The Aleph-X

The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Oh Look! Wayne just wandered in (12:30!) and is
doing his Russel Crowe imitation.



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Nelson & Crew,

Thanks for the pics as promised!!! Congrats on the new product! I hope it's very successful for Pass Labs!!!

To Karen:

A Beautiful Woman

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries,
or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen within her eyes,
because that is the doorway to her heart,
the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole.
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.

It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows,
and the beauty of a woman with passing years-only grows!

You are a beautiful woman! :)

Thanks again to each of you for your positive attitudes, the help, and the overall fun you provide!!!
Perhaps if Cyclotron Guy shaved in his Avatar and put a flower in his hair he might get a poem also... One never knows, his perfect match may be lurking... :Popworm:

(Sorry Cyclo it was just too good to pass up!!!!) :)

As far as Karen goes, I'm certain that her husband is a very lucky man!!! :bawling: (the poem still stands though....)

Satan's Lieutenant huh? You're a very brave man... :bigeyes:
Great looking amp Nelson,

Problems with Pass.
1) The people that really want Pass amps cannot afford them
2) Those who can afford them generally dont have the knowledge to realise that they are of the quality and awe inspiring sound that we all crave.
3) Dont get me started on those damn DIYers ;););)
Ahh, the things people will post when they have relative anonymity! LOL! See what you started Peter...

Nelson sez:
The XA200 has a CRCRC (cap/thermistor/cap/thermistor/cap) filter for the power supply. At about an 8 amp bias, the remaining ripple is about .02 volts.
CRCRC - Hooray! Do the currents in each NTC thermistor remain well balanced, or does that negative TC lead to poor current-sharing?

All these nice pics have given me a renewed vigour to tackle my Aleph-X project. Better get some sleep then... *sigh* :rolleyes:
OK, quick poll to help push this thread toward 100,000 (hehe):

What's everyone's favorite beer? :drink:

(yeah, so I needed an excuse to use the icon too!)

Mine: Guiness is a favorite, and when I need a cool refreshing drink, Corona is great with a wedge of lime (despite being a rather pedestrian brew...). But the real answer: when I finish my Aleph-X, I'll be cracking open a draft-widget can of Boddington's. :up: