can be replaced with 1k5, clip indicate when output is about 9V to rail.


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Clip indicator circuit indicate when amplifier output is about 6V to rail. Some amplifier can give that high output, in this case 2k2 can be replaced with 1k5, clip indicate when output is about 9V to rail.
Sorry lapse, some amplifier can not give high output (6V to rail), mosfet output with same VAS rail voltage for exemplar. In that case 2k2 replace with 1k5.
Short Circuit Protect

Nobody like VI limiter in audio amplifier and possible distortion, but overcurrent can demage output. In PA short circuit on output for long time can damage amplifier with VI limiter also. This PSU have short circuit protect, and can help with experimenting amplifier. Schematics for short circuit protect can be implement in any DC protection.
Short circuit protect will be activate in case shorting output terminals even when amplifier operate with few wats, no need 6A to activate at first.
where does the PRO pin connects to??
PRO pin must be connect to over-curent detector on amplifier circuit. Protect will be activeted with positive DC voltage (mosfet amp hv23), or ac voltage (PA amp B500). Unfortunaly this Hi-Fi amp have not over-curent detector circuit, and it must be add if you want use this pa protect with short-circuit protect. PA protect can work witout short-circuit protect, just not use PRO pin. Protect which I suggest early in this thread have short-circuit protect without over-curent detector on amplifier circuit. If you have no expirience to add over-curent detector circuit on this amp, is better to use this circuit.


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In all my amplifiers input GND and power GND must be connected with separate wires. Input GND is best connect from PSU (If you not diy dual mono amp) to both input cinchs with one wire, than from cinchs to volume pots and from pots to amps inputs. GND is best to connect to case from non isolate input cinch. If you connect GND from PSU to case then input cinch must be isolated from case. With this GND wirening amp haven't any hum and noise. Speakers GND must be connect from PSU to speakers terminal with separate wires also. Zobel network (10R, 100nF) connect on amp speakers terminals.
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